
Tag: Ella

  • Yellowstone Shooting: Officials Identify 3 Year Old

    A 3-year-old girl who allegedly shot herself with a handgun on Saturday at Yellowstone National Park has been identified. Officials were able to identify the little girl and released her name today. Ella Marie Tucker, of Pocatello, Idaho was the victim of the shooting. Her parent’s names have not yet been released.

    The park officials responded to a call by Ella’s mother, saying that her daughter had just shot herself with the gun at the Grant Village Campground. The officials tried to resuscitate Ella, but were unable to. The officials said that this was the first shooting death in the park since 1978. Records show that there were two shooting deaths that occurred during that year.

    Officials are conducting an investigation into the shooting and are trying to answer the question: Why and how did Ella have access to the handgun in the first place? “We don’t have all of the information, and we haven’t drawn any conclusions,” the park spokesman, Al Nash said.

    Having the gun on the campground site is not illegal. A federal law went into effect February 22, 2010, that allows visitors and campers to possess firearms in the park. “Given the 3 million visitors we see here every year, there thankfully are very few fatalities reported in the park,” Nash said. He also added that heart attacks remain the main cause of death at the park.

    Yellowstone National Park was the first national park in the United States and spans through parts of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Each year, an estimated 3 million people visit the park.

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