
Tag: kanye west lecture

  • Kanye West Gives Lecture At Oxford University

    Kanye West lectured to students at the packed Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

    The topic was fine art, and of course, seemed to generally center around Kanye West.

    Kanye West‘s lecture wasn’t your daddy’s lecture.

    Sam Rabinowitz, a 23-year-old Law student who attended Kanye West’s lecture said, “Though the talk was delivered in a lecture hall, this was never going to be a structured, conventional talk. Instead, what followed was a self-described ‘stream of consciousness’. We were warned by Kanye not to make a sound, or else he might be distracted.”

    Photos of Kanye West were preemptively banned.

    Organizers warned students that Kanye West didn’t want photos taken, and if he saw someone taking a photo, he might walk out.

    So, this happened:

    Kanye West told students that if he was an artist, he’d be the best.

    He said, “My goal, if I was going to do art, fine art, would have been to become Picasso or greater. That always sounds so funny to people, comparing yourself to someone who has done so much, and that’s a mentality that suppresses humanity.”

    And a mentality that suppresses ego, but I guess that ship has sailed.


    Well, in the midst of Kanye West’s self-adulation, he did have some poignant things to say to the future generation.

    He said, “We have the resources as a civilization to make a utopia, but we’re led by the most greedy and the least noble”.

    Of course, he spoke about racism. And Beyonce.

    Kanye West said, “We’ve had Cosby Show, Obama’s president, Beyonce’s great…that’s passed. But you’re still taught the division by class, especially in UK.”

    He added, “White people that listen to rap say nigger. In the privacy of their own home.”

    Some interesting points from Kanye West.

    What do you think about Kanye West giving a lecture at Oxford?