
Tag: Entertainment

  • Romney Has Drudge Report In “Back Pocket”, Says Thompson

    Romney Has Drudge Report In “Back Pocket”, Says Thompson

    Former Senator Fred Thompson, an also-ran in the 2008 GOP presidential race, has made his support of Newt Gingrich well-known.

    On NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Fred Thompson and Senator John McCain, who endorses Mitt Romney, sat side-by-side. Each extolled the virtues of their respective candidates, prognosticated on the outcome and consequences of the upcoming Florida GOP primary, and talked about different topics of the day.

    At one point, Fred Thompson referenced a New York Times article from that morning that outlined Mitt Romney’s recent attacks on his man Newt. In that context he also stated that Romney was getting biased support from Matt Drudge’s “Drudge Report” website in the form of positive coverage for Romney and negative for Gingrich, saying Romney has Drudge in his “back pocket”.

    Recently, much hay has been made some supposed statements Newt Gingrich made in private, disparaging Ronald Reagan. And, that headline was played up big on Drudge.

    Most GOP candidates go out of their way to speak glowingly of Reagan, who was an extremely popular president for them. To be seen as critical of Reagan in a GOP race would invite ostracism from the party faithful and old guard. And, Gingrich has been selling himself in Florida as a “Reagan conservative”.

    Gingrich stumped in and won the recent South Carolina primary with the message that Romney was the GOP pick, regardless of what the people want. He presented himself as an anti-establishment Washington outsider who would challenge the GOP’s presumption.

    The Drudge Report ran the story of Thompson’s accusations, and responded with links to three stories that had reported Newt in the lead in weeks prior.

    But, they also soon top-lined these gems.

  • SAG Awards: Twitter Reacts

    The Screen Actors Guild awards were the trending topic this weekend with hits such as Boardwalk Empire taking home TV’s best drama, Jessica Lange taking home best actress in a TV drama for her role in American Horror Story and bringing home best cast in a TV comedy, Modern Family. The hottest topics of the awards are of course the shows and categories, but for all the fashionistas out there, the clothes were the hot topic. With the SAG awards ending and the trophies given, Twitter erupted with opinions.

    With hot fashions and hot categories, the SAG awards were one of the focal points of the weekend, if you’re a cinephile. With all the twitter buzz, what’re your opinions on this past weekend’s awards? Did your favorite actor/actress win? Did your favorite show get any nominations or awards? Let us know in the comments.

  • Super Bowl Ads: Fun Facts

    Super Bowl Ads: Fun Facts

    Super Bowl ads are the focal point of the day besides the big game of course. Super Bowl Sunday is a long awaited day for many football fans, whether you’re looking forward to the mountains of meats, cheeses and other culinary delights or you just want to see a bunch of dudes break each other’s scapulas, it’s a celebrated day for “foodie” and fan alike.

    Whether you believe it or not, celebrities are risky business. In last year’s ads, commercials that did not feature celebrities as a main point did 9.2% better than those which did. Just 5 of the ten least effective ads last year that featured celebrities were Groupon’s ad featuring Timothy Hutton, Lipton’s ad featuring rapper Eminem, GoDaddy.com’s ad featuring Joan Rivers, SalesForce.com’s ad starring Will.I.Am and Stella Artois’ commercial featuring Adrian Brody.

    Animals can be an advertisers best friend. Ads with animals did substantially better than ads with celebrities, performing 21% better. Also Animal ads did 14% better than those ads not featuring animals.

    Just a couple of the top 6 ads from last year according to Ace Metrix



    Automotive brands such as Chevy, Ford and Dodge are typically one of the most effective advertisers. Last year, Volkswagen’s “The Force” ad was the top automotive ad being 10% more effective than the average ad. It also took the the 8th most effective ad of the game. The major theme of last year’s game was “Made In America” half of the top ten ads featured companies such as dodge, ford and chevy.


    Internet brands, statistically, have never faired well. There were no dot.com ads in the AceMatrix.com top 10 Super Bowl ads last year. Half of the top 10 least effective Super Bowl ads featured dot.com names.

  • The Muppets Respond to Fox News Attack, Miss Piggy’s Upset

    The Muppets, whimsical puppets who try to make both adults and kids laugh – or – a brainwashing piece of media that’s looking to turn your kids into liberal, tree-hugging, pinko commies?

    Fox News asked this question a couple of months ago, seriously (as serious as they could) debating the ramifications of The Muppets featuring an oil tycoon as the movie’s villain. If you missed out on the segment, here’s the video…

    The video generated a fair amount of buzz, leaving many people bewildered by the extent Fox News went on to attack the movie. There were two people muppets who responded to the attack over the weekend at a UK press event. They had this to say…

    Uh oh, Fox News, you’ve made Miss Piggy upset. If you’re familiar with the Muppets, you know Miss Piggy’s wrath runs long and deep.

    Hopefully this story brought a bit a laughter to your Monday, I know the second video did for me. Also, in case you’re wondering, this was my response to the initial Fox News segment.

  • No More Donkey Semen: Twitter Reacts

    As reported earlier by WebProNews.com, the television show Fear Factor was to air and feature a horrid stunt. On the episode contestants were to drink donkey semen, chased by a generous helping of donkey urine. Now, it seems this is not the case, according to the NBC website, which no longer lists the episode in its line-up, instead it is replaced by a repeat episode.

    Now that the network has removed the episode, what’s your opinion? Do you feel like the episode should have been aired due to the insane stunts in the past or do you think this particular stunt is too far?

  • A Handy Infographic About the Entertainment Industry Fearing Technology

    A Handy Infographic About the Entertainment Industry Fearing Technology

    How many times has the entertainment industry trembled at the onset of new technology? Well, if you’re talking about the the film industry in particular, and you answered “every time,” then you are pretty damn accurate. While some of us who were alive during the age of VCRs remember the outcry and the subsequent Betamax ruling, the fear of new technology, which now manifests itself with the face of a content pirate, is almost ever-present.

    The following infographic, which was created by Anne Rhodes of the Matador Network, details this fear of technology quite clearly, and as you’ll soon see, it goes all the way back to the invention of 35mm film. Granted, the initial fear came from the federal government, but that too acts as harbinger of things to come.

    The infographic in question:

    SOPA Infographic
    Click for full size

    Why is it every time there’s a major advancement in technology — the kind of tech the entertainment industry could use to expand its business — the very same industry that could and should benefit from the technology reacts in absolute terror? Whether it’s VCRs, DVRs, or even something like the introduction of subscriber-based cable television, the industry acts as if the new thing being introduced will sound its death knell.

    Yet, time and time again, these reactions are overblown, misguided, and simply based on the fear of losing money, even though, most of the new technologies allowed for new avenues of revenue generation. At some point, you’d think the lesson of embracing evolution would be part of the business model, but clearly, this writer is entirely too naive.

  • Australian Open: Twitter Buzz

    Australian Open: Twitter Buzz

    With the finals of the Australian Open quickly approaching, Twitter is buzzing with emotion. From the happy to the irate, Tweets are being posted by the minute.

    The Australian Open is one of four grand-slam tennis championships and since the first one was held in 1905, the tournament has been on fire ever since. This year’s games include names such as, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic and Jo-Wilfred Tsonga.

    Let us know who you want to win this weekend; give us your opinions in the comments section.

  • Fear Factor To Feature Donkey Semen Stunt: Twitter Reacts

    NBC executives are furious after the show Fear Factor recently revealed they would have contestants drink an entire beer mug of donkey semen with the addition of a hefty glass of donkey urine to finish. NBC was so upset, they nearly decided to remove the stunt altogether. In the stunt contestants would have to chug both the semen and the urine completely to move on to the next stunt.

