
Tag: jury duty

  • Massachusetts Asks Judges to Curb Juror Facebook Use

    In a state first, the Massachusetts Appeals Court has asked judges to more closely monitor the social media use of the jury, so as not to risk a mistrial. Essentially, judges will now make sure jurors stay off Facebook and Twitter during trials, regarding any conversations about the case.

    The change was prompted by a Plymouth Superior Court larceny case to where a few jurors were adding trial comments to their Facebook Timelines, which were garnering responses and “likes” from their friends. While the social networking didn’t affect the outcome of the case, this sort of thing could turn into a distaster in a larger trial, say something like the $1 billion Oracle/Google infringement case.

    According to the court, “Jurors must separate and insulate their jury service from their digital lives – Instructions not to talk or chat about the case should expressly extend to electronic communications and social media.’’ The problem with social media in court is nothing new – last year the capital murder conviction of a man in Arkansas was overturned due to Twitter, after a juror tweeted details of the case before a verdict was reached. Judges have been aware that restrictions need to be placed on juror “public discussion” via online forums. The National Center for State Courts and a federal judicial conference committee have also put together some rules to instruct jurors, to dampen the risk of Twitter misconduct.

    With so many mundane tweets concerning what one’s dog ate at brunch, all the juicy court details afforded by jury duty seem to be obvious points of Facebook mention, and some jurors might have a difficult time staying off of social media. Eric P. Robinson, deputy director of the Donald W. Reynolds Center for Courts and Media at the University of Nevada, states, “It’s a growing issue. There are ways to address it, but I don’t think anyone has found a solution – The judge has to explain, ‘This is why we’re doing this, we’ll have to have a retrial, we’ll have to spend money.’’’

    Robinson adds, “Jurors do have a sense of responsibility, and want to follow the judge’s instructions.’’ Though, some jurors also have a sense of responsibility to Twitter, and Robinson was perhaps right in pointing out that there’s no set solution to the problem as of yet.

  • Facebook Friend Request Gets Jail Time

    Facebook Friend Request Gets Jail Time

    Jacob Jock was called up for jury duty. Defendant comes in to courtroom. Jacob Jock likes how she looks. Jacob Jock sends defendant friend request on Facebook.

    Judge jails juror Jacob Jock.

    It’s easy to understand how ill-advised the whole thing was. It gets better. After being dismissed off the jury for his actions, the 29 year-old of Sarasota, Florida, bragged on Facebook about getting dismissed.

    “Score…I got dismissed!! apparently they frown upon sending a friend request to the defendant… ha ha.”

    In his trial for contempt of court, he claimed he had friended her by mistake. Jock says he had been asked if he knew any of the defendants, and checked his Facebook account to see if they had any mutual friends. He says he accidentally hit “Send Friend Request”.

    The judge wasn’t buying it. She responded from the bench after hearing Jock’s Facebook comments about getting dismissed.

    “I cannot think of a more insidious threat to the erosion of democracy than citizens who do not care.” – Judge Nancy Donnellan

    Jacob Jock is a graphic designer and t-shirt printer. His business webpage is http://www.jakejock.com/. Maybe the poor guy will get some business out of this and be able to put it all behind him.