
Tag: Involuntary manslaughter

  • Conrad Murray Blames Michael Jackson for Own Death

    Dr. Conrad Murray continues to claim his innocence in the death of iconic performer Michael Jackson. The 60-year-old heart surgeon was released from prison three weeks ago, but has already spoken about the legendary singer and dancer. In a recent interview with The Mail, the doctor shifted blame for the tragic death on the superstar himself. ‘I did not kill Michael Jackson. He was a drug addict. Michael Jackson accidentally killed Michael Jackson,’ Murray said.

    Murray was imprisoned for involuntary manslaughter, and served half of his four-year-sentence before being released. Though the doctor began working for the King of Pop in 2006, Murray says that he did not prescribe all the drugs located in Jackson’s system at the time of death. “That night he just couldn’t sleep. I prescribed him drugs to help, including Valium and Lorazepam, but he was begging, pleading, close to tears. I told him, ‘This is not normal. What I’ve given you would put an elephant to sleep’. In the other bedroom, the police found an open bottle of Lorazepam. They found tablets in his stomach. I didn’t give him those. Michael took extra tablets. And he injected himself,” Murray said.

    During an April interview with CNN‘s Anderson Cooper, Conrad Murray likened his personal story to a sad, Nat King Cole Christmas song. “He is a little boy that Santa Claus forgot, and goodness knows, he did not want a lot. He wrote a note to Santa for some crayons and a toy. It broke his little heart when he found Santa hadn’t come.” Murray recited before continuing, “In the streets, he envied all the lucky boys, but goodness knows, he didn’t want a lot. I’m so sorry for that laddie who hasn’t got a daddy. He’s a little boy that Santa Claus forgot. That song tells my story. That’s how I grew up. I had no toy. I had nothing. As I grew up, my heart has been whole and my heart says to help, and all I do is to give. I want to give.”

    Murray has been vilified in the hearts of many Michael Jackson supporters who continue to mourn the passing of the talented, if not somewhat troubled star. Murray summarized his own views on the dynamics of this relationship that involved a doctor and a celebrity, “I tried to protect him but instead I was brought down with him.”

    [Image Via NDN]

  • Conrad Murray Sentenced to 4 Years

    Conrad Murray Sentenced to 4 Years

    Weeks after a jury found Dr. Conrad Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter, in the death of Michael Jackson, he was sentenced to 4 years.

    During the sentencing you could tell Judge Michael Pastor knew he was on live television, as he took his sweet time getting to the sentencing. It almost seemed like he was giving a monologue auditioning for a ole in Hollywood.

    #Conrad Murray
    By the time Judge Michael Pastor stops talking, he’ll only have 3 years to serve! 36 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    This judge in the Michael Jackson case is taking forever to get to the sentence for Conrad Murray. 6 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    The Judge in the Conrad Murray trial is going on a bit! C’mon I’ve got tea to be getting ready! 1 minute ago via Echofon · powered by @socialditto

    This judge’s is RAMBLING!!!!!!!! Give Conrad Murray his sentencing already and STFU!! 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    Murray faced a maximum of 4 years in prison, but it was never likely to spend a day in prison because of a new California law, which requires non-violent felons to serve their time in county jail. At the time of the sentencing no restitution was ordered to be paid.

    Below is some reaction to the Conrad Murray sentencing from Twitter:

    NO PROBATION FOR MURRAY!!!! Go to http://t.co/8xpM8UAc for the latest in the sentencing of Dr. Conrad Murray in the death of Michael Jackson 1 minute ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    BREAKING: MJ Doc Conrad Murray sentenced to four years in prison. Details to follow shortly. 54 seconds ago via HootSuite · powered by @socialditto

    BREAKING: Conrad Murray sentenced to 4 years in prison for Michael Jackson’s death. Judge: “He has absolutely no remorse” 20 seconds ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    Yes, judge has sentenced Conrad Murray to 4 years behind bars! 43 seconds ago via Mobile Web · powered by @socialditto

    Conrad Murray is about to moonwalk out of court! This is crazy AF!!! Kill the King of Pop get 4 years… Possible 2 years actually served! 28 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    4 years for Conrad Murray 19 seconds ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    So doctor conrad murray gets four years for apparently involuntarily killing michael jackson, he’ll be out in four months. 31 seconds ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® · powered by @socialditto

    Four years for Dr. Conrad Murray. What’s that mean in LA time – two weeks? 24 seconds ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® · powered by @socialditto

    Just watching the sentencing coverage of Dr Conrad Murray, they will be a movie soon related to this situation. 1 minute ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    They dragged Conrad Murray through the mud, as they should. 24 seconds ago via Plume   · powered by @socialditto

    I’m sorry but it seems odd that Conrad Murray is getting jail time yet Casey Anthony walked away without a scratch. #imnevergonnagetoverit 49 seconds ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® · powered by @socialditto

    Conrad Murray got what he deserved!! 48 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    I’m no Jacko hater..but Conrad Murray did not deserve 4 yrs..he was merely a puppet..the bad guys are the ones collecting the royalty checks 1 minute ago via web · powered by @socialditto