    According to one source the episode has been filmed and is set to air this coming monday, January 30th. It’s been reported that several contestants did, in fact, gulp down the gross substances.

    Fear Factor has always had a wild reputation for sick and gross stunts; including eating cow brains, drinking animal blood, devouring insects and more, but with the addition of this insane stunt, the show really seems to be pushing the bar on the disgusting. How do you feel about such a stunt? do you find it revolting? Hilarious? Revoltingly hilarious? Let us know your opinion in the comments section.

  • SOPA/PIPA: The Aftermath of Web Blackout, ACTA, & What’s Next

    Even though the SOPA and PIPA bills are essentially dead, they are still getting a lot of attention. Last week, the U.S. witnessed a powerful expression from both brands and consumers that demonstrated their strong opposition to the anti-piracy bills.

    Did you take part in the protest of the SOPA/PIPA bills? If so, how, and if not, why?

    Miles Feldman, Partner at Raines Feldman LLP While it doesn’t look like the U.S. will see any legislation regarding online piracy this year, intellectual property attorney Miles Feldman tells us that it is a serious issue.

    “It’s really a serious issue because of the volume,” he said. “We have a content industry that’s in trouble, and we have rampant copyright infringement that is going on, and it has decimated the music industry… and is deeply impacting the motion picture and television industry as well as the gaming industry, video gaming industry, and publishing.”

    Feldman specializes in media and intellectual property and has personally been involved with litigation involving the Black Eyed Peas, Will Smith, and other high profile personalities. He told us of a recent incident, in which a video game that was just published by one of his clients began appearing on other websites and was available to download. Another site was also involved and, even though it did not make the game available to download, it still contained infringing content.

    Since the sites were based in other countries, they couldn’t be effectively sued or shut down. According to Feldman, getting any action done is not only very cost-prohibitive, but it is also nearly impossible.

    An option that is often the only alternative and that is non-judicial is the idea of turning the infringing sites into licensed fan sites. Feldman said he used this option with the site that did not include the download.

    One of the specific arguments that has risen up against the bills recently is the fact that the Department of Justice shut down MegaUpload, one of the world’s largest file sharing sites, the day after the Internet blackout. Protesters say that, if the DoJ could take down this site, then why is there a need for new legislation?

    “What the problem keeps being is it may take years to shut down the offensive site, like it did with MegaUpload, but the infringement continues and the damage continues,” said Feldman.

    Even though there is clearly a problem of piracy online, Feldman told us that the SOPA and PIPA bills were not the right solution. He did believe the original purpose of them was well intentioned but said the language of the bills were not clear.

    “What this legislation was intended to do was to provide a mechanism very much like the DMCA but with a little bit different of a process,” he pointed out.

    However, the bills were written in a way that would put a big burden on companies such as ISPs, financial transaction providers, advertising providers, and more.

    “The problem with crafting language and legislation is that it’s an imprecise science, and it has to be done with care,” said Feldman. “The aspects of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which work so perfectly are clarity and a procedure, and that’s what we need with respect to foreign sites.”

    SOPA and PIPA also called for criminal enforcement, which Feldman believes is a very bad idea.

    “I think that it’s a mistake to use criminal law to deal with streaming and to deal with file sharing of content, especially when that could potentially be used by consumers,” he said.

    Feldman told us that he would like to see the entertainment and Internet communities come together to talk about how both sides can benefit from legislation.

    “What the entertainment industry should do is try to embrace the consumers and try to embrace the technology rather than just trying to control it,” he said.

    He went on to say that the attacks that both sides have been making are not all true and that more dialogue was needed to work out the conflicts. If this happens, he believes these groups could create a more current DMCA that embraces the concept of SOPA and PIPA but that has a clause that eliminates a safe harbor for companies who are in compliance with the law.

    Another outcome that Feldman potentially sees happening is that, instead of a new piece of legislation being written, the principles that were in SOPA and PIPA could be absorbed in other bills.

