
Tag: goblin shark

  • Goblin Shark Netted Off Florida Keys

    According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service, a commercial shrimping trawler netted an extremely rare goblin shark off of the Florida Keys on Wednesday, the second specimen ever to be recorded in the Gulf of Mexico. The fish was roughly 18 feet long, and leisurely swam away after being released. The first goblin shark sighting in the region occurred nearly 15 years ago when commercial fisherman captured one in 2000.

    The pink-skinned, prehistoric-looking goblin shark is a deep-water, poorly understood species, and is the only living representative of the family Mitsukurinidae, an ancient lineage some 125 million years old.

    The goblin shark possesses a distinctive, flattened snout, and highly protrusible jaws which feature nail-like teeth. The sharks inhabit upper continental slopes, submarine canyons and seamounts worldwide, at depths greater than 300 feet, with adults swimming deeper than juveniles.

    Below is a clip of a goblin shark attack:

    The goblin shark has been recorded in all three major oceans, and has many names, for such a rare fish – it is referred to as an elfin shark (English ), hiisihai (Finnish), Japanese neushaai (Dutch), Japanischer nasenhai (German), kabouterhaai (Dutch and Afrikaans), karsahai (Finnish), Koboldhaai ( Dutch), koboldhai (German), lensuháfur (Icelandic), mitsukurizame ( Japanese), naesehaj (Danish), Nasenhai (German), näshaj (Swedish), nesehai (Norwegian), neushaai (Dutch), requin lutin (French), schoffelneushaai (Dutch), squalo folletto (Dutch), squalo goblin ( Italian), teguzame (Japanese), teppichhai (German), tiburón duende (Spanish), trollhaj (Swedish), tubarão-demónio (Portuguese), tubarão-gnomo (Portuguese), zoozame (Japanese) and žralok škriatok (Czech).

    Though observations of goblin sharks existing in the wild are limited, it is suggested that the animal leads a sluggish lifestyle, mostly feeding on rattail fish and dragonfishes. It also consumes cephalopods and crustaceans, including decapods and isopods. Garbage has been found in the stomachs of some specimens.

    The NOAA points out that biologists encourage anyone who comes across a goblin shark to report these rare sightings and catches, as the information that can be collected is integral to forming a better knowledge of the species.

    Image via YouTube

  • Goblin Shark Caught In Gulf Of Mexico

    “It freaked me out, man,” fisherman Carl Moore said to KeysInfoNet. “I’ve never seen something so ugly in my life.”

    That was the description of the goblin shark from the fisherman who caught it in the Gulf of Mexico on April 19, and pictures back up his assessment. At an estimated 18 feet long, the goblin shark, pink with a protruding jaw lined with vicious teeth and a long snout, is the second only of its kind caught in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Most, according to the Houston Chronicle, are found off Japan, in the Indian Ocean, or around South Africa.

    The shark was accidentally hauled up by shrimpers, who were shocked when they pulled up their net, which they had 2,000 feet deep, and discovered something pink thrashing among the shrimp.

    “I didn’t even know what it was,” said lifetime fisherman Carl Moore. “I didn’t get the tape measure out because that thing’s got some wicked teeth, they could do some damage.”

    And it was only luck that pictures were taken at all, as Moore quickly put the shark back into the Gulf. Moore had only just bought a camera with a cell phone to take pictures of sharks for his grandson. When Moore showed his grandson this one, the grandson said, “Wow, Pappa!”

    Incredibly little is known about the goblin shark.

    Shark blogger and University of Miami marine biologist David Shiffman told the Houston Chronicle that it is unclear why the goblin sharks have a unique color but that the color would be ideal for sneaking up on prey because in the depths of the ocean, red appears black.

    Other details about goblin sharks are that their snouts have electrical sensors that can detect prey even when the goblin sharks can’t see or hear and that their jaws snaps out like a Venus flytrap to consume prey.

    “They are a very rarely seen animal that has not been studied enough, as soon as the news got out, I got more than 2 dozen requests for different measurements,” said Shiffman.

    As for why Moore immediately released the shark back into the Gulf, he said, “That’s my ocean out there and anything in it concerns me . . . I know the value of trying to preserve things.”

    Image via YouTube