

  • LG CNS Upgrades Gate Security With Facial Recognition

    LG CNS Upgrades Gate Security With Facial Recognition

    According to ZDNet, LG CNS has deployed an AI-powered, facial recognition gate control service at its Seoul headquarters.

    The gate control service was created in partnership “with Chinese AI firm SenseTime, uses a designated reader that can identify a face, authenticate an employee, and open the gate, all within 0.3 seconds, according to LG CNS.” Even more impressive, the technology is 99% accurate and can read faces two meters away, “even if the person wears a mask, glasses, make-up, or positions their heads at an angle.”

    The new technology could simultaneously increase corporate security while reducing bottlenecks. By relying on facial scans, the system eliminates the risk of lost keycards, hacked authentication codes or stolen fingerprints. Thanks to the 0.3 second scan time and two meter range, employees can walk right in without slowing down or stopping.

    ZDNet reports the facial recognition tech has been deployed at “26 gates so far at LG CNS’s headquarters, with the company hoping to eventually expand the new gate control service to up to 27,000 access points operated by LG CNS for 170 of its domestic and global clients.”

    Given the benefits facial recognition offers, it’s likely only a matter of time before companies large and small start converting to similar solutions.