
Tag: Election

  • Popular Vote: Will Obama Take That, Too?

    While the days leading up to the election were stressful for the parties involved, perhaps even more stress was laid upon the shoulders of each candidate’s supporters on election night. It seemed like a very tight race for hours, sometimes even coming within a few hundred votes for some states.

    Shortly before midnight, however, President Obama won the necessary amount of Electoral College Votes needed to bring him back to office for another term. Today, many are left wondering where he stands with the popular vote, which was predicted to be another close race.

    Romney held a slight lead as of last night, before many of the western states had been accounted for. But Nate Silver of the New York Times says Obama will more than likely top his opponent by the time it’s all said and done.

    “Mr. Obama is also likely to win the popular vote, perhaps by two to three percentage points, once votes from California, Oregon and Washington are fully counted,” Silver wrote.

    Obama earned a record number of racial minority voters this year, which helped him considerably in key states. He was able to take almost all of the swing states by storm, although not all of the counts are in just yet.

  • Check Out This Cool “Paths to the White House” Map

    Tomorrow’s the big day – Election 2012. Everyone thinks this is going to be a close one (although there’s plenty of debate regarding just how close), and we know that, like many years, the outcome will be decided by a handful of swing states. Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire – these are a few of the states that will likely shape the trajectory of the next four years. And with uncertainty comes possibilites.

    The political junkie and the casually-informed voter will both enjoy this interactive map from the New York Times. It outlines every single path to 270 electoral votes – all 512 of them. From the start, the Times gives President Obama 431 paths to victory, Romney 76, and 5 state-by-state outcomes that could cause an electoral college tie – the “nightmare scenario.”

    Users can give each state to the Democrats to the Republicans – starting with Florida and moving on to eight more states. With each pick, the odds change and you can see exactly what has to happen for each candidate to win.

    The most compelling visual from this map comes after the very first selection. If you give Florida to Obama, he has 255 ways to win from that point on. On the other hand, Romney would have only one. He would have to win Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire.

    Check it out here.

  • “Bronco Bama” Girl: 4-Year Old Sick Of Election-Talk

    I think most of us can commiserate; listening to endless polling stats and predictions, recaps of debates, recaps of campaign stops, and recaps of recaps can be difficult to handle in the weeks leading up to election day. So when 4-year old Abigael had a meltdown in the car and her mom found out the reason, she says she changed the radio station out of sympathy.

    “Why are you crying?” her mom asks.

    “Just because I’m tired of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney,” Abigael says pitifully.

    “That’s why you’re crying? It’ll be over soon, the election will be over soon, okay?”

    “Okay,” Abigael replies.

    We’re right there with you, Abby.

  • Colin Powell Endorsement: Still Republican, But Voting Democrat

    Colin Powell, who was Secretary of State under George W. Bush, publicly announced this morning that he is endorsing President Obama for a second term.

    Powell backed Obama during the last election, as well, much to the dismay of his fellow Republicans. But he says he likes to get all the facts and see exactly what each candidate will do during their campaigns before making his decision on who to vote for, something which gets pushed to the wayside these days in favor of voting strictly for one’s party.

    “I think I’m a Republican of a more moderate mold,” he said. “That’s something of a dying breed I’m sorry to say.”

    On President Obama, Powell said the country needs to remember that Congress shoulders a lot of the blame for the deep pit of problems the country has been in over recent years, and that the president has accomplished many of the things he set out to do four years ago.

    “When he took over, the country was in very very difficult straits,” he said. “We were in the one of the worst recessions we had seen in recent times, close to a depression. The fiscal system was collapsing. Wall Street was in chaos, we had 800,000 jobs lost in that first month of the Obama administration and unemployment peaked a few months later at 10 percent. So we were in real trouble. The auto industry was collapsing, the housing was start[ing] to collapse and we were in very difficult straits. And I saw over the next several years, stabilization come back in the financial community, housing is now starting to pick up after four years, it’s starting to pick up. Consumer confidence is rising….Generally we’ve come out of the dive and we’re starting to gain altitude. The unemployment rate is too high, people are still hurting in housing, but I see that we’re starting to rise up.”

  • Romney Blimp Crash Lands in Florida

    A blimp carrying a political message in favor of U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney crashed (but didn’t burn) in a field in Davie, Florida on Sunday. The aircraft made an emergency landing and deflated after high winds prevented it from moving forward. The FAA is currently investigating the incident.

