
Tag: f-bomb

  • Sarah Hyland Poked Fun At Herself After Tripping At ‘Teen Choice Awards’

    The 2015 Teen Choice Awards was a memorable night for Sarah Hyland who tripped and inadvertantly dropped the “f-bomb” on camera.

    The star of the Modern Family together with Pitch Perfect’s Skylar Austin were the first presenters of the August 16 event held at Galen Center, Los Angeles. The 24-year-old actress accidentally tripped while making her way on the stage.

    Hyland was clearly surprised and blurted out the f-word. Upon realizing what she had said, she covered her mouth, embarrassed.

    But Hyland was quick to own up to her clumsiness, “I do that sometimes, guys. I’m awkward.”

    Austin, her co-presenter explained that it could be “performance jitters” as they were the first presenters at the event. The young star was seemingly not at all affected by the embarrassing incident. On her Twitter, she poked fun at herself.

    The actress, despite her clumsiness, made a point about the importance of social media.

    She told FOX411 before she went on stage, “Social media for me, I think it can be open outlets to bullying, to criticism, to judgmental people but I think the great thing about it and what kids should learn to use it is for spreading the word. To be able to share things you are passionate about, share things like pictures of things that you love, of foundations you care about. I think it’s a really great outlet for kids and I think the only thing that they need to do is find their inner voice and power through social media.”

    The 2015 Teen Choice Awards was a success in general. The audience got to witness special performances from the music industry’s hottest artists including 5 Seconds of Summer, Robin Thicke, Flo Rida and Little Mix.

  • Pope Drops F Bomb Accidentally During Speech

    The Pope may need to ask for forgiveness from God and everyone else who heard his recent speech. While in the middle of giving the weekly blessing at the Vatican, Pope Francis accidentally dropped the F Bomb.

    Pope Francis was trying to say the word “caso,” which means “case” in Italian, but said “cazzo,” which is the Italian equivalent of the F-word instead. As soon as he let the word slip, he knew it was wrong and he tried to correct himself quickly, but it was too late, he had already said it and everyone in the audience heard the mistake.

    His actual speech went, “If each one of us does not amass riches only for oneself, but half for the service of others, in this (F bomb) … in this case the providence of God will become visible through this gesture of solidarity.”

    A simple and easy to make mistake, but one that will likely haunt the Pope for a while. Especially since many people were recording the speech on their cell phones and have uploaded it onto YouTube and shared it on social networks.

    While the mistake may be a funny one, it is a prime example of how normal the Pope really is and shows that even he can make an honest mistake every now and then. If you think the Pope’s accidental F Bomb will hurt his image, think again. Most people will find the humorous accident relatable and it may actually boost Pope Francis’s popularity.

    Do you think the Pope is secretly laughing about his mistake or is he deep in prayer, begging for forgiveness?

    Image via YouTube

  • Pope Francis Drops Italian Equivalent of F-Bomb

    Pope Francis dropped what is known as the Italian equivalent of the F-bomb during his Sunday address from the Vatican. While some are likely still sitting aghast at the pope’s potty mouth, this will likely serve to make the pontiff even more popular with young people. It was actually a slip of the tongue–the marring of an Italian pronunciation–that changed the word caso, which means “case,” into the naughty four letter word instead.

    Here is the English translation of Pope Francis’s inadvertent slip up.

    “If each one of us does not amass riches only for oneself, but half for the service of others, in this f*** [pause], in this case the providence of God will become visible through this gesture of solidarity,” he said.

    The pope did an excellent job of ignoring his gaffe and continuing on with his message. It is very important to remember that Italian isn’t the pontiff’s first language. Spanish is his main dialect and despite popular belief, there is a huge difference between the two languages–as the whole world noted on Sunday.

    Pope Francis definitely isn’t the first world figure to use such embarrassing language publicly either–and at least to his credit, it was a mistake. NPR cites three such incidents by prominent U.S. figures.

    “Vice President Joe Biden was famously heard describing the Affordable Care Act as a “big f—ing deal,” and his boss, President Barack Obama, once told TV journalist Matt Lauer that he was trying to figure out “whose a– to kick” regarding the BP oil spill.”

    “And let us not forget former Vice President Dick Cheney, who told Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., to “go f— himself” in 2004 after Leahy criticized Cheney over his Halliburton contacts.”

    These incidents make you think what Pope Francis said really isn’t any big deal at all–especially since he didn’t mean to say it.

    Unfortunately the boo boo will no doubt mean the pope will soon be the butt of late night talk show host’s jokes for the next week or so, and t-shirts with his image and the vulgarity will no doubt soon emerge.

    But hey–if that keeps the pontiff and his intended message in the hearts and minds of people around the world–more power to the productions. Some have already referred to Pope Francis as a rock star. This will no doubt rise him to an even higher status.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Dan Aykroyd Drops F-Bomb After Leaving Interview

    Dan Aykroyd was not too happy during an interview with Ellen Fanning from The Observer Effect. Dan was reportedly overheard on the streets outside the studio where the interview took place saying, “f…ing hosebag” about Fanning. What had the interviewer done to enrage the wrath of the popular actor?

    Ellen Fanning apparently would not let Dan Aykroyd discuss his new business venture, which is the marketing of the Crystal Head vodka. The SBS talk show host had already partially conducted the interview which consisted of Dan Aykroyd discussing his childhood and career; however, the interview turned sour quickly.

    According to a SBS representative, “(Aykroyd) was welcome to mention his vodka, but advertorials are not part of the show’s format.”

    Present reports claim that Dan Aykroyd had intended to have the vodka market line discussed, which Ellen Fanning was not openly encouraging. Dan apparently ripped off his sunglasses and proceeded to mention the full line of products included within the Crystal Head vodka brand before storming out of the interview.

    Shine Australia and SBS are joint producers of The Observer Effect where both reached out to the Executive Producer of the show, Paul Steindl, and requested that an official apology be publicly sent to the famous actor. However, both Paul Steindl and Ellen Fanning refused to issue the requested apology. Though the exact circumstances surrounding this infamous situation have yet to be released it appears that Steindl and Fanning think that the apology should come from Dan Aykroyd instead of from them.

    While this outburst may seem bad for business, Dan Aykroyd is a beloved Hollywood icon and his fans are vocally supporting him through Twitter.

    Though the interview with Ellen Fanning from The Observer Effect is not available, the following interview shows Larry King discussing the vodka line with Dan Aykroyd.

    [Image Via YouTube]