    While the SOPA/PIPA debate is being celebrated as a victory in the Internet community, there is rising concern over the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). Many people believe it would bring the same harm that SOPA and PIPA would have brought in regards to freedom of speech and intellectual property.

    “Every time you restrict or you impose copyright regulations, copyright laws under jurisdiction, you’re gonna limit expression – and that is always a concern,” said Feldman.

    Incidentally, the European Union signed the agreement into effect this morning.

    According to Feldman, the debate surrounding these issues will be around for a while saying, “this drama is still being written.”

    What would you like to see result from the anti-piracy debate? Let us know.

  • WikiLeaks Founder Getting Into Television

    WikiLeaks Founder Getting Into Television

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange might be coming to a TV near you.

    The WikiLeaks blog announced Monday that Assange will be hosting a “series of in-depth conversations with key political players, thinkers and revolutionaries from the around the world.” The theme will be “the world tomorrow.”

    What spurred the creation of the new TV show are the current revolutions and upheavals across the Middle East. The recent attacks on the Internet and the Western collapse of leading political institutions will also feature heavily on the program.

    For those unaware, WikiLeaks publishes leaked documents from private and public agencies around the world to give the public a look into what governments and corporations are hiding.

    Assange, always the humble one, realizes that he is a pioneer for a more just world and a victim of political repression. He will use this to draw together controversial voices from across the political spectrum to offer their unique ideas for a better future:

    “Through this series I will explore the possibilities for our future in conversations with those who are shaping it. Are we heading towards utopia, or dystopia and how we can set our paths? This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the vision of my guests in a new style of show that examines their philosophies and struggles in a deeper and clearer way than has been done before.”

    The series will begin airing in mid-March, in ten weekly half-hour episodes. Initial licensing commitments cover over 600 million viewers across cable, satellite and terrestrial broadcast networks.

    Would you watch a Julian Assange talk show? Let us know in the comments.

  • Chinese Military Takes Hot Potato Way Too Seriously

    Chinese Military Takes Hot Potato Way Too Seriously

    Remind me never to join the People’s Liberation Army of China.

    Footage revealed last weekend on YouTube shows a training exercise from the PLA where soldiers pass around a live grenade to have it thrown into a hole. The soldiers then leap out of the way before it explodes. It’s a dangerous game of hot potato that I have no interest in.

    The video description outlines the training exercise in more detail by saying that each soldier must take the live explosive by both hands, then hand it off to the next soldier while visibly twisting their torso. The last soldier then has to throw it into the hole and make sure it lands inside correctly.

    The video description goes on to say, “As with militaries across the world, the PLA instill their soldiers with specialised skills and advanced training.” Let me know if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure no other military in the world has their soldiers playing hot potato with a live grenade as “training.”

    I don’t think I need to add the disclaimer, “Don’t try this at home,” but seriously, please don’t try this at home.

  • Steven Spielberg Is Pretty Amazing

    Steven Spielberg Is Pretty Amazing

    Steven Spielberg. The name will inevitably bring to mind many movies the man has been involved with over his long career.

    Recently, Spielberg received the 2012 David O. Selznick Achievement Award from the Producers Guild of America.

    To commemorate the occasion, Todd Sandler created a tribute video that celebrates all the films that Spielberg either produced or directed. The usual suspects like Indiana Jones and The Goonies show up, but his less known films such as Gremlins and *batteries not included make an appearance as well. It truly is a celebration of everything that made Spielberg a household name and he’s sure to make more amazing films if the critical reception of War Horse is any indication.

    The compilation does an excellent job of sorting out the adventure and sci-fi films that Spielberg is more well known for while giving his more personal works like Schindler’s List their own place to shine.

    As an aside, I could have done without the E.T. footage, scariest film Spielberg ever made.