    Along the side of the blimp, Romney’s face and the message “AMERICA NEEDS ROMNEY” could be seen as it traveled from Boca Raton to an airport in Pembroke Pines. According to a Miami Herald report, the pilot downed the 160-foot airship in an open area of a housing development after it became clear the craft wasn’t going to make it to its destination. The landing was successful, and no people or property were damaged.

    Romney will be hoping that his presidential aspirations won’t take the same nose dive tonight, as the former Massachusetts governor and President Obama square off in the third and final presidential debate.

    Just weeks away from election day, Real Clear Politics national polls show Romney with a slight edge. On a state-by-state basis, however, President Obama is leading polls in several key swing states, including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Winning those four states would put the president just a few electoral votes away from reelection. Romney is currently leading polls in Florida, while Virginia and Colorado are currently a toss-up.

    Feel free to leave your jokes about Romney being full of hot air, or his campaign deflating, in the comments section below.

  • Swing State Votes Key For Both Obama and Romney

    The U.S. Department of Labor recently released statistics showing that unemployment isn’t just falling on a national level, but falling in several key election swing states as well. Unemployment in Florida, Ohio, Colorado, Iowa, and North Carolina are down, while Virginia’s rate remains unchanged.

    While such a revelation would seem to bolster President Obama’s reelection chances, the economies in many of these same states are still recovering slowly. For example, the unemployment rate in Florida may have fallen 1.7% from one year ago, but the rate itself is still high, currently sitting at 8.7%.

    Mitt Romney’s campaign is running on the candidate’s experience in business and that he “knows what it takes” to create jobs. The Obama campaign will now have firm numbers to point to when touting the president’s record on job creation. The topic will no doubt come up tonight during the third and final presidential debate.

    Whether these new and better unemployment numbers will affect the presidential election is unclear. According to Real Clear Politics, a poll aggregation website, Romney currently leads by about 2% in Florida, while Obama leads by about 2% in Ohio. Other swing states, such as Virginia and Colorado, are currently shown as dead-heats.

    National polls are also showing a dead heat, though Romney has had the edge for most of the past two weeks. However, Romney is trailing in important states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. The electoral votes of those three states and Ohio would put Obama just a few electoral votes from reelection, meaning a win in Iowa, Nevada, or Virginia could give Obama the 270 electoral votes needed to win.

  • Google Makes It Easy To Stay Informed During This Election Year

    The Internet played a pretty big role in the 2008 presidential election. That role is expanding even further during the 2012 election and major Internet players are helping you, the voter, to stay informed on the latest trends and announcements.

    Google announced today that they’re launching a Politics & Elections site that will collect all the latest “Google News, YouTube videos, search and video trends and Google+ content about the election in one place.” The site is especially helpful in that it lists the names and profiles of the presidential nominee and their running mate. It also lists the nominees for both the Green and Libertarian party for the few thousand people that vote that way. Clicking on any of the names will bring up the latest news about that candidate.

    Any educated voter will tell you that the issues are far more important than the candidate. Google recognizes this and lists the big issues of this campaign along the side. The issues include such hot topics like the economy, government spending, healthcare and unemployment. Clicking on any of these will bring up the latest news and positions that the candidates are taking on the issues.

    All the news and trends mean nothing if you’re not registered to vote. Google also has your back as they have set up a simple Web site that gets people registered to vote in their state. Clicking on your home state will bring up all the deadlines for voter registration and absentee ballot applications. The site also sets you on the right path of voter registration through a partnership with TurboVote.

    Voting is the most important thing that any self-respecting citizen will do this year. Depending on your votes, we may or may not have to deal with a second SOPA or CISPA next year. The Internet has a stake in this fight that citizens should be worried about. Stay informed and register to vote this November.

  • Watch the Conventions, Debates Live with YouTube’s New Elections Hub

    Watch the Conventions, Debates Live with YouTube’s New Elections Hub

    YouTube has just announced a pretty impressive addition to the flood of political coverage leading up to the November 6th election. YouTube’s Elections Hub is billed as a “one-stop channel for key political moment from now through the upcoming election.”

    And this includes both live streaming and on-demand content.

    The live streaming lineup includes speeches from the upcoming Republican and Democratic National Conventions, as well as the official Presidential and Vice Presidential debates beginning in October. It will all culminate with live election night coverage on November 6th.

    The Elections Hub is also broadcasting Google+ Hangouts featuring “power brokers behind the scenes.”

