
Tag: exotic pets

  • Judge Rules IKEA Monkey Must Remain at Sanctuary

    A judge has ruled that the monkey who appeared mysteriously inside the doors of an IKEA store last December will remain in an animal sanctuary north of Toronto instead of going back to his “mom.”

    The Japanese snow macaque turned up at an IKEA store on a cold day in December 2012. The monkey, named Darwin, was dressed in a faux shearling coat and diaper. Prior to going inside the store, Darwin had been running frantically about the parking lot, according to onlookers.

    Bronwyn Iler Page gained internet notoriety after being first to tweet about seeing the monkey at IKEA: “Um, saw a monkey in the #IKEA parking lot.” The tweet was accompanied by a photo of the tiny money with shopping carts in the background. Nine months later, her twitter bio still boasts “I saw the monkey #IKEAmonkey.”

    How did a Japanese snow macaque end up inside an IKEA store? Darwin apparently escaped from his owner, real estate attorney Yasmin Nakhuda. Despite Nakhuda’s claims that the monkey was a gift, Judge Mary Vallee ruled that Nakhuda had purchased Darwin from an exotic animal dealer for $5,000 with the knowledge that doing so was illegal. Toronto city bylaw prohibits the ownership of exotic pets.

    The judge’s decision on Friday means that Darwin will remain at the Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary where attorney Kevin Toyne says he is adjusting well and learning to behave like a young adult macaque rather than a human child.

    Besides getting a new home, Darwin got a Twitter account. The account has over 6,500 followers and has mostly been used to update the public on how they can support Darwin and the Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary.

    image credit

  • Cat-Sized Rats on the Prowl in the Florida Keys

    Cat-Sized rats have been showing their whiskers in the Florida Keys. These gigantic rodents are called Gambian giant pouch rats and their rate of reproduction has allowed them to overcome efforts to eradicate the creatures for the past four years. They can produce 20 offspring within nine months.

    One concern of officials in Miami is that this species could migrate to the mainland and destroy valuable crops.

    Scott Hardin, the Exotic Species Coordinator for Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, said that they “thought we had them whipped as of 2009…. In the early part of 2011, a resident e-mailed me and said he saw one of the rats. We were skeptical but went back and talked to people and [saw] there were rats that we missed.” Hardin went on to say that he “would not imagine there’s more than another couple of dozen at most. We’ve caught them all within a half-mile of each other… We think they have not moved far but they clearly reproduced.”

    Gambian giant pouch rats are from Africa and can grow up to nine pounds making them the largest rat in the world. They were imported as pets until they were banned in 2003 due to the Monkey Pox outbreak. Six or 7 animals were released on Grassy Key by a breeder in 2000-2002 and have multiplied and spread.


    One thing Floridians have on their side is the fact that the southern tip of Florida has a growing population of giant pythons that are likely to dine on the rats.

    A few months ago a man in Brooklyn found the rat and speared it with a garden rake. But don’t be alarmed, officials think that it was just someone’s pet.

    Watch this Gambian store six walnuts in his mouth within a minute:

    Would you want one of these creatures as a pet? Do you think that they are cute?

    Some people on Twitter think so while others are baffled:

    Cute! Can I adopt one? RT @ErikLoomis: The Gambian rat has invaded the Florida Keys. …. http://t.co/NrJPwY39(image) 12 hours ago via Seesmic ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    omg want “@RL_Stine: The largest rat in the world? It’s the Gambian Pouched Rat. It can grow to three feet long! Cute? http://t.co/vX9Zo3us(image) 20 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Nine-pound rats?!?!?!??! http://t.co/EAJNz8dw(image) 6 minutes ago via TweetDeck ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    http://t.co/CDjRwXHx This a Giant Gambian Pouch Rat, WTF a rat the size of a cat smh. Bad (cont) http://t.co/dq0X0I4q(image) 10 hours ago via UberSocial for BlackBerry ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    RT @BigBoss954: @This_Guy88 @dshow50 iPrestige23 http://t.co/4VUJWWiF < So when they get inside homes are they the worlds largest mice?(image) 16 minutes ago via Echofon ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    9lb rat infestation in Florida. Yikes! Look at those things. Someone get Splinter! #TMNT! http://t.co/G7uFYZem(image) 18 minutes ago via HootSuite ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Watch this mom play with her baby: