
Tag: hunter’s moon

  • Blood Moon Spotted Early Wednesday

    If you were awake during the early hours of Wednesday morning, you may have had the chance to look up at the night sky to see the blood moon. Just before dawn on Wednesday, the second lunar eclipse of the year took place and was easily seen in many parts of the country.

    The eclipse began at 4:18 a.m. EST and the earth’s shadow completely covered the moon between 5:27 a.m. and 6:22 a.m.

    A lunar eclipse is what happens when the moon passes behind the shadow of the earth. The moon usually misses the shadow, but a few times a year it passes through it and causes an eclipse.

    Because the weather was fair and clear in most areas, the lunar eclipse was able to be seen in many other parts of the world as well as the United States, including Australia, western South America and parts of East Asia.

    If you weren’t able to see the blood moon this morning, check out NASA’s website for a webcast that shows the process of a lunar eclipse and offers more information about it.

    Blood moons may not happen often, but they are not as rare as most people think. Throughout history, blood moons have played a major part in the lives and traditions of many cultures. Some cultures fear blood moons and relate them to biblical prophecies of the end of the world.

    Other cultures believe the blood moon is a bad omen and can mean war, famine or impending doom.

    In the Celtic tradition, the blood moon was seen as a symbol of spiritual growth and appeared at a time when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest.

    Did you see the blood moon this morning and do you believe it brings good luck or is it a bad omen?

  • Lunar Eclipse: Peak Period Tonight at 7:50 EST

    If the weather is clear enough tonight, stargazers from around the world will get a chance to see a penumbral lunar eclipse.
    East Coasters will get a better look at the action as opposed to the West Coast of the United States because the eclipse will take place back East after the sun has set.

    The October full moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon. During the partial eclipse, the southern part of the Moon will grow darker as the eclipse occurs, this happens because the Earth’s outer shadow is casting on the Moon. Tonight’s eclipse is called a penumbral lunar eclipse because the Moon will pass through the earth’s shadow, resulting in a subtle darkening. This is opposed to a total eclipse, which is obviously more dramatic. So, there’s no guarantee that you will see the eclipse because it won’t be overtly noticeable. However, the event will last about four hours, Primetime viewing should occur around 7:50 pm.

    Don’t worry if you can’t see the eclipse because the weather isn’t great in your area. The Slooh Space Camera has their online internet feed which will bring the action to you with a live broadcast from telescopes stationed in the Canary Islands. An explanation of the eclipse will accompany the real-time images. Eclipse experts will be on the air beginning at 7:30 pm to talk about the eclipse at its peak.

    You can keep up with current information and see pictures of the eclipse on Twitter at #lunareclipse. Here are a few early tweets:

    Image via Wikipedia