    It’s not just about the live streaming convention and debate video, although that’s admittedly the main draw. The Elections Hub also features on-demand and live streaming content from a variety of news organizations including; ABC News, Al Jazeera, BuzzFeed, Larry King, the New York Times, Univision, and the Wall Street Journal.

    Plus, clips from players in this season’s election will be housed on the new hub. For instance, GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin’s YouTube apology, which was posted to the Todd Akin for Senate YouTube channel and cross-posted to the Elections hub. You may recall Mr. Akin getting in some pretty hot water for comments he made regarding rape, pregnancy, and abortion.

  • Startup Act 2.0: Is Immigration Reform Vital in Moving Innovation Forward?

    With the economy weighing heavy on everyone’s mind this election season, legislators are hoping it will help them pass a new initiative. The bill is called Startup Act 2.0 and is designed to spark new businesses and jobs.

    What does the U.S. need to spur the economy? Is legislation geared toward startups the answer? We’d love to hear your take in the comments.

    Although President Obama already signed the JOBS Act into law this year, Startup Act 2.0 is said to be an extension of it. The Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act focused on simplifying the funding and regulation processes that small businesses and startups must go through and, specifically, introduced the concept of crowdfunding.

    Startup Act 2.0, however, builds upon these principles but also opens the door on immigration reform. As WebProNews reported when the bill was first introduced to the Senate, it would bring about the following provisions:

    • Creates a new STEM visa so that U.S.-educated foreign students, who graduate with a master’s or Ph.D. in science, technology, engineering or mathematics, can receive a green card and stay in this country where their talent and ideas can fuel growth and create American jobs. It also creates an Entrepreneur’s Visa for legal immigrants so they can remain in the United States, launch businesses and create jobs, and eliminates the per-country caps for employment-based immigrant visas, which hinders U.S. employers from recruiting the top-tier talent they need to grow.
    • Makes permanent the exemption of capital gains taxes on the sale of startup stock held for at least five years, so investors can provide financial stability at a critical juncture of firm growth. It also would create a targeted research and development tax credit for young startups less than five years old and with less than $5 million in annual receipts. This R&D credit is designed to allow startups to offset employee taxes, freeing up resources to help these young companies expand and create jobs.
    • Uses existing federal R&D funding to better support university initiatives designed to bring cutting-edge R&D to the marketplace more quickly, where it can propel economic growth.
    • Requires government agencies to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of proposed “major rules” with an economic impact of $100 million or more. This new requirement will help determine the potential impact of proposed regulations on the formation and growth of new businesses.
    • And Startup Act 2.0 directs the U.S. Department of Commerce to assess state and local policies that aid in the development of new businesses. Through the publication of reports highlighting these “best practices” from across the country, policymakers will be better equipped to encourage entrepreneurship by adopting the most effective and successful policies.

    The immigration aspect of the bill is certainly significant, especially since the subject has been so controversial in Washington. Startup Act 2.0 would bring two new types of visas to the U.S., one of which would give an additional 75,000 student visas in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields the opportunity to go above the 50,000 H-1B cap. The second new visa category is for entrepreneurs that start businesses in the U.S. and obtain $100,000 in funding.

    “In terms of the human capital equation and addressing immigration, it’s really a pressing priority for the industry and something that needs to be addressed,” Kevin Richards, the Senior Vice President of Federal Government Affairs at TechAmerica, tells us.

    TechAmerica is a strong supporter of Startup Act 2.0 and the immigration reform that it would bring because, according to Richards, this “human capital” has been the U.S.’s “greatest advantage” over the rest of the world.

    “The great success of this country has been its ability to attract talent from around the world and to have free innovative ideas to invest in a capital system,” he said.

    Richards is fearful though, since new research indicates that the U.S. is falling behind in the global race for talent. The Partnership for a New American Economy found that, by 2018, there could be a shortfall of as many as 230,000 qualified science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workers.

    Data from Partnership for a New American Economy

    AOL Co-founder Steve Case, who is also one of the members of President Obama’s Council of Jobs and Competitiveness and an advocate of Startup Act 2.0, made an interesting comparison about the current immigration/education system in the U.S. in a post he wrote on TechCrunch:

    Imagine if we trained men and women at our Air Force and Naval Academies, equipped them with the tools they need to lead and succeed in battle, and then kicked them out of our country to join other militaries? In effect, that is what we are doing when we train the world’s most talented immigrants to innovate and start businesses at our great universities, then send them off to start companies in China, India, and South Korea.

    “We really have now more of a fortress mentality approach where we have the best and brightest universities in the world, but we send these students back home to our foreign competitors,” added Richards.

    “If we don’t do something now,” he continued, “we risk our future and our future competitiveness in innovation.”

    At this point, nearly half of the venture-backed companies in the U.S. have had at least one immigrant founder. What’s more, some of America’s biggest technology brands, including Google, Apple, and IBM, were also founded by either an immigrant or a child of an immigrant.

    But, according to Richards, these trends could change if the U.S. doesn’t lift its current caps. For instance, the H-1B cap is typically filled in one day. As a result, he believes that, if the U.S. fails to act now, technology giants will begin to appear overseas.

    “The pace of innovation is something we really have to be concerned about,” said Richards. “We’re hopeful that this bill will unleash new innovation and creativity in our sector.”

    Still, there are some who believe that Startup Act 2.0 doesn’t do enough to encourage entrepreneurs. Richards, however, points out that it is a “good first step” in the right direction.

    While an election year is not normally a good time to get a bill passed, the economic elements this bill proposes could help it.

    “The economy is gonna be the top issue on the minds of voters in the 2012 election,” explained Richards, “and if they [legislators] want to have a record to run on and to demonstrate what they’re doing here in Washington, this would be a great first step.”

    The bill has been introduced in both the Senate and the House, and the hearings over it are expected to begin soon.

    Is immigration reform necessary to reviving the American economy, and is this bill an effective strategy for it? Why or why not? Let us know what you think.

  • Steve Jobs Helped Devise Social Strategy For Obama’s Reelection Campaign

    President Obama has long been known for his ability to engage the electorate on platforms that have been previously underused by those in the political arena. The president’s social media presence was a major feature of his campaign in 2008. In the four years since he was elected, though, the social media landscape has changed somewhat, thanks largely to the explosion of the mobile internet. When Obama was elected in November of 2008, Apple was on only their second iPhone, the Android platform had only recently made its debut, and the BlackBerry was still the master of the smartphone market.

    With Apple and Android constantly jockeying for position in the smartphone market and an increasing amount of web traffic coming from mobile devices – including Apple’s iPad – the kind of social engagement the president brought to bear in his previous campaign requires a very different kind of strategy than it did last time around. With that in mind, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina went on a whirlwind tour of the country, meeting with the CEOs and top executives of a variety of companies, including Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and others, even spending three hours with Steven Spielberg at DreamWorks.

    In an inverview with Bloomberg, Messina says that Steve Jobs gave him advice on how to manage the president’s social media presence. Whereas last time the campaign only had to focus on programming for the web and for email, “this time, you have to program content to a much wider variety of channels – Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, Google.” Mobile technology, Jobs told Messina, is crucial to the campaign’s efforts. Four years ago mobile technology was new and exciting but not especially widespread. Now, though, as smartphones are starting to disrupt the feature phone market and the tablet market is exploding, mobile technology is everywhere. In this climate, any successful media campaign must include mobile technology as a major focus.

    With the presidential campaign now down to two candidates, we’re about to see just how well Messina absorbed the advice from Jobs, Spielberg, and others. Of course, as long as the president’s campaign manages to employ a decent proofreader, they should have a leg up on the competition.

    [Image Credit: Flickr]

  • “Life of Julia” Creepy and Disgusting Says Paul Ryan


    The Obama re-election campaign is in full gear and one of the newest things to show up is a feature on their website called “Life of Julia.” The Life of Julia feature is meant to show the kinds of change that Barack Obama’s policys have helped. Republican Paul Ryan thinks otherwise. He thinks it is degrading to women.

    “It suggests that this woman can’t go anywhere in life without Barack Obama’s government-centered society. It’s kind of demeaning to her,” Ryan said during a constituent meeting in Wisconsin, the National Review reports. “She must have him and his big government to depend on to go anywhere in life. It doesn’t say much about his faith in Julia.”


    This is in turn the main issue that conservatives will push this election cycle. The feeling that the Romney campaign, and other conservatives running for reelection, is that the past 4 years has been about the government trying to gain complete control of the lives of it’s citizens. “It really shows the philosophical premise they operate from, which is — I think Romney coined it well — it’s a ‘government-centered society.’ You have to have government at every stage of your life to be there for you, otherwise, you’re going to fail. It’s promoting a cradle-to-grave welfare society,” said Ryan.


