
Tag: Lift

  • Obvious (Twitter Co-founders) Announce Lift

    Obvious, the company that Evan Williams and Biz Stone left Twitter to work on has announced its first official partnership called Lift.

    Earlier this month, Stone posted an update on what the company is doing at the company, which originally incubated Twitter itself. At the time, he said they had signed up their first “Obvious Entrepreneur”.

    Now, Stone writes,”It’s important never to delude ourselves into thinking that technology changes the world. People are responsible for change—technology just helps out. At Obvious, our goal is to foster systems that help people work together to improve the world. Our approach is threefold: Build, partner, and invest. We’ve started working on some ideas ourselves, we’re researching how best to create an investment vehicle, and today we’re thrilled to announce our first official partnership.”

    “Tony Stubblebine and Jon Crosby have created an interesting new application for unlocking human potential through positive reinforcement,” he adds. “We love this software for what it does, and because we’ve tried it and it works. Our plan is to build something extraordinary together. The Obvious Corporation will assist the talented Lift team with strategy, design, funding, recruiting—in general, we’ll be helpful wherever possible. In exchange, Obvious will own some equity in Lift.”

    Not much has been revealed about Lift so far, but Stone says that will change soon.

    Lift.do is founded by @tonystubblebine and @jcrosby—Obvious is helping out. Not much details yet but more to come, we promise! 11 hours ago via Twitter for Mac · powered by @socialditto

    Unfortunately, the Lift site at lift.do isn’t much help in the details department either. It just indicates that it’s invite-only right now and you can give them your email to get updates as they become available.

    Once you sign up, you’ll be send an email from Stubblebine, which says:

    Hey there, thanks for signing up for the Lift Beta!

    We’re not ready to let people in yet, but when we are, we’ll make sure you get an early invite.

    What is Lift? We’re interested in ways new technology can help unlock human potential, especially through the use of positive reinforcement. That’s all we can tell you right now.

    So, since we don’t have a ton to tell you about Lift the product, here’s a little bit about Lift the company:

    We’re a small San Francisco-based startup. There are three of us full time, Tony Stubblebine (me), Jon Crosby, and Connor Montgomery. We also have some part-time support from the folks at Obvious. If you want to get in touch with us, I’m probably the best person to reach: [email protected]

    Look forward to connecting with you again soon!

    Tony Stubblebine

    Marshall Kirkpatrick at ReadWriteWeb was able to dig up a little bit about Lift, in that it was previously called Mibbles, and at that point, he says, “users joined multiple groups with names like Happydog (as in “I want to keep my dog happy”), Love or Home. Then they gave themselves Awards when they achieved accomplishment leading towards the goals they were grouped around.”

    “It sounds like Twitter in its simplicity and from what I’ve seen it looks a lot like Twitter too – but with more structure,” he writes.

    @marshallk just curious, what genre of source did you use for that Lift post? Made me wonder if I had an old instance of Mibbles running. 3 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    @mdbraber We really tried to stay away from calling ourselves a health app. I don’t think we’re competitive. 3 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Thanks re: Lift, everyone. Happy to be working with this crew on a meaningful product. 10 hours ago via Twitter for Mac · powered by @socialditto

    Whatever Lift turns out to be in its usable form, there’s no indication of when it will actually be available.