  • Redbox Gives Discounts For Answering Trivia Questions

    Redbox, one of the top players in movie rental these days, is not shy about giving customers discounts. Its DVDs are already pretty low-priced (despite a minor price increase last year), but they’re always giving away free rentals for various reasons (liking their Facebook page, for example).

    Now, Redbox is running a new campaign where customers can answer trivia questions for discounts on movies. Customers started receiving emails today that look like this:

    Redbox trivia

    Email marketing, by the way, appears to be a pretty powerful channel for Redbox, as the company’s kiosks require customers to enter their email addresses each time they rent a movie.

    Notice that the trivia offering is powered by Scene It, a popular DVD-based movie trivia game.

  • GotCast CEO on the Intersection of Technology and Hollywood

    With celebrities quickly taking to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, it’s clear that the entertainment industry is embracing technology and the digital space. What’s interesting is that some people in Hollywood are finding that they prefer the freedom technology and the Internet provide, as actor Kevin Pollak explained to us in this interview:

    In another recent interview with Alec Shankman, the CEO of Hollywood interactive community GotCast, he told us that technology and the entertainment industry were “merging quickly.” Sites such as Hulu, Netflix, and, of course, YouTube are creating many new opportunities for both known talent and budding talent.

    While there are many opportunities, there are also challenges in bringing these two industries together. After being an agent for several years, Shankman realized that there was a gap in connecting fresh talent to agents, producers, and casting directors. He and his business partner Wil Schroter took this problem and developed a platform for bridging this gap called GotCast.com.

    “We’re actually merging the way talent is discovered and the way that talent finds work with technology,” said Shankman.

    They wanted to create options beyond American Idol, The Voice, and other talent oriented shows.

    He went on to explain that the service has both a free and premium model and anyone that wants can sign up. The service also has a social-based component called MediaBlastr that allows family and friends to vote for their loved ones on various social sites. Brands such as MySpace, Dove, and Sony Playstation have created contests that have gone viral through this element.

    “It’s really difficult for a brand to get talent to, or anybody for that matter, to speak about the brand across Facebook and Twitter without getting paid for it or without having a really specific reason,” Shankman said.

    “But, in this case, when you’re saying, ‘Hey, I wanna be the new face of Dove, come vote for me,’ and you’re posting it on Twitter and Facebook and Google+, and then your friends go to vote for you and they sign up and they post the same thing, it gets really viral really quickly; and it’s incredible for brands,” he added.

    The other challenge with this intersection of technology and entertainment is monetization. The entertainment industry is accustomed to having tried and true business models, but this new space is different. Shankman told us that GotCast, and the others that are embracing the two, are still experimenting with revenue models.

    “Technology is growing like crazy everyday, so it’s gonna be in the entertainment space whether entertainment’s ready or not,” he said.

    Despite these challenges, Shankman said that Hollywood was motivated to integrate technology because it didn’t want to “miss the boat” like the recording industry did.

  • The Hunger Games Final Poster Released Online

    We’re looking at about nine weeks until the highly anticipated release of The Hunger Games hits your local cinema. With that in mind, Lionsgate has released the final poster for the film, thus ending this portion of the films marketing campaign.

    The Hunger Games final poster

    If you’re unfamiliar with The Hunger Games, it’s the first book in a trilogy of novels by Suzanne Collins. Below is a synopsis of storyline, wrote by the author herself:

    In a not-too-distant future, North America has collapsed, weakened by drought, fire, famine, and war to be replaced by Panem, a country divided into the Capitol and 12 districts. Each year two young representatives from each district are selected by lottery to participate in The Hunger Games. Part entertainment, part brutal intimidation of the subjugated districts, the televised games are broadcast throughout Panem. The 24 participants are forced to eliminate their competitors, literally, with all citizens required to watch. When 16-year-old Katniss’ young sister, Prim, is selected as the mining district’s female representative, Katniss volunteers to take her place. She and her male counterpart Peeta, will be pitted against bigger, stronger representatives who have trained for this their whole lives.