    Things like the “Race To The Top” program, which is funded by the $1 trillion stimulus package are st the top of what the Republicans are trying to fight. The issue isn’t necessarily that the government wants to help education get better. The issue is why does the federal government need to get involved in education? Why can’t the states do it? According to Charles Murray, author of the book, Real Education, “American education had been improving since World War II. Then, when the federal government began to get involved, it got worse…The overall data on the performance of American K-12 students give no reason to think that federal involvement, which took the form of the Department of Education after 1979, has been an engine of improvement…the long, intrusive, expensive role of the federal government in K-12 education does not have any credible evidence for a positive effect on American education.”

    Liberals have a different side to the story on the Race To The Top program and other education bills. The “Race To The Top” program will see the Department of Education “designing and implementing rigorous standards and high-quality assessments, by encouraging states to work jointly toward a system of common academic standards that builds toward college and career readiness, and that includes improved assessments designed to measure critical knowledge and higher-order thinking skills.” They feel it is their duty to make sure that the Federal government ensures that every child gets the necessary education that they feel is necessary.


    When Julia is 18, she will now be in college and ready for her parents and the government to help her out even more. With things like the American Opportunity Tax Credit, her parents can get up to $10,000 credit for 4 years school. The Feds also back Pell Grants to give individual students the chance to go to college when they otherwise wouldn’t have the ability to due to the enormous cost of books and housing. Obama’s argument is that if you vote for Romney then The American Opportunity Tax Credit would be allowed to expire, and Pell Grant funding would be slashed for 10 million students.

    The Republicans say that if change is going to be made, then we are going to have to make difficult cuts across the board from education to defense to healthcare.


    Obamacare is both the president’s biggest achievement and biggest bane. It is currently under review in the United States Supreme Court and most political commentators and politicians are expecting it to be at least partially repealed. The Largest thing in the bill is the individual mandate that forces every citizen to have healthcare. The Republicans argue that if you can force an American to buy health insurance, then where does it stop?

    The Democrats say that it is a humans right to healthcare, not just the wealthy, but everyone. By forcing people to buy healthcare, they protect the poor and they will eliminate the monopoly that the hospitals have on the cost of healthcare.


    Now Julia is 23 and entering the workforce. Any job she gets will guarantee that she will make as much as a man in the same position as her. The Democrats continue to feel that it is their job to stick up for the little guy. To make sure that the government does its part to maintain the “fairness” as described by the Constitution.


    Julia is now 25 and she needs to start worrying about paying off the student loans she accrued during college. The Obama administration, if reelected, would cap the interest rate growth so Julia could make her payments on time and not have to worry about defaulting.

    Conservatives believe that the interest rates go up as the market dictates, otherwise the federal government starts to lose money. In this economy, it is every individuals duty to know their responsibilities and make sure they take care of themselves.



    These 2 are very closely related, birth control and health benefits for expecting mothers. What I find interesting in this whole thing is that no where does it mention that Julia got married. Not to another man or another woman. It’s like under the Obama administration, Julia will be single for ever. besides that. These two scenarios in Julia’s life fall under the Obamacare umbrella. If Obamacare passes, all of a woman’s care would be taken care of, free of charge.


    Julia’s child is now ready for school, and because of Obama’s Race to the Top initiative, the school that little johnny is going to go to is much better than it was. The Obama administration says that if Romney is reelected, they will cut spending so much that schools will not be able to catch up.

    Once again, the Republican contention is that deep cuts are needed across the board to combat the years of reckless spending of past congresses and Presidents.


    Julia is now in her 40’s and wants to get a small business loan. Under Obama’s plan, his taxes he is cutting to small businesses will allow her to get a loan and hire employees, creating new jobs in her town and helping to grow the local economy. The Democrats want to make it easier for individuals to start a business

    This one is the tough one, because one of the Democrats biggest contentions is that they want to raise taxes on people making more than $250,000 a year to raise revenues to help us get out of debt. A vast majority of people in this country who make more than $250,000 a year are small business owners. You take money out of their hands, then the money disappears from the business regardless of the tax cuts.


    Now Julia has reached old age and she is ready for Medicare. Under the Obama plan she will be safe in knowing that the medicare program she paid into for years is now there to help her out with affordable prescriptions and preventative care. The Democrats want to keep medicare like it is and hope that through Obamacare, the cost of health care will go down which will make medicare more affordable.

