
Tag: John Jelly

  • @Jelly Guy Is Being Very Helpful To Confused Twitter Users Looking For Jelly

    The guy that has the @Jelly Twitter handle, which Jelly tried to buy from him, is still pointing confused Twitter users to the proper account, all the while, showing how Jelly might want to consider upping the offer it made for the account.

    When Jelly launched early last week, it was going by @jellyhq on Twitter. A guy who goes by John Jelly (at least for his website JohnJelly.com – “Jelly” is a nickname he holds dear to his heart) has had the @Jelly Twitter handle since 2008, though he had been largely silent on Twitter for quite some time before Biz Stone’s new app launched and he started getting Twitter users looking for that.

    Jelly asked him on Twitter if he wanted to change names, to which @Jelly responded, “What’s in it for me?”

    Then the conversation turned to DM, when Jelly offered him some amount of money for the account, which he ultimately declined. He signed a non-disclosure agreement, so he wouldn’t say just how much he was offered.

    Since then, Twitter users have continued to frequently Tweet messages at him thinking they’re Tweeting at the company. Jelly has since switched to the @askjelly handle.

    But @Jelly has been quite the sport, answering many of them by pointing them in the right direction. He’s even being tweeted the occasional cup of coffee for his trouble.

    It’s smart of @Jelly to include @askjelly in these Tweets, because it shows the company just how many Tweets intended for them he’s actually getting. Perhaps the company will take that as a sign that the handle is worth more than what they previously thought. Or maybe they’ll just try to wait until he gets tired of dealing with them.

    Image via Twitter

  • @Jelly Guy: Jelly Did Offer To Buy Twitter Handle, But Not Enough

    As reported last week, Jelly tried to get the @Jelly Twitter handle from a guy from Long Island, who has had control over it since 2008. The new app from Twitter co-founder Biz Stone just launched, and it makes sense that the company would want to have the obvious Twitter account to go along with it. @Jelly told us that he had not received an offer, and was considering just giving the handle to them, but ultimately decided to keep it, and started using it to promote his band The Rats Asses. Jelly he said, is a nickname he holds dear to his heart.

    Well, we’ve learned a little more about the story now after a conversation with Mr. @Jelly. Jelly did in fact make him an offer, but he signed a non-disclosure agreement, so he won’t say how much it was. Obviously it wasn’t enough.

    He says the offer was “very low” and that they were not interested in negotiating further. He said he was originally going to take the offer, but decided to try and negotiate higher, but they weren’t having any of it. He said he thought about how long he’s had the name, and decided he’d rather keep it, but if they had gone up a little, “we’d not be having this conversation.”

    Something tells me this isn’t over.

    @Jelly has started linking to the site: JohnJelly.com where he recommends some of his favorite sites.

    On Friday, Jelly went forward with a different new Twitter handle: @AskJelly (it had been @JellyHQ).

    Perhaps Jelly will be content with this one, but still, who doesn’t want to own their brand?

    We’re still waiting for some Rats Asses uploads.

    Image via @Jelly