
Tag: Google Politics & Elections

  • Florida Primary: Results, On The Ground Reporting Available From Google Politics & Elections

    As the results from Tuesday’s Florida GOP primary roll in, you can see how they break down county by county via Google’s Politics & Elections dashboard.

    Earlier this month, Google unveiled Politics & Elections as a way to group all the pertinent election information in one, convenient location. There, you can see all the breaking news about all of the current candidates (including President Obama) as well as news on the specific issues like the Economy, Healthcare, and Immigration. The page also links out to each candidate’s Google+ page as well as a 2012 political calendar of events and bonus election resources.

    But the most important feature of Google Politics & Elections today is the results section. There, you’ll be able to see how each county is leaning – Gingrich, Romney, Paul, or Santorum.


    Here’s what a filled-in map (the South Carolina Primary) looks like:


    Also available today on Google Politics & Elections is the “on the ground” sections that allows you to watch YouTube videos of real Floridians, organized by location.

    Google wants to make sure that Google news readers are up to-date on all the political news. They have also added an Election section to the Google News homepage.