    The Republicans for years now have tried to argue that the only real way to change medicare and make it affordable is to privatize it. The elderly will still get covered, and the cost would not be projected to individuals that are 40+ years away from the coverage themselves. Also the Republicans want to have an opt out for wealthy seniors so they arent forced into the program if they can afford healthcare for themselves.


    Now that Julia is eligible to retire and receive SSI benefits, she will be able to feel comfortable knowing that her benefits are safe. Democrats want to keep this program going because they feel that it is very important for the elderly to feel safe and secure, also they want them to benefit from a system they paid into for years.

    Just like Medicare, the only way Republicans see SSI surviving is to privatise it. There are not enough people paying into the program any more for it continuing to be viable.


    “Every one of those slides, I could go after their manipulation of statistics, and disentangle and unpack each of those talking points,” said Ryan. “It’s just the narrative that they’re trying to tell, that for this woman to succeed, she has to have a really big government.”

    Each party has a great reason why they think their vision is the best one and you as a voter have the duty to decide what vision you agree with.

    WebProNews tried to reach the Obama and Ryan camps for a quote but there was no reply.

  • Obama Bumper Stickers Get Overtly Racist

    Obama Bumper Stickers Get Overtly Racist

    Stumpy’s Stickers is a classy joint. If you can’t get to them via that link, you’re not alone. Maybe they’ve run to ground after the news about them that has been burning up Facebook and Tumblr the past couple of days.

    Lots of people don’t like President Obama. Lots of people don’t want him re-elected. Some of those people might even say not-nice things about him under their breath or when no one is around that might be offended.

    This guy is not one of those people. This sticker is available at Stumpy’s, as we mentioned above. Another has a picture of a chimp and reads “Obama 2012”.


  • Online Political Ad Spending Accounts for 1.5%

    It has been reported as of late that politicians have been turning to digital media in support of their campaigns, but the actual spending on web ads has been relatively low.


    In a study by Borrell Associates, online political advertising in 2012 will account for an estimated $159 million out of $9.8 billion total ad expenditures, which is roughly 1.5%. Still, this number is sharply higher than the $22.2 million spent in 2008, up over 615%.

    According to Adweek, politicians running for office will spend about $42 per voter, the highest windfall of political advertising yet, and total ad expenditures will be up 41% from 2008, the costliest campaign so far in history.

    With online ad spending gaining popularity, Borrell points out that there will be a small decline in turning towards broadcast television- TV ads will still account for $5.6 billion of the total funds, but its share will fall to 57.3%, down from 61.9% in 2008. Cable TV spending will also be up 43.8% from 2008 at $938.8 million.

    Borrell speculates that spending will be most concentrated in the Northeast. At this, Virginia markets like Norfolk and Richmond will attract between $60 million and $80 million, while Florida markets such as Orlando, Miami and Tampa will see $150 million to $175 million.

  • ‘Joe the Plumber’ Wins Ohio GOP Primary, Faces Kaptur In Fall

    Ohio’s 9th Congressional District now has a GOP candidate in the fray, and his name is – Joe the Plumber, a.k.a Samuel Wurzelbacher. If you’re reaching back into the memories of hot political topics that ended up becoming bigger than they should, you might remember ol’ Joe from the 2008 presidential campaign.

    Joe the Plumber’s fame reached unseen heights after confronting Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election. As seen below.

    Afterwards, Joe the Plumber became an overnight sensation. Joetheplumber.com became one of the most sought after URLs, internet memes were created, and t-shirt campaigns helped to bring in money.

    There’s another element to this story, which puts this all in perspective. Wurzelbacher will be going up against the longest standing representative from the state of Ohio, Marcy Kaptur, who is 25th out of the 435 congressional members in terms of seniority. So, good luck taking on that incumbent. Also, the only other GOP candidate who ran against Joe was a real estate agent. Again, perspective.

    Though Joe the Plumber’s win looks to be in the short term, it hasn’t kept the story from receiving the national spotlight. With plenty of politically charged folks on Twitter putting in their two cents towards the story.

