
Tag: Is

  • Mohammed Emwazi’s College Was Reportedly A “Toxic Environment”, Supportive Of Jihad

    Mohammed Emwazi, the man we now know to be “Jihad John”, and who has been seen on video beheading several IS hostages, didn’t always seem like the cold-blooded killer that he is.

    Mohammed Emwazi, during his younger years, was not necessarily a stand-out villain.

    A former schoolmate from Mohammed Emwazi’s secondary school remembered that he smoked and “got into some fights”, but nothing out of the ordinary for a kid that age.

    He added, “There was something peculiar about him in that he was violent but he wasn’t someone who was loud, who talked in a provocative way.”

    Could it possibly be that Mohammed Emwazi wasn’t radicalized until his stint in college?

    Mohammed Emwazi attended school at the University of Westminster in London from 2006-2009, earning a degree in computer programming.

    A former student of the university, who remains unnamed, spoke out recently about the every day goings-on at the university where Mohammed Emwazi spent his formative college years.

    The picture this former student paints is chilling, including rampant glorification of radical Islam and Holy war behind closed doors.

    The former student said that several groups at the university “created a hostile environment towards non-Muslims, were anti-Israeli, and homophobic remarks were rampant at the campus.”.

    He speculated, “If this toxic environment endured after I left I am not surprised a ‘normal’ young Muslim struggling to find identity became radicalized.”

    He also added that the University of Westminster was an “excellent” school, but “their tolerance was abused by people who played a double game.”

    The university responded in a statement that read, “We condemn the promotion of radicalization, terrorism, and violence or threats against any member of our community. We have strict policies to promote tolerance among our 20,000 student community who come to study from over 150 nations. Any student found to be engaging in radicalized activity or intimidating others would be subject to disciplinary procedures.”

    Two sides of one story. If these accusations against the University of Westminster prove true, will the product of Mohammed Emwazi change the way colleges and universities handle tolerance?

    It’s an interesting thought.

  • Osama bin Laden Expressed Fear of I.S. in 2011

    When the death of Osama bin Laden, former leader of Al-Qaeda, was announced in May 2011, the western world was assured that it had rid itself of the last great terror to plague the Earth for quite some time. After all, who or what would be able to cause more devastation than bin Laden when he orchestrated the attacks on the World Trade Centers, ultimately resulting in two wars and the loss of millions of people. Unbeknownst to the western world at the time, though, were bin Laden’s private fears. With the recent discovery of a 21-page article found in bin Laden’s final hiding place, those fears have been reified.

    First unveiled by the Daily Mail, a British news publication, Osama bin Laden’s fears in 2011 centered around the rising power of the Islamic State of Israel and Syria (ISIS) – now simply referred to as the Islamic State (IS).

    The letter, the exact details of which having not been released yet, was apparently written by one of bin Laden’s top officials, cites IS’s extreme violence as the reason why bin Laden feared the group so much – acts such as the use of chlorine gas, mosque bombings, and the brutal massacre of Christians. In fact, Osama bin Laden was so worried about the reputation of IS ruining the already-tarnished reputation of Al-Qaeda so much that he pushed for the two organizations to part ways and cease support of one another – a move which Al Qaeda finally made earlier this year.

    On June 29, 2014, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of IS, proclaimed a caliphate for the organization and was named its caliph. As it currently stands, IS holds a chunk of land in Iraq bigger than the nation of England and has some six million people under its control. The objective of IS is to bring as much land and people under its caliphate as possible, with Syria and northern Iraq being the group’s immediate targets.

    The United States has responded to the threat of ISIS by sending air strikes to northern Iraq in hopes of protecting the US embassy nearby. However, President Obama has stated that the bombing will not expand past the area of northern Iraq.

    If Osama bin Laden was worried about the evil, brutal nature of the IS, then perhaps the United States should be, too.

    Image via YouTube

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    CouponBuzz.com announced a new 20% off H&R Block Coupon code for H&R Block At Home downloadable tax preparation software. The coupon code is featured on their recently launched webpage dedicated to H&R Block coupons and coupon codes.

    H&R Block At Home tax preparation software is one of the most commonly used tax tools available.

    “Just being able to claim one more deduction that you didn’t know about could mean the difference of hundreds of dollars more in your pocket,” said Justin Bowen, CEO of CouponBuzz.com.

    40% of American taxpayers do their own taxes each year. If a taxpayer underpays the federal government, it is highly likely that they are going to hear about it. But if a taxpayer overpays the federal government, well, Uncle Sam isn’t going to track them down and offer it back.