
Tag: haha

  • Facebook Is Surprisingly LOL-Deficient

    Facebook has a lot of data it can comb through, if it so pleases. The latest dive into what people are doing looks into how people laugh on the social network.

    And the biggest shock, at least to me, is how little LOLing is going on.

    Here’s a pie chart of how people express laughter on Facebook. The company took data from one week in May to make this, and it covers the 15% of people who used some variation of “haha” “hehe” “lol” or a laughter emoji at least once in that week.

    Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 11.35.58 AM

    “Haha” clearly dominates, and “lol” is only used in 1.9% of laughter expressions.

    There’s also a clear gender breakdown on how people laugh on Facebook.

    “Both men and women like their hahas and emoji, followed by hehes and lols. The hahas and to some extent the hehes are preferred by men, whereas emoji are clearly dominated by women, who also seem to like the lols a bit more than men,” says Facebook’s Data Science team.

    Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 11.39.11 AM

    And there are regional differences, as well.

    “The maps broadly show that haha and hehe are more popular on the west coast, emoji are the weapon of choice in the midwest, and southern states are fond of lol. Presidential campaigns, take note: the battleground states of Ohio and Virginia are haha states, while the candidates’ emoji games will surely be key in determining who emerges victorious in Florida.”

    Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 11.39.26 AM

    The whole thing is pretty interesting, and you can check it out here.

  • CNN Talking Heads Use Product-Placed Surface Tablets As iPad Stands

    Once again, Microsoft is having a hard time controlling the variables of its product placement.

    You may have been watching CNN’s election coverage last night. If so, you may have seen a bunch of shiny, new Microsoft Surface Pro 3 tablets resting upright in front of the various commentators.

    What you may not have seen were the iPads, which the talking heads ‘hid’ behind the Surface tablets.

    Sneaking around your personal iPad by using the product-placed tablet as a shield is one thing. But using it as a stand? That’s some cold-ass shit right there.

    This sort of thing is becoming a trend. As they do with CNN, Microsoft also has a deal in place with the NFL to exclusively use the new Surface tablets on the sidelines during games and on the commentators’ table during, well, commentating. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone 100 percent according to plan, as Microsoft has had a hard time getting announcers to stop calling them iPads.

    Image via @adamUCF, Twitter

  • Hawk Is Sick and Tired of Man’s Encroachment on the Sky, Takes Out Drone

    Hawk Is Sick and Tired of Man’s Encroachment on the Sky, Takes Out Drone

    Wanna see a hawk that hates drones as much as the FAA?

    A hawk flying above Magazine Beach park in Cambridge, Massachusetts saw a quadcopter drone all up in its business and decided to do what a hawk should do in such a situation – take it the f–k out.

    “On Oct 8th, I was flying my quadcopter at Magazine Beach Park in Cambridge, when a hawk decided he wasn’t too happy with my invasion of his airspace… As far as I could tell, the hawk came out unscathed, and having defeated his prey, was happy to retreat. (As soon as he flew at me, I throttled down the props to try to minimize any harm to the bird.) The quadcopter came out unscathed as well,” says the owner of the quadcopter and invader of airspace Christopher Schmidt.

    Good thing both survived. I think we can share the skies. Can there be a peace?

    Image via Christopher Schmidt, YouTube screenshot, h/t Digital Trends

  • NFL Announcers Keep Calling Microsoft’s Product-Placed Surface Tablets ‘iPads’

    NFL Announcers Keep Calling Microsoft’s Product-Placed Surface Tablets ‘iPads’

    Oftentimes, a brand can become so ubiquitous that people stop thinking of it as a brand of a specific product, and instead begin to associate the brand as inherent to said specific product. You probably do it all the time – sometimes without noticing.

    For instance, in the south, it’s common to call any soft drink a “Coke”. Not just Coca-Cola, but anything from a Diet Pepsi to a Dr. Pepper – hey can you grab me a coke?

    How about Kleenex? I’m sure most people simply refer to all tissues as “Kleenex”. The brand has become synonymous with those soft tissues you use to blow your nose. The list of these brand takeovers goes on and on. Hey, can you Xerox this for me? Turn off that damn Nintendo!

    Another brand that’s reached this status? The iPad. To many people, all tablets are iPads, and this is becoming painfully (and hilariously) obvious in the context of the NFL.

    Last May, Microsoft signed a $400 million deal with the National Football League, and part of that deal included making the Microsoft Surface tablet (Microsoft’s iPad) the official tablet of the most popular sport in America. You’ve probably seen the results of this deal – coaches and players looking at tablets on the sidelines instead of old-fashioned playbooks. As part of the deal, NFL teams are now utilizing Microsoft’s Surface in reviewing on-field actions and formulating strategy.

    Good product placement, right?

    Well, in theory.

    That’s an NFL announcer twice referring the the Surface tablet as an “iPad.” Whoops.

    Business Insider reports that this is not a singular screwup – but an alarming trend (if you’re Microsoft).

    From BI:

    In a separate incident, Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints was spotted by Fox commentator John Lynch using a Surface on the sideline. Lynch remarked that Brees was “not watching movies on his iPad.”

    Lynch did seem to realize his mistake when he later noted that players now have “iPad-like tools” at their disposal. However, at no time during the discussion was Microsoft or the Surface mentioned by name.

    It appears that Microsoft needs to have a talk with the NFL and the NFL needs to, in turn, have a talk with its broadcast partners and their announcers. Otherwise, Microsoft spent a pretty penny to give Apple a wonderful product placement deal.

