
Tag: hats

  • Lost Creator Damon Lindelof Goes on Epic Twitter Rant About Justin Bieber’s Spiky Yellow Hat

    Overnight, Lost co-creator Damon Linedelof discovered and then spent many hour tweeting about Justin Bieber’s spiky yellow hat (pictured both above and below, for maximum emphasis).

    Here is that epic rant, presented without further commentary.

    Lindelof warned his followers that he was going to spend the next 9 hours tweeting about Justin Bieber’s hat, so at least there’s that.

    And so he did:

    Eventually, he started feeling the wrath of the Belieber army on Twitter:

    Bieber has yet to respond on Twitter.

  • A Panda Meaner Than Google’s, Page Speed & The Beardo

    A Panda Meaner Than Google’s, Page Speed & The Beardo

    There’s a lot of Google going on in today’s edition of the daily video round-up. That includes a Panda reference, Matt Cutts talking about Page Speed, the Galaxy Nexus and even Eric Schmidt’s wife. But if I’m being honest, Michael Winslow is really the highlight here.

    View more daily video round-ups here.

    It’s not Google’s Panda, but it will ruin your day:

    Google’s Matt Cutts talks about how Google determines page speed:

    This kid is mad about Angry Birds:

    Michael Winslow is amazing:

    Google introduces the Galaxy Nexus:

    Winner of Wendy Schmidt (Eric Schmidt’s wife) oil cleanup X Challenge:


    The Beardo beard hat: