
Tag: Internet Explore

  • Internet Explorer 9 Ad Goes Artistic

    I think that Microsoft is onto something with this latest ad for Internet Explorer 9.

    While some people will still gawk and laugh at Microsoft’s web browser, their latest ad sells it in a way that’s artistic and unique without feeling pretentious. It’s a step back from recent Microsoft ads that focused more on attacking the competition instead of telling consumers the advantages of its platforms.

    The recent ad announced on the Windows blog shows a Microsoft that isn’t afraid to try out new things and embrace the evolution of technology. They are carving their own path in the digital landscape with more of a focus on art and play than previous iterations.

    A More Beautiful Web is… Internet Explorer TV Commercial from Internet Explorer on Vimeo.

    While the ad in question is selling IE9 for Windows 7, it has the aesthetic appeal that Microsoft has been pushing with Windows 8. If this is how all of their ads are going to look from now on, I approve.

    Here’s an old ad for Internet Explorer 7, compare it with the new one and see what you think.

    Does the new ad make you want to use Internet Explorer? Or are you just going to stick with Firefox, Chrome or any of other variants? Let us know in the comments.