    Image via Vine, screenshot

  • No Filter? Site Catches Instagram’s Biggest Liars

    If you want to let everyone know you’re such a good iPhone photographer that you don’t need to use one of Instagram’s complimentary filters to make your photos pop, the most succinct way to do so is with a #nofilter tag.

    But here’s the thing…people are liars. Huge liars. Thankfully, there’s a Tumblr that helps you spot all the #nofilter bullshit on Instagram.

    It’s called Filter Fakers, and it provides a running stream of #nofilter liars. Here, take a look at this fraud, who tagged #nofilter but actually used the Kelvin filter.

    Liar. Gosling knows you’re lying.

    “Go nuts with the Instagram filters, but at least be honest about it,” says the site. “#Nofilter is one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram. Using it is a way of telling people that you haven’t used any of Instagram’s built in filters to enhance the photo. But with over 40 million photos uploaded on Instagram daily, there are obviously quite a few cheaters out there. People that want you to think their photos just turned out that great, completely without the help of any filters. And you had to believe them–until now.”

    Consider this a PSA, as the Tumblr has been around for a little while. I recently got sick and tired of someone’s Instagram bullshit and decided to check it out for myself. Which leads me to the best part of Filter Fakers…

    The Faker Catcher, which allows you to insert the URL of any photo on Instagram tagged #nofilter and it will let you know if the poster is trying to pull one over on you. It’s a great way to call out your friends. Or lose an Instagram follower.

    There’s nothing wrong with putting filters on your Instagram photos. Hell, it’s kind of what the whole app is designed for. But for the love of Lo-fi, stop lying about it.

    Image via Filter Fakers, h/t Business Insider

  • Squirrels Hate Your Selfies, Bro

    Now that ‘Selfie’ is the reigning word of the year and everyone from Kim Kardashian to President Obama are spending at least part of their week taking them, it appears, as a culture, we’ve pretty much accepted their inevitability.

    I mean humans have accepted selfies. I said nothing about the animal kingdom.

    If you lean in to take a selfie with a wild animal, no matter how cute it may be, don’t be too shocked when it absolutely hates your idea and decides to attack.

    A tale of two photos:

    That’s Brian Genest of Auburn, Maine. He snapped a pretty cool squirrel selfie and was promptly attacked. His mom took the latter shot.

    Don’t worry about either man nor beast. Both were unharmed.

    Genest is also aware that this series of events is much more funny than it is embarrassing, as he’s made the first photo his profile pic and the second one his cover photo on Facebook. Good on you, Brian.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Girl Gets Stuck in Storm Drain Trying to Save Blackberry

    Not worth it. Not even remotely.

    A 16-year old Dover, U.K. teen had to be rescued by firefighters after she descended (about half-way) into a storm drain in a misguided attempt to fetch her Blackberry, which had apparently fell out of her pocket.

    “I was talking to somebody and I went to put my phone in my pocket and it fell down the drain…I thought to myself, ‘I’m not leaving this’ and I jumped down to get it. I wasn’t really even stuck, I just needed somebody to help lift me out but my mum got all panicky,” she said.

    “Stuck” or not, girl, you couldn’t get out of the drain.

    You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

    As for the phone, well, it’s broken. I guess it’s time for an upgrade.

    You gotta admire the girl’s tenacity, I guess. I’ve gone to some fair lengths to save my phone from peril, so I can relate. If you’re going to jump in a hole, however, just make sure you have the arm strength to push yourself back up. Or just say screw it and buy a new phone.

    Image via Kent 999s, Twitter

  • ‘Family Friendly’ Walking Dead Will Re-Air on Fox Syndicate This Fall

    If you love AMC’s hit zombie show The Walking Dead but hate all off the things that make The Walking Dead a zombie show–mainly the graphic depictions of exploding zombie heads–then you’re in luck.

    AMC and MyNetworkTV (a Fox-owned network) have reached an exclusive deal to air “family friendly” edits of the popular series, two at a time, one night a week.

    “This agreement extends the reach of the number one show on television among adults 18-49 by giving viewers Primetime access to ‘The Walking Dead’ with back-to-back episodes on broadcast television one night a week,” said Charlie Collier, AMC president. ‘The Walking Dead’ has grown in each of its first four seasons on AMC, and we look forward to exposing this compelling story and these unforgettable characters to new fans on MyNetworkTV.”

    …But without all the fun stuff. Come to think about it, I’m not even sure how MyNet is going to air the most recent episode when they get around to it. I’m 28 and it f-cked me up. Sheesh.

    According to Entertainment Weekly, The edited Walking Dead will hit MyNet with a TV-14 rating. You may remember that early episodes of TWD ran on AMC with that rating, but the network changed it to TV-MA after a bunch of parents organizations flipped out.

    If you’re unfamiliar with MyNetworkTV, they’re responsible for reruns of House, Monk, and various Law & Orders.

    It’ll be interesting to see what these edited episodes of TWD look like in their final form. While it probably won’t be as painful as trying to watch The Sopranos in syndication on A&E, one can’t imagine a scenario where this is a good thing.

    It’s not like TWD on AMC is even that bad. I mean, have you read the actual comics?

    Oh well, I guess families need a new show to watch together now that One Tree Hill is off the air. The reruns will hit MyNet this fall.

    Image via The Walking Dead, Facebook