
Tag: jimmy hoffa body

  • Hoffa Remains Sought by FBI in Michigan

    Hoffa Remains Sought by FBI in Michigan

    The final resting place of teamster official Jimmy Hoffa has remained a mystery for nearly 40 years. Various theories and speculative musings have kept the mystery alive all this time. Not a year goes by that someone doesn’t claim to know where the mob-connected union leader is buried (or interred, or mixed into cement, ect…).

    This week, the FBI has taken one of these tips seriously enough to commence digging operations near a small town north of Detroit. According to the Detroit Free Press, the FBI and Oakland County Sheriff’s Office are surveying a vacant field in Oakland Township, Michigan. The site is where Detroit mob boss Tony Zerilli claimed Hoffa is buried back in January. The FBI told the Free Press that Zerilli’s claims could be credible, based on his family connections at the time of Hoffa’s disappearance.

    Hoffa disappeared on July 30, 1975. His car was found in the parking lot of the Manchus Red Fox Restaurant in Bloomfield Township, a suburb of Detroit. He had allegedly gone to the restaurant to visit mafia leaders, who were later found not to have been at the restaurant. Though Hoffa was declared legally dead in 1982, the FBI has continued to investigate his disappearance.

    (via Detroit Free Press)

  • Jimmy Hoffa: Police Have “Credible” Tip On Body

    Jimmy Hoffa–once a very powerful union leader before his imprisonment in 1967–has been missing since 1975, and since then the FBI and law enforcement have been working seemingly endlessly to try and unearth his body, with tips coming in from all over the world and with no statute of limitations. It seems every few years a new tipster will make claims as to where Hoffa’s body was buried, and officials have investigated them all, digging up bloody floorboards and excavating old barns to no avail. Even Geraldo Rivera thought he’d made a discovery and televised it, only to open up the supposed “tomb” to find nothing at all. With all the conspiracy theories and outlandish claims–such as the one involving Hoffa being buried beneath the Giants staduim–the search for any clues to Hoffa’s whereabouts is ongoing as officials try and weed out those which aren’t credible.

    Now, a new tip has come in from a Detroit suburb, and police are calling the tipster “credible”. The person claims that Hoffa is buried beneath a home, and investigators say they will take a soil sample to test for human remains. If it comes up positive, they’ll excavate. A radar has already confirmed that something is buried down there; they just can’t tell what it is.

    “It could be anybody down there, could be nobody. It could be a dog,” said Roseville, Michigan Police Chief James Berlin.

    In other words, no one wants to get their hopes up. If an excavation is given the green light, it could take days to find anything, and even if what they find turn out to be human remains, they might not necessarily be those of Hoffa. The tipster hasn’t claimed that the body belongs to the missing man, but says a body was buried beneath that house around the time that Hoffa disappeared.

    Both the informant and the owners of the home are being cooperative with police. If the search is successful, it will put an end to a 37-year old mystery.