
Tag: Green River Killer

  • Green River Killer Wants to Help Find Lost Victims

    Serial “Green River Killer” Gary Ridgway told KOMO radio that the Green River Task Force mostly kept him in a van in 2003 when he directed the police to sites in the Seattle area where he dumped numerous bodies in the 1980s. Ridgway now says he’d like to revisit every site on foot and says he could have had as many as 80 victims that were never found. Watch a riveting documentary on Gary Ridgway:


    Ridgway was arrested in 2001 after advances in DNA technology helped authorities to link a 1987 saliva sample to some of the bodies. He pleaded guilty to 48 murders two years later, and agreed to assist authorities in locating as many remains as possible. He also pleaded guilty to a 49th murder in 2011.

    “Ridgway is a sociopath and pathological liar” who likes notoriety, said King County sheriff’s Sgt. Katie Larson, who was a key member of the Green River Task Force. “It’s possible he killed more than the 49 women for which he was convicted”, she said Tuesday. However, investigators are very confident they did everything possible to recover all of his victims.

    The SeattlePI.com reports that “The contentious plea deal struck by former King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng required Ridgway to admit guilt in all his King County killings. In exchange, Maleng agreed not to seek a death sentence, so long as Ridgway pleaded guilty to the charges. Additional charges elsewhere in the state or country, which are not precluded by the agreement, have not followed. The serial killer remains a suspect in dozens of other disappearances, but has yet to face charges elsewhere.”

    KOMO plans to air more of the exclusive interview with Ridgway, 64, who is serving a life sentence at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla.

    Mugshot via wikipedia

  • Green River Killer Offers To Help Police Find Bodies

    Gary Ridgway, the “Green River Killer” who was convicted in 2003 of the murder of 49 women around Washington state, said this week that his victim count may be closer to 80 and that he’d like to take a trip with police to the sites where he believes more remains can be found.

    Ridgway says that law enforcement kept him in a vehicle when he originally showed them the sites, and that he wants to be able to walk the areas on foot in order to better help officials on a quest to find several more unnamed victims. Ridgway pleaded guilty to 48 murders after DNA linked him to the crimes, and admitted to a 49th in 2011. When he was arrested, he claimed dozens more but couldn’t be linked to those through hard evidence; he also claimed that he’d killed so many he couldn’t keep track of them all.

    “I killed so many women, I have a hard time keeping them straight,” Ridgway said.

    Ridgway said he targeted prostitutes–or women he thought were prostitutes–and had a goal to kill as many of them as he could in the ’80s. The violent spree rocked Seattle and surrounding areas for years, until he was caught in 2001 through advances in DNA testing.

    “The plan was I wanted to kill as many women as I thought were prostitutes as I possibly could.” Ridgway said. “I thought I could kill as many of them as I wanted without getting caught.”

    Neko Case’s “Deep Red Bells”, about her time living in the Seattle area during Ridgway’s reign of terror.

    Image: Wikimedia Commons

  • Green River Killer May Have Killed 80 People

    The infamous truck driver from Seattle who is known as the brutal Green River Killer has claimed he was responsible for taking even more human lives than was initially reported. He originally pled guilty to killing forty-nine women; however, he has recently said that the number is closer to eighty women. The murder streak took place over two decades where the killer, Gary Ridgway, explained his reasoning as wanting to target prostitutes.

    “The plan was I wanted to kill as many women as I thought were prostitutes as I possibly could.” Gary Ridgway said before continuing, “I thought I could kill as many of them as I wanted without getting caught.”


    His past wicked deeds are concealed behind a placid, calm demeanor. According to Charlie Harger, the reporter who recently interviewed Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer on surface encounter appears to be a person one would expect to be a good neighbor and not someone capable of the magnitude of such a high number of heinous murders. “The strange thing about Gary Ridgway is if you didn’t know the depravity, if you didn’t know the evil that this man committed, you would have no clue when you talked on the phone with him. This man sounds like he would be a perfect neighbor,” Charlie Harger said.

    The image of a perfect neighbor is deceiving. The mass murderer is presently in the midst of completing his time for forty-nine consecutive life sentences in a state penitentiary within Washington since his 2001 arrest. In 2003, Gary Ridgway confessed to killing forty-eight of the women in order to avoid the death penalty. After been one of the main suspects prior to his arrest, the advancements in DNA testing proved paramount in finalizing the charges. After all of these years, Ridgway has recently proclaimed that he is a changed man who has found God.

    If the notorious killer is actually a changed man, does he deserve a second chance at life outside bars? Charlie Harger thinks there is more going on behind the veneer of a calm neighbor when speaking of Gary Ridgway.

    “Gary Ridgway is absolutely playing me. He’s playing everybody when he talks. I don’t think Gary Ridgway can even comprehend the truth. I think he wants to show the world that, ‘Here I am, Gary Ridgway, the truck painter from Kenworth, the guy who everybody thought was slow since elementary school, somebody who couldn’t hold a candle to Ted Bundy. But, here I am, and I’m the best at something,’” Charlie Harger said.

    [Image And Video Via YouTube]