
Tag: Julie Dabrusin

  • Canada to Require 20% Zero Emission Vehicle Quota by 2026

    Canada to Require 20% Zero Emission Vehicle Quota by 2026

    Canada is one step step closer to phasing out fossil fuel vehicles, requiring 20% of vehicles to be zero emission by 2026.

    Governments around the world are beginning to take steps to address climate change, with a transition to electric vehicles being one of the biggest measures. According to Engadget, Canada is moving aggressively to spur such a transformation, requiring 20% of all vehicles sold to be zero emission by 2026.

    “We’re moving forward with a regulated sales target that requires at least 20 percent of new vehicles sold by 2026 to be zero emission, increasing that to 60 percent by 2030 and 100 percent by 2035,” said Julie Dabrusin, parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

    The move is one of the more aggressive moves by any country, with many others targeting 2030 and beyond for such an ambitious goal.