
Tag: home birth

  • Jessa Seewald Breaks Silence on Emergency Trip to Hospital Following Baby’s Birth

    Jessa Seewald is breaking her silence about her emergency trip to the hospital following the birth of her baby boy last Thursday.

    Ben and Jessa Seewald welcomed a nine lb., 11 oz. son who measured 21 inches in length nearly a week ago, in a home birth. Following the birth, former 19 Kids and Counting matriarch Michelle Duggar called 911, telling an EMS dispatcher that her daughter was losing a lot of blood.

    “Labor is hard,” Jessa Seewald tells People magazine in her first interview since the still unnamed Baby Seewald arrived. “It was very intense, very long. Everything was different than I expected.”

    After 10 hours of intense labor, Jessa nearly threw in the towel on her home birth plans.

    “I said, ‘That’s it! I’m done! I am going to the hospital and I’m going to get an epidural,’ ” she says. “They asked me if I really wanted to do that and I said, ‘No, I don’t, but I do.’ I wanted to try natural if at all possible.”

    New dad Ben Seewald admits watching Jessa in pain wasn’t easy either.

    “I was trying to keep it positive…there were a few times, she was like, ‘I can’t do this,’” he says/

    Jessa Seewald was fully conscious when Michelle Duggar called 911, per the advice of Jessa’s midwife.

    “I tried to keep my head, I was awake and alert,” Jessa recalls.

    She says the hardest part of going to the hospital was leaving her newborn baby behind.

    Jessa Seewald was in serious condition, however. She required a transfusion and an overnight at the hospital because of how much blood she lost. Doctors don’t like to give transfusions unless patients are in very precarious medical situations.

    Now feeling great–or at least putting on a good front for the press–Jessa Seewald is back home with her baby and her husband.

    Fans are now waiting to learn what Ben and Jessa Seewald decide to name their son.

    Does it sound like Jessa Seewald should have had her baby in a hospital? Losing enough blood to warrant a transfusion is no laughing matter.

  • Duggar Family Admonished by Obstetrician for Jessa Duggar Seewald, Jill Duggar Dillard’s Home Births

    The Duggar family came under recent fire by an obstetrician for daughter Jessa Duggar Seewald and Jill Duggar Dillard’s home birthing plans. Last week, Jessa Duggar had a baby boy at home, but was rushed to a local hospital immediately thereafter because of heavy bleeding.

    Dr. Amy Tuteur is an obstetrician known for her blog, The Skeptical OB. The former clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School shared what might have happened to the two members of the Duggar family who recently planned on home births. Dr. Tuteur writes that “without modern obstetrics, both Jill and Jessa Duggar would probably be dead.”

    “Jessa Duggar Seewald and Jill Duggar Dillard are two, young healthy women who planned homebirths. They were about as low risk as low risk can be, yet, in an object lesson for homebirth advocates, both had to be rescued by obstetricians,” she writes.

    “So both Jill and Jessa trusted birth and birth nearly killed them. Obstetricians, in contrast, saved them. They’ve given us an object lesson in why homebirth can be dangerous and even deadly,” the doctor adds.

    The Duggar family planned on a home birth when Jill Dillard was expecting her baby. She labored for 70 hours at home before being rushed to the hospital for an emergency C-section.

    Dr. Tuteur explains Jill had what professional call as “obstructed labor.”

    “It’s the technical term for a baby too big or too poorly positioned to fit through the pelvis,” she writes, noting that both mothers and babies died from this prior to the innovation of modern obstetrics.

    Jessa Duggar Seewald was rushed to the hospital for excessive bleeding last week. Some think the Duggar family tried to obscure Jessa’s identity, with Michelle Duggar even providing an incorrect age for her daughter when talking to the EMS dispatcher before help arrived.

    Of this, Dr. Tuteur shares five possible reasons for Jessa’s bleeding–failure of the uterus to contract, partial retention of the placenta, cervical tears, vaginal lacerations, and pre-eclampsia. All of those conditions were treatable if the delivery had taken place in a hospital. Without medical intervention, Jessa Duggar could have died.

    Does the Duggar family believe so strongly in home births because they trust the Lord in all things? Michelle Duggar delivered her babies in a hospital.

    The Duggar family released a photo of Ben and Jessa’s baby shortly after his birth, and one of the Seewald family shortly thereafter. Dr. Tuteur noted a few concerns when observing the photos.

    “It’s hard not to feel sorry for Jessa,” she wrote. “She was probably contractually bound to news outlets to provide pictures of the baby, but she wasn’t there to be in them. She was probably contractually bound to provide a family photo as soon as possible so her husband brought the baby to the hospital and it appears that they hung a sheet behind her hospital bed; she was probably sitting in the bed (too weak to stand?) and husband was standing beside her.”

    Do you think the Duggar family is so beholden to TLC, and so wanting this new reality show to replace the now-cancelled 19 Kids and Counting, that they were willing to jeopardize the health of both mother and child?

    Do you think Dr. Tuteur, because she fully embraces obstetrics, believes there is only one way to have a baby?

    Whose side do you lean toward?

  • ’19 Kids and Counting’ Has Jill Duggar Had That Baby Yet?

    19 Kids and Counting star Jill Duggar has seemingly been pregnant forever, patiently counting down the days until Baby Dilly–what they’ve called their unborn son since learning his gender–arrives. Now Jill is well beyond a week overdue, and Baby Dilly hasn’t yet made his entrance into the world.