    In other news, Joe the Plumber is one election away from Congress. Unfortunately for him, rumors are spreading that his last name is Kony.(image) 2 minutes ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    “Joe the Plumber” is now a Republican candidate for Congress. Good to know we’re adding serious talent to that capable institution. #Fail(image) 2 minutes ago via TweetDeck ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Joe the Plumber won the Republican nomination to represent the 9th District of Ohio. Soon we might be calling him Congressman the Plumber.(image) 5 minutes ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Joe the Plumber won his primary. Joe the Plumber. Just let that settle in for a few minutes.(image) 20 minutes ago via TweetDeck ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    I’ve tried my hardest to find Joe the Plumber political signs, but to no avail. I have found some online signs (as seen above), but they aren’t the same. If a toilet isn’t featured on them somewhere, then I don’t think Wurzelbacher is really reaching the full potential of his campaign. Instead, enjoy this picture of him with Herman Cain…


  • Facebook Helps South Dakota Mayor Win Race

    Last June, relatively unknown politician Sam Kooiker decided to run for Mayor of Rapid City, SD. The two-term incumbent mayor of the town of 70,000 was already a household name, and had quite a bit more campaign funds than Kooiker did – but in the end, this didn’t matter, as Kooiker won regardless. And his use of Facebook and a targeted advertising strategy are what did it.

    Kooiker couldn’t afford a TV ad run, so he’d hired a local company called Straightforward Interactive to devise a different strategy. Statistics had shown that the majority of adult residents of Rapid City were on Facebook, as well as their demographics. Straightforward’s Josh Barsch advised Kooiker that the best way to reach potential voters was through a custom-tailored social network strategy. Barsch and Kooiker were then able to pick out 30 different demographics within their town, and advertise to each with a specific web advertisement.

    Potential voters were first identified and isolated by age, with ads specific to 18-year-olds, then 19-year-olds, and so on. Ads were directed at local law enforcement, then toward a radio station group followed by the Native American community in the area. An ad concerning the hardships senior citizens face was sent off to Facebook users 60 and over, and ads concerning environmental protection were geared towards those users indicating they like the outdoors. “Instead of talking at people as political campaigns often do, we engaged with them through Facebook with adverts that were humorous and spoke to them,” Kooiker said.

    Kooiker adds, “the results were earth shaking. It’s the difference between the telegraph and the cell phone.” Kooiker spent about $80K on his campaign altogether, about $40K less than his opponent, Alan Hanks, who’d opted for tradition TV advertising. When the results came in, Kooiker was ahead by 400 votes, proving that relatively unknown citizens who are are unversed in the seedy world of politics could have a hand in democracy. Barsch claims the targeted Facebook campaign cost roughly $3K, but asserts that it turned the tide in the election. This is likely true, as Kooiker’s online campaign ads garnered almost 9 million web impressions.

    Barsch went on to say, “targeted social media campaigns are going to happen everywhere, even at a very local level, even in a small town in the hinterland of the United States.”

  • Twitter CEO: Don’t Worry About Censorship

    Twitter CEO: Don’t Worry About Censorship

    Twitter users are pretty angry over the company’s new censorship policy. Twitter’s CEO thinks you worry too much.

    PC Mag is reporting that Twitter’s CEO Dick Costolo spoke Monday evening at the “Dive Into Media” conference hosted by All Things D. He spoke extensively on their censorship policy hoping to put the public at ease.

    Costolo says that the new policy “will simply allow the company to transparently deal with valid government requests to remove certain content.” He goes on to say that the company didn’t go looking to implement this new policy, but rather it was a reactionary move.

    He said that there has been “no change in our stance or attitude or policy with respect to content on Twitter.” The company believes that they are doing the right thing when it comes to dealing with issues operating in certain countries. He added that they need this policy to continue operating in certain countries, like Thailand.

    He denied the rumors that the company implemented the policy to get into China.

    “I don’t think the current environment in China is one which we think we could operate. We would love for people in China to be able to use Twitter the way we want them to be able to use it, which is speaking freely and letting their voices to be heard by as many people around the world as possible, we would love that.”

    As for other topics, Costolo touched upon the idea that 2012 is going to be the year of the Twitter election. He points to the presidential candidates using Twitter and users of the social media site letting out a “collective groan” when Obama made that terrible spilled milk joke during his State of the Union address as examples.

    He finally addressed Twitter’s potential IPO by saying that they won’t be going public just yet, instead focusing on the business at hand.

    “We are going to be really patient about the way we build the business. We are trying to build a decades-long, lasting business.”

    When directly asked about an IPO for Twitter in the future, he said, “I choose not to answer that question.”