    Will you be making the trek to your local multiplex to check out The Hunger Games? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Phillip Phillips: American Idol Season 11 Early Favorite [VIDEO]

    American Idol just premiered it’s 11th season last night, but some have already declared Phillip Phillips the winner.

    No, that’s not a typo… that’s actually his name – Phillip Phillips.

    The Albany, GA native performed an over-the-top version of Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition” that didn’t really win over the judges. Randy asked him to pick up his guitar and play something else. He began to play a stripped-down cover of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, and it was instantly obvious to the three judges that he was the real deal, and he was on his way to Hollywood.

    If you do a YouTube search for Phillip Phillips, you’ll see several other songs from him including covers of Eminem, Lil’ Wayne, and Usher among others. You can check out some of the videos for yourself below.

    Eminem – Lose Yourself

    Lil’ Wayne – Lollipop

    Usher – Nice & Slow

    Do you think Phillip has what it takes to win American Idol season 11? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.

  • SOPA: Google, Today Show Discuss Legislation

    SOPA: Google, Today Show Discuss Legislation

    In a rare move for mainstream broadcast news, Google had a chance to talk about SOPA and their opinion on it.

    This morning on The Today Show, Marissa Mayer, VP of Product Management for Google, took to the show to talk about a new Google Doodle contest for K-12 students. Before they got to that though, the cast of Today took the first minute to talk about SOPA and Google’s protest of it.

    Since it’s been hard to get any mainstream coverage on SOPA, it was surprising to see it being talked about this morning. Unfortunately, Today never took time out to talk about it in depth and of course, they had to give their owner’s (Comcast) weighted opinion on the legislation.

    Still it’s impressive that a mainstream news network owned by a supporter of SOPA, and one that’s watched by millions of Americans every morning, would talk about the controversial legislation.

    In other encouraging news, The Today Show’s top headline is about Wikipedia going dark in protest of SOPA.

    Stay tuned for more on the SOPA blackout throughout the day.

    Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

  • Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globes Performance Panned On Twitter

    Ricky Gervais’ previous award show-hosting gigs set the bar pretty high, and it looks like he failed to hit that bar last night at the 69th Annual Golden Globes.

    Much of Gervais’ routine remained intact from last year: the celebrity bashing, the NBC bashing and the ever-present glass of beer. But his opening monologue felt tame, and besides a well-placed joke about actress Jodie Foster’s “beaver,” Gervais failed to push the buttons and stir up the controversy that many expected from the popular comedian.

    Much of the Twitter reaction bemoaned this year’s innocuous Ricky Gervais, complaining about his lack of screen time and wanting a sharper tongue when he was on camera:

    Ricky Gervais seems to be AWOL but Seth Rogen gets my vote for next year’s Golden Globes host. 12 hours ago via Twitter for iPad · powered by @socialditto

    If Ricky Gervais was watching at home he’d have a ball clowning this host that keeps playing up how “dangerous” his mild insider jokes are.. 13 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Can it be considered “hosting” when Ricky Gervais only appears every 30 minutes during the #goldenglobes? 11 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Well over 2 hrs into #GoldenGlobes. Ricky Gervais has had less than ten minutes of cumulative stage time. Was he not the face on those ads? 11 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    I know 2 Globes that didn’t show up: Ricky Gervais’ BALLS! Not rude enough! #goldenglobes 10 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    If somebody told Ricky Gervais not to offend anyone on the #GoldenGlobes it worked. Now if only somebody also told him to be funny! 2 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Check out his opening monologue and decide for yourself:

    If Twitter reaction is any indication, Gervais’ night might have been trumped by one joke made by presenter Seth Rogen:

    When Seth Rogen hosts next year’s GG, I hope they get Peter Dinklage to play his erection. 12 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    We’re not quite sure if Ricky Gervais’ toned-down Golden Globes performance was his decision, or has something to do with network pressure. Maybe he just wasn’t on air enough to make his usual impact – he did have some pretty impressive lines when he was on air. Either way, many in the online community feel that they wanted more from a guy who has become the king of the Hollywood send-up.

