
Tag: john doe

  • ‘Benghazi Bombshell’: CNN Alleges CIA is Intimidating Operatives to Keep Quiet on Benghazi

    CNN is alleging that the CIA is acting in an “unprecedented attempt to keep Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.” Apparently, CIA agents have been frequently polygraphed in relation to the Benghazi disaster and repeatedly questioned about the possibility of media leaks of sensitive information. The reporter describes the entire situation as “pure intimidation.”

    The report contains allegations related to “exclusive correspondence obtained by CNN” that sound like Tony Soprano-styled suggestions that anyone who leaks could not only “jeopardize yourself, [but] you jeopardize your family as well.”

    Former CIA operatives have told CNN that the repeated polygraphing typically means that CIA officials are on a “fishing expedition,” but monthly or bi-monthly tests were absolutely “not routine.”

    The Director of the CIA’s Public Affairs office, Dean Boyd, issued a statement that said “The CIA has worked closely with its oversight committees to provide them with an extraordinary amount of information related to the attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi.”

    The statement went on to say “CIA employees are always free to speak to Congress if they want… The CIA enabled all officers involved in Benghazi the opportunity to meet with Congress. We are not aware of any CIA employee who has experienced retaliation, including any non-routine security procedures, or who has been prevented from sharing a concern with Congress about the Benghazi incident.”

    The CNN news report reveals that the number of Americans on the ground at the time was 35, with 7 seriously wounded during the attack. The CNN source reports 21 Americans were working in the CIA’s Annex building at the time.

    Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA), who’s district includes the CIA’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia, has repeatedly gone to the House demanding a committee to investigate the failures of Benghazi. No Democrats have signed on, but Wolf says that people tied to contractors initially wanted to talk.

    “People wanted the opportunity, and they wanted to be subpoena’d, which sort of protected them for testifying in Congress,” Wolf said. “Now, that’s all changed.”

    Conor Friedersdorf over at the Atlantic joined the fray, jumping in on the side that wants to know what’s really going on: “… if CNN’s report is correct, the CIA is at minimum trying to hide something huge from Congress, something that CIA agents might otherwise want to reveal — itself a reason for Congress to press hard for information. And if speculation about moving weapons is grounded in anything substantive, that would be an additional reason to investigate what the CIA is doing in Libya. Dozens of CIA agents were apparently on the ground in Benghazi, Libya last September… What I want to know is why.”

    Congressman Wolf also believes a cover-up took place, all in spite of the White House’s and CIA’s repeated denials of all accusations of any kind of cover-up. If you want to watch the CNN special report for yourself, here it is.

  • John Travolta: John Doe #1 Issues Statement

    John Travolta: John Doe #1 Issues Statement

    John Travolta has experienced a pretty tough week in the public spotlight. Earlier we reported that Travolta’s lawyer Marty Singer revealed evidence that the actor wasn’t in Los Angeles during the times specified in the lawsuit. The attorney exclusively told Radar Online that he has flight records and receipts which serve as proof that Travolta is innocent of their allegations.

    However, not to be outdone by Singer’s revelations, the man known as John Doe #1 has issued a statement, urging the public and the media to judge everyone involved in the case with “absolute fairness”. Once again, the folks over at Radar Online got their hands on a copy of the statement, excerpts from which have been embedded below.

    I don’t think anyone should form any opinion about Mr. Travolta, his family, his council, myself, John Doe #2, and our counsel. Instead, I would urge everyone to understand that guilt or innocence in our Justice System is decided by our court system. Too often these matters are decided by swaying public opinion through elements that would never be considered in an actual court case.

    For instance, a photograph, a restaurant receipt, testimony, and other things that may or may not constitute proof have strict guidelines that must be followed. A fine example is the amazing number of guilty people that escape their crimes due to the mishandling of evidence. Is it disappointing, of course it is, but it is a price we must pay in order to have a justice system that runs in a constitutional manner.

    In consideration of that, I ask the public to not judge anyone, and allow all parties to work things out in a respectful and dignified manner, and if these matters do go to court than only that final decision past appeals, etc should be considered a definitive statement on ‘guilt’ or ‘innocence’.

    If someone doesn’t want publicity to influence an impending court case, why in the world would you release a statement to the public? Strange, that. John Doe #1’s explanation continues:

    Despite the circus that celebrity matters seem to spiral into, we should grant all parties involved a wait-and-see attitude, and wait for either the official decision of a judge and jury, or the possibility of a dignified discussion between people who are not pit bulls, or aces, or anything, but are actually officers of the court (lawyers) who have sworn an oath to protect the justice system from losing its blind lady of justice with scales and replacing her with the days of Salem Witch Hunts.

    Even though Mr. Travolta and his counsel are on opposing sides in this matter, I do wish them good health, happiness, and want them to be judged with absolute fairness as our great nation affords all citizens regardless of their wealth or station.

    John Doe #1 talks a bit more on the subject, but, honestly, I think you get the idea. Let the courts handle the matter, don’t pass judgment until all the facts are in, blah, blah, blah. Interestingly, he does add that he doesn’t want this statement to act as a commentary on the case, though by releasing it to a website like Radar Online, it ultimately does just that.

    Feel free to weigh in on the matter by dropping some words into our comments section.