    Derick Dillard–Jill Duggar’s husband–got 19 Kids and Counting fans overly excited on Friday when he both tweeted and blogged about his wife’s labor pains. Jill wound up having only Braxton Hicks contractions, and they never transitioned into real labor.

    Ever the optimist, however, Derick then said that perhaps they’d have an Easter baby. His faith remained strong. And since the 19 Kids and Counting family are such devout Christians, an Easter baby would be just perfect–right?

    “Still waiting to meet our little guy. Maybe we’ll have an Easter baby! #jillmdillard #babydilly,” he captioned his most recent photo of Jill Duggar, holding a small chalkboard that reads, ’41 weeks, 4 days.’

    Now Easter has come and gone and no official word has emerged saying Baby Dilly has arrived. As a matter of fact, no unofficial word has emerged either.

    That can only mean one of two things. Either Jill Duggar is in labor, and the baby has yet to be born, or Derick Dillard will soon post another picture of his wife–giant belly front and center–and caption it will yet another hopeful message.

    Jessa Duggar and her hubby Ben Seewald celebrated their first five months of marriage amidst the hype of Baby Dilly’s arrival.

    There’s no question about it. Baby Dilly has to arrive. There’s no question about if–merely a question about when. And now that the hype about his birth has reached a giant peak and started to ease up a bit, might the 19 Kids and Counting family’s fourth grandchild arrive akin to that boy who cried wolf? Will fans grow tired of waiting and stop speculating?

    Probably not.

    The number of fans who following 19 Kids and Counting is huge, and surely many have birthed babies and understand the unpredictability that accompanies the process. Jill Duggar is studying to be a midwife, so likely isn’t surprised in the least that their baby has yet to arrive. She’s all set for mom, Michelle Duggar–as well as Derick Dillard’s mom, too–to be present at the birth. The TLC cameras will reportedly be there, too.

    Do you think somewhere there is a betting pool on what day and what time Baby Dilly will arrive? Surely that goes completely against the grain of what the 19 Kids and Counting family believes in, but that doesn’t typically matter to outsiders.

    If you’re a betting person, what’s your best guess as to when Jill Duggar Dillard will give birth?

  • Michelle Duggar to Attend Jill Duggar’s Home Birth

    Michelle Duggar, matriarch of the 19 Kids and Counting clan will reportedly be present when daughter Jill Duggar’s home birth. Jill’s husband Derick Dillard had fans convinced Jill was in labor over the weekend, but thus far nothing more than Braxton Hicks contractions have been confirmed.

    Jill Duggar is studying to be a midwife and will be attended by one during her labor and delivery, as well as by Michelle Duggar and Derick Dillard’s mom. It’s uncertain what the two moms’ roles will be, but they will be present in some capacity.

    Jill Duggar is more than a week overdue, and Derick said on Saturday that he was hoping for an Easter baby.

    “Still waiting to meet our little guy. Maybe we’ll have an Easter baby! #jillmdillard #babydilly,” he captioned the following photo of Jill Duggar, holding a small chalkboard that reads, ’41 weeks, 4 days.’

    Michelle Duggar is, of course, no stranger to labor and delivery. Being the mom of 19, and also having lost a baby–Jubilee Shalom Duggar–she knows the ins and outs of birthing a child.

    It will likely be very comforting for Jill Duggar to have Michelle Duggar present when she has Baby Dilly–what they have referred to their unborn baby as. Some speculate he may be named Isaiah when he is born.

    Do you think Jill Duggar will have that Easter baby?

    How wonderful that Michelle Duggar will get to be part of their big day.

  • Maya Rudolph: Name and Sex of Baby Revealed After Almost A Year

    Maya Rudolph gave birth to her most recent baby back in September, but the sex and name of the child has only been revealed in the past couple of weeks. The SNL alum and her longtime partner, director Paul Thomas Anderson, stayed tight-lipped about anything pertaining to this baby–their fourth. It seems TMZ has blown their cover, however, having recently procued a copy of the child’s birth certificate. You see, Maya gave birth at home this time, and the birth certificate paper work had to be filed before this baby turned a year old.

    Anderson and Maya Rudolph have a new (at least she was back in September) little girl, and she was named after Rudolph’s late mother Minnie Riperton. Minnie Ida Anderson joins big sisters Pearl and Lucille, who are eight and four, respectively, as well as brother Jack, who is three.

    Minnie Riperton was a soul and R&B singer who died at the age of 31 back in 1979 of breast cancer. Maya Rudolph was just seven years old when her mom passed away.

    Shortly after giving birth to baby Minnie, Maya Rudolph starred in her own TV variety show. The Maya Rudolph Show debuted in May to excellent ratings and more than seven million viewers.

    “I wanted to continue doing what I love the most, which is sketch comedy mixed with music,” she said during an interview around the time of the show’s premiere. “Or as my stepmother calls it, ‘Being a singing comedian.’ That’s her catch-all name for it, which I like.”

    Although it’s a bit unusual that Maya Rudolph and her partner didn’t release information about Minnie’s birth back in September (they never withheld information about prior births), fans are likely happy to learn of the baby’s name and gender now–and they know why they didn’t learn earlier, too. A large family by today’s standards, it will be interesting to see if Rudolph and Anderson decide to add to their growing brood.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons