
Tag: GOP primaries

  • Social Media Tools Reveal GOP Primary Standings

    SocialMatica now features comprehensive dashboards for the GOP primary election that combine and weight online and traditional poll-based rankings for each GOP candidate. SocialMatica has developed a weighted algorithm that marries online social media sentiment, gathered via its semantic data intelligence engine, and traditional media polling to showcase candidate standing and level of influence. Complete dashboards can be viewed on SocialMatica’s website (www.socialmatica.com).

    “For the past few months we have been highlighting the importance and impact of social media within the GOP primary race. Through our proprietary technology we are able to clearly understand the channels of influence and social ranking for each GOP candidate,” said Gary Hermansen, CEO of SocialMatica.

    “However we were interested in taking our analytics one step further; combining the power of our technology with that of traditional media polling and ranking statistics. We have developed a methodology for bringing these two worlds together to reflect both online and traditional candidate rankings, and present a more complete picture of the ways in which these two worlds interact,” continued Hermansen.

    SocialMatica’s analysis and rankings of the GOP candidates, gathered from vast amounts of available online data, including Facebook, blogs, Twitter feeds, LinkedIn, online news sites, discussion groups, forums, and web traffic, agrees with most polls placing Romney as the leader in the primary race and Rick Santorum as a solid second. However, SocialMatica’s analysis continues to show that Ron Paul both creates and maintains the most topic-based web traffic and conversational visibility.

  • Twitter Roundup: Florida Primary Results

    Mitt Romney’s win in the Florida GOP primary race was no surprise. And, there has been a not-so-surprising dearth of responses on Twitter from regular folks. Everyone, especially Newt Gingrich, was just ready to move on to the next one. But, there’s always snark to be had.

  • Viral Video: Mitt Romney Sings!

    Viral Video: Mitt Romney Sings!

    On the campaign trail in Florida leading up to today’s primary, Mitt Romney let loose with some… actually pretty good singing. He led the crowd in a verse of “America, the Beautiful” at a campaign stop in The Villages, FL.

    Not bad. I mean, he wasn’t doing Al Green.

  • Mitt Romney To Win Florida If We Go By Site Traffic

    At this point, political pundits seems to think that the Florida Primary race is too close to call. The common belief is that either Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich will come in first, with Paul and Santorum somewhere behind that.

    Experian Hitwise has some interesting information concerning the candidates, but whether or not it could actually predict the primary winner is up in the air. According to their research, Mitt Romney is leading in Florida – if you go by visits to his official website.

    Hitwise looked at all four candidates’ sites and gauged traffic from people in the state of Florida. They determined that Mitt Romney received the most total visits from the state for the four weeks ending January 28th.


    Romney has received the most visits from Floridians for three straight weeks, but Florida isn’t exactly on the same page as the nation as a whole. During the week ending January 28th, Newt Gingrich’s site actually got the most traffic nationwide.

    Obviously, visits to official websites don’t directly translate to votes, but it does show who Floridians have been the most curious about in the month of January. Who knows, once Florida voters found what they were looking for on Romney’s site, it might have pointed them in a different direction. We’ll have to wait until the official primary results roll in to see if web traffic is an accuratel predictor of election results.

    You can track those results live, county by county with Google’s Politics & Elections dashboard.

  • Florida Primary: Results, On The Ground Reporting Available From Google Politics & Elections

    As the results from Tuesday’s Florida GOP primary roll in, you can see how they break down county by county via Google’s Politics & Elections dashboard.

    Earlier this month, Google unveiled Politics & Elections as a way to group all the pertinent election information in one, convenient location. There, you can see all the breaking news about all of the current candidates (including President Obama) as well as news on the specific issues like the Economy, Healthcare, and Immigration. The page also links out to each candidate’s Google+ page as well as a 2012 political calendar of events and bonus election resources.

    But the most important feature of Google Politics & Elections today is the results section. There, you’ll be able to see how each county is leaning – Gingrich, Romney, Paul, or Santorum.


    Here’s what a filled-in map (the South Carolina Primary) looks like:


    Also available today on Google Politics & Elections is the “on the ground” sections that allows you to watch YouTube videos of real Floridians, organized by location.

    Google wants to make sure that Google news readers are up to-date on all the political news. They have also added an Election section to the Google News homepage.