
Tag: Gary Kunath

  • ‘Life…Don’t Miss It.’ Author Gary Kunath Talks At Google

    Gary Kunath, author of the book Life…Don’t Miss it: How I Learned To Live Life To The Fullest, recently participated in an “At Google” talk, which the company has now made available online.

    The talk is called, “Mastering Life’s Balance”.

    “This presentation centers on elevating employee well being and helping people maximize the joy and contentment in their lives so they can a great home life and a great work life,” Google explains in the video description. “Recent research shows that 70% of employees today would sacrifice pay increases and promotions for family well being. People are overwhelmed by the complexities of their own lives. Instead of employers recognizing this and bringing humanity back to the business and serving as a source of relief, they often compound the issues by adding more complexity to their peoples’ lives.”

    The talk took place on June 27th at Google’s Mountain View headquarters. It’s about an hour long.

    More recent At Google talks here.