  • GetGlue Hits 2 Million Users, Raises $12 Million [Exclusive Interview]

    GetGlue announced that it has closed a $12 million round of financing, led by Rho Ventures. Other investors include: TimeWarner Investments, RRE Ventures, and Union Square Ventures.

    WebProNews interviewed CEO Alex Iskold about the funding and the growth of GetGlue (it has surpassed 2 million users):

    GetGlue created the following infographic to recap its year that has led up to the announcement:

    GetGlue TV Checkins

    GetGlue also released a new update for its iPhone app and GetGlue.com, which includes a visual stream of check-ins, the ability to participate in multiple conversations, and a personalized recommendation feature called Guides.

  • Online Petition For Bringing Breast Feeding Segments Back To Sesame Street

    It’s hard to believe Sesame Street has been on the air since 1969. Needless to say, our society has grown and evolved since the show originally released. Now, Cookie Monster is whacking out on vegetables (which this author still cringes at). One topic which has been brought to the limelight recently is how the show has handled the topic of breastfeeding. More specifically, how the show has completely axed breast feeding from segments which show babies being fed.

    This all started on a blog titled, boobietime.blogspot.com (hold your snickers), where an astute mother discovered how the act of baby feeding had changed on Sesame Street from the 70’s, 80’s and into the 90’s.

    She found clips of breastfeeding occurring in episodes in the 70’s and 80’s, but sometime during the 90’s the show started showing the bottle option exclusively. The article was posted at the end of December which led to an online petition in the beginning of January, titled: Bring breastfeeding back to Sesame Street.

    The petition has a signature goal of 7,500, which it looks to hit. I started this article, went to lunch and came back to see the number of signatures grow from 4,700 to eclipsing the 5,000 mark. Here’s a description of what the petition is looking to gain: “Please take a moment to sign this petition to bring breastfeeding back to Sesame Street. Back in the 70’s and 80’s nursing was tastefully shown on the show but now they have replaced their nursing videos with bottles. Please note…We are not asking Sesame Street to remove bottle feeding. We are asking that both ways of feeding babies be shown as normal. If we normalize breastfeeding in our community, especially with our children, we can help raise a generation of breastfeeders which will support our economy, make for healthier children and lessen the risk of breast cancer for many nursing mamas!

    The original blogger found these clips of breastfeeding being shown on the program during the 70’s and 80’s…

    …and here’s the latest version of the subject of babies, which released sometime in the 90’s.

    As a 27 year old male I don’t think I could be anymore neutral towards the subject of breastfeeding. I don’t hold any negative connotations towards it, and wish these online petitioners the best. What I’m wondering is what occurred in the 90’s that turned us all into such prudes? When it comes to the more discrete aspect of our bodies, I tend to follow the belief of Kramer from Seinfeld. We all got em’.

  • BOND 50: Fifty Years Of James Bond In One Gold Box; CES 2012

    Speaking at a Directors’ Panel discussion at Panasonic’s CES booth today, the directors of ten James Bond films gathered to announce BOND 50, a massive boxed set containing all 22 movies on Blu-ray. While many of the bond movies have been available on Blu-ray for some time, this represents the first time they have been brought together in one collection. In addition to the 22 movies, the set contains over 130 hours of bonus features.

    The release of the set celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the first James Bond film, 1962’s Dr. No. The set is also meant to provide a convenient way for fans to prepare themselves for the 23rd movie: Skyfall, which has Daniel Craig returning as 007 and releases this fall.

    The official press release gives no information on pricing or availability, though presumably the set will be available well before Skyfall releases in late October.

    Will you be getting this massive box of Bond? Let us know in the comments.

    [Source: Press Release]