
Tag: HUD

  • Every Tech Company Is Dying to Put Computers on Your Face

    Thanks, Google. Thanks a lot. Because of you, the race for novel gadgetry has been escalated to include the very personal landscape we all call “face.” It was bad enough trying to juggle computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, but you just had to set Sergey Brin loose these past few months perpetually wearing those Project Glass in order to mystify all of us wearing un-augmented reality glasses. Then Apple, who only ever invents and never actually borrows ideas from anyone never ever, went and patented what appears to be its answer to Project Glass. Now, a third company, Olympus, has announced (at least via its Japanese division) that it, too, has heads-up display glasses in the works.

    Actually, all of that “I was here first!” territorial pissing is meaningless. Olympus has been working on its augmented reality glasses since 2005, Apple applied for a patent for some kind of head-mounted display back in 2006, and it’s not really certain when Google started working on Project Glass, although if the time span of Olympus’ work is any indication Google probably started working on it a lot earlier than December 2011. Nobody’s first, nobody’s last.

    And truthfully, every tech company is inspired by science fiction writers and artists, so get over it.

    Anyways, back to Olympus’ neato specs. The prototype is called MEG4.0 and features Bluetooth technology that can be used to communicate with smartphones. Including the battery, which can keep going for up to 8 hours, the glasses weigh less than 30 grams (that’s 0.066 pounds for you non-metric types) and sports a 320 x 240 QVGA display. The Verge makes a good and puzzling point, though, that the available information on MEG4.0 doesn’t seem to indicate that it is equipped with a camera, which would be somewhat… ridiculous given that Olympus has been making cameras for nearly 80 years. That’d be about like Ford trying to sell you an awesome driver-less car that doesn’t actually have an engine of any kind in it.

    At any rate, the race is on to put a computer between your eyes. Prepare yourself for years and years of useless, regressive patent wars between companies.

    [Via The Verge.]

  • Apple Patents Its Answer To Google Glasses

    By now you’ve probably heard of Google’s Project Glass – aka Google Glasses. Google revealed this amazing technology back in April. According to statements made during last week’s Google I/O conference, they should be getting to consumer hands by next year.

    If you’re much of a tech fan at all, you’re probably drooling like crazy over these things. If you’re an Apple fan, then you may be wishing that Apple would hurry up and launch their own version. Well, it looks like you may get your wish. Apple has been awarded a patent for something that looks an awful lot like its own version of Project Glass. The patent, which Apple originally applied for way back in 2006, is titled “Peripheral treatment for head-mounted displays” and covers “[m]ethods and apparatus, including computer program products, implementing and using techniques for projecting a source image in a head-mounted display apparatus for a user.” In other words, Apple’s own Project Glass. Or iGlasses, if you will.

    iGlasses Patent Drawing

    Strictly speaking, the patent is focused on methods for reducing eyestrain that can be caused by having a head-mounted display so close to the wearer’s eye. Nevertheless, it means that Apple is at least somewhat interested in developing its own wearable display. Whether they ever actually bring such a product to market is still very much up in the air. A lot will likely depend on how well Project Glass does.