    The full interview is below for your viewing pleasure:

  • Twitter Responses To Newt’s GOP South Carolina Upset

    Twitter Responses To Newt’s GOP South Carolina Upset

    Newt Gingrich won over South Carolina’s conservative voters this past weekend. Mitt Romney had performed strongly in the past two match-ups – Iowa and New Hampshire – but just couldn’t shake the Newt in the Palmetto State.

    Twitter lit up in response:

    @russellcrowe Newt Gingrich finally discovers his ideal constituency. ” 900 dead people voted in South Carolina”| http://t.co/zlpuSac0 7 minutes ago via Tweet Button · powered by @socialditto

    South Carolina voters just found out Newt has been seeing North Carolina voters on the side. 1 day ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Newt super PAC: “Newt WON South Carolina by more votes than Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum RECEIVED combined in Iow.” 12 minutes ago via UberSocial for BlackBerry · powered by @socialditto

    The real Repubs of South Carolina stood up & said no to liberal Romney. They said we want a conservative nominee. Go Newt. #teaparty #tcot 8 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    NOM Congratulates Newt on South Carolina Victory, Defines Marriage As Between One Man, Three Women http://t.co/oWo9J1Ra 6 minutes ago via HootSuite · powered by @socialditto

    Gingrich got the most votes of any candidate in South Carolina’s history http://t.co/QBIMy3Cx #Newt 6 minutes ago via HootSuite · powered by @socialditto

    RT @TheFix: The top 4 search terms for Newt Gingrich in SC? “Callista”, “Marianne”, “Newt scandal”, “Newt wives”. http://t.co/wRXtYSl5 1 day ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    Dear South Carolina, assuming Newt wins, *thank you* for giving the finger to the DC-GOP set who’ve tried to force Romney on us. 1 day ago via Twitter for Mac · powered by @socialditto

    Newt’s victory speech: “Thank you, South Carolina. Without your hatred of black people this night might never have happened.” #p2 1 day ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    40% of married women voters in South Carolina went for Newt. The other 60% are his exes. 1 day ago via Echofon · powered by @socialditto

    Congratulations to all Democrats for Newt’s victory in South Carolina. 1 day ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Newt Gingrich has always thought that voters are stupid. The voters of South Carolina proved him right. 1 day ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    RT @LOLGOP: South Carolina voters respect how Newt Gingrich defines marriage as between a man and a woman who does not have cancer. 1 day ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    You can’t make this stuff up. @BuzzFeedBen: inbox “The National Organization for Marriage Congratulates Newt Gingrich on South Carolina Win” 1 day ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    Of course Newt won South Carolina! It’s an “open primary state,” if you know what I mean. 1 day ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    “Last night was not about Newt, it was a primal scream from South Carolina Republicans against the GOP Establishment.” #meetthepress #mtp 22 hours ago via Twitterrific · powered by @socialditto

  • Motherlode of Material On Romney Hits Web

    A 200-page file on Mitt Romney has been released online. The file is comprehensive in its coverage of Romney’s political positions – as of 2008 anyway – on a wide variety of topics. It is rumored to be materials compiled by John McCain’s 2008 Presidential campaign as research on McCain’s opposition. There has been no confirmation of this, and there may not ever be since McCain has endorsed Romney’s current run.

    There is a general timeline of Romney’s personal life, business and political careers, including such details as:

    * June 1968 – While in France, Romney is injured in a serious car accident (caused by a drunk driver) that kills the wife of his mission’s leader; for a time, Romney’s family is under the impression he has been killed.

    * October 1993 – Switches party affiliation from Independent to Republican in anticipation of running for political office in 1994.

    * Summer 2000 – Ann Romney’s multiple sclerosis goes into remission.

    There is a bulleted list of highlights of Romney’s political positions, and subsequent changes, that the McCain campaign thought were worthy of having in hand. A few highlights:

    * Romney health insurance plan expanded access to abortion, required Planned Parenthood representative on state panel.

    * In 1994, Romney called “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy first step toward having gays and lesbians “able to serve openly and honestly in our nation’s military” and said he would provide “more effective leadership” on gay rights issues than Ted Kennedy.

    * In 2007, Romney praised gay parent who confronted him over gay marriage issue, but in 2005 remarked to South Carolina audience that some gay couples “are actually having children” and called it “wrong.”

    * In 1994 Senate race, Romney backed Brady bill and assault weapons ban, saying “I don’t line up with the NRA” and “that’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA