
Tag: Google Games Chat

  • Google Games Chat Talks Horror Games For Halloween

    I absolutely adore horror games. Silent Hill is still one of the finest gaming experiences you can find. It seems that the Google Games Chat panelists agree with the sentiment. They even filmed an entire episode around horror games and the scary pitfalls of Halloween.

    During the show, the panelists show off Dark Legends, a vampire MMO that runs on mobile devices and in the Chrome browser. There’s some talk about how games are becoming more accessible across mobile and Web browsers. As browser development continues, we can expect more technically impressive games in browsers.

    In the rest of the 48 minute video, the panelists talk about the the proliferation of zombie games and the technical details behind zombie game design. As a whole, it’s another interesting discussion that aspiring game developers will want to check out.

  • Google’s Games Chat Show Is Back For A Third Episode

    It’s been a while since Google last graced us with its wonderful Games Chat show. If you’re new to it, be prepared for 45 minutes of Google gamers and game developers talking about trends in the industry and browser game development.

    This week’s episode tackles more topics relating to game development on the Web. The group discusses the single sign-in on Google+ for transferring game saves across devices. It’s a look at how HMTL5 games will be able to deal with the issue of saving progress in Web games without the use of cookies.

    There’s also a lot of great discussion on the future of gaming, including a talk on gamer parents. Will the future of gaming be dependent upon on parents indoctrinating their children into playing games? These guys seem to think so, but watch and formulate your own opinion.

    Check out the rest of the video for 45 minutes of Web development discussion. Games have proven this week to be pushing the future of HTML5 with the latest version of Firefox. It’s exciting to see a weekly show that will actually discuss the latest developments in the world of browser gaming.

    On a personal note, it would be great to see the Google Games Chat team up with the Firefox HTML5 games team for an episode. An in depth look at how advanced 3D games are made in HTML5 would be awesome and educational.

  • Check Out Google’s New Game Show

    Check Out Google’s New Game Show

    Google has a new game show, and no, it’s not something like “Figure It Out.” It’s a show about games – video games to be exact. It’s nothing new for Google as they run a weekly show on their Android developers channel that discusses the latest games hitting the Android platform. The new show from Google, however, is more about games built for the Web in HTML5 and DART.

    Two episodes of the show are now out for your enjoyment. Gamers and game developers will both want to check it out. It’s interesting for gamers as the Google employees talk about the future of games and where things are doing in the digital and browser-based space. It’s definitely going to cause some arguments as these guys argue passionately for games moving away from traditional distribution to the Web.

    The second episode is a continuation of the first episode as the first ended abruptly. They continue talking about trends in gaming. They also discuss how developers can better optimize their games for the Web and online play.

    The Google Games Chat is brave new territory for Google as they push to bring gaming to the Web. The Internet is changing how we make and play games. It’s pretty exciting to see a major tech player like Google jumping into the foray. It proves that gaming has reached a point beyond mainstream acceptance into something that should be invested in by everybody.