
Tag: Geeks

  • Stocking Stuffers Perfect For Geeks

    It’s no secret that there are plenty of neat toys and gadgets on the internet for any self-proclaimed nerd or geek. The endless choices might seem overwhelming, but have no fear: these picks will help you find that perfect extra gift for the nerd in your life.

    To start with basics: there’s nothing more necessary than a USB drive. Tiger Direct has a 32 GB drive that is waterproof and shock resistant. And at 3.0 flash speed, it’s four times faster than traditional 2.0 flash drives – allowing you to watch videos right from the drive, instead of copying them over first. Plus, it’s encased in an aircraft grad aluminum housing that proves it’s resistant to almost anything.

    Need something lighthearted to grab out of that fuzzy red stocking? Try this “I found this humerus” magnet for when you need a little humor on Christmas morning. Because really, there’s no better gift for the holidays than a really good pun. (Plus even after shipping, it sells for about five bucks.)

    Need something for a more grown-up geek? The official HBO store has Game of Thrones shot glasses, one featuring the Karstarks sigil and another featuring the bear sigil of House Mormont. (Feeling geeky yet?) The shot glasses are perfect stocking-stuffer size and, for $7, are easy on the wallet.

    Still thinking booze? This R2-D2 bottle opener is a great nerdy addition. As ThinkGeek puts it, “there is no bottle too dangerous for him.” This sturdy, solid medal opener even has magnets on the back so R2 can hang out on your fridge and be there right when you need him.

    Need more ideas? Here are a few more options for stocking stuffers – plus, they’re all under $10.

    Found a great geek gift that’s left off the list? Leave us a comment!

    Image via Thinkstock

  • Indiana Jones Is Taking His Adventures To Blu-ray In September

    While the existence of the Indiana Jones Blu-ray set has already been announced, the date which consumers could get their hands on Dr. Jones and his tremendous movie series remained an unknown, until earlier today. The release date for the Indiana Jones box set is September 18. The news came via press release, which also details some of bonus features the box set will receive. As pointed out by /Film, perhaps the biggest revelation from LucasFilm press release was the attention to detail being shown the Raiders of the Lost Ark transfer:

    Supervised by director Steven Spielberg and renowned sound designer Ben Burtt, Raiders of the Lost Ark has been meticulously restored with careful attention to preserving the original look, sound and feel of the iconic film. The original negative was first scanned at 4K and then examined frame-by-frame so that any damage could be repaired.

    The sound restoration was also done with the same attention to detail and care, which should give fans a fantastic high definition version of one of the most entertaining movies ever made. In case you missed it the first time around, LucasFilm also released a trailer to announce the Indiana Jones Blu-rays earlier this spring:

    The box set will include all four Indiana Jones movies, which means some of you will have to come to terms with having Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in your collection. Sometimes, life includes sacrifices. For those who are all about pre-ordering their goods, the box set is available for pre-purchase over at Amazon.com. The price, which includes a $10 discount, is $89.99, which isn’t too bad, considering all that you’ll be getting.

  • Comic-Con Displays Spare No Expense

    Comic-Con Displays Spare No Expense

    The true geek convention is kicking off quite nicely in San Diego, California, and there’s a bunch of images rolling out, showing the various displays at the Comic-Con floor. There are a lot of big deals this year as such praised titles like The Walking Dead, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Avengers, and Twilight to name a few are featured. In fact, the Twilight exhibition has already been receiving some publicity.

    Of course, if you camping out to see sparkly dudes that call themselves vampires, then coverage is inevitable. Digressions aside, over at SlashFilm, there’s an awesome collection of these exhibitions, and while it’s not comprehensive — that would be a lot of pictures — there are some awesome displays going on, particularly from Lego:

    Boba Fett Lego

    Sponge Bob Lego

    Batman Lego

    Like Chris Crum mentioned, you have to wonder just how long it took to make those awesome Lego displays. Undoubtedly, Lego commissioned teams to build them — or at least, one would think — but still, that’s some tedious work right there.

    Make sure you check out SlashFilm’s post for more images, including shots of the Spider-Man display and nifty bigger-than-life-sized He-Man. While Lego did indeed pull out the big guns for their various displays, from the looks of things — at least, at this early point in the 2011 Comic-Con — the display for the AMC television hit, The Walking Dead looks absolutely incredible:

    Walking Dead, Comic-Con

    Walking Dead, Comic-Con

    Walking Dead, Comic-Con

    That last image is just a friendly reminder, for those who are wondering. As you can see, Comic-Con is truly a geek’s heaven, and rightfully so. Another reason to love these conventions are the various costumes you’ll see, like the following:

    A hat-tip to Sandra Hughes for the find

    Comic-Con Costumes
    Hat-tip to Coyotegrey

    And that, friends, is what makes these kinds of conventions what they are. Is it for everybody? Doubtful, but if you have the spirit and the patience to wade through scads of geeks, then you’ll definitely enjoy yourself.