
Tag: Joey Feek Valentine’s Day

  • Joey Feek, Husband Rory to Celebrate One Last Valentine’s Day

    Joey Feek and her husband Rory will celebrate one last Valentine’s Day, as Joey grows weaker and more frail each day from the cancer that has ravaged her body.

    Rory Feek has chronicled much of Joey’s cancer journey in his blog, This Life I Live. On Friday, he shared some thoughts about a few upcoming days they will be blessed to share.

    “Valentines Day is this Sunday, the Grammy awards Monday, our little Indiana turns 2 on Wednesday, and on top of all that, our new album [Hymns That Are Important to Us] was released today,” Rory shared. “I woke up just before the sun came up this morning with all those things on my mind.”

    “Our very first date was on Valentines day in 2002,” he continued, sharing details about his life with Joey Feek. “The horse-vet clinic Joey worked for at the time, Tennessee Equine Hospital, had a Valentines get-together for their staff and she invited me to come with her. That night must’ve gone pretty well…because two months later we were engaged and two months after that, Joey and I were married.”

    Sunday will mark the 14th Valentine’s Day Rory and Joey Feek have shared.

    “What I really want to do on this, our 14th Valentines together, is share a romantic candle-lit dinner with my bride: grill out rib-eyes on the campfire back home, pour two glasses of red wine and sit across from her at our kitchen table – just like we’ve done on more than one special occasion,” Rory writes. “But those things aren’t able to happen this year.”

    Rory and Joey Feek aren’t even in their own home for their last Valentine’s Day. Instead of returning to their Pottsville, Tennessee farm house, they moved into Joey Feek’s childhood home in Indiana when doctors said chemotherapy didn’t rid her body of cancer. She remains there still under hospice care.

    “So my hope this year instead is to hold her hand and take her on a ‘virtual’ walk down memory lane together…with pictures and videos on my laptop. I want to take her back to where our lives first began together, and relive this beautiful journey that God has taken us on,” Rory shares.

    The ache in Rory Feek’s heart is obvious in the words he pens about his beloved Joey.

    Hopefully the bittersweet aspect of their last Valentine’s Day won’t overshadow the deep love Rory and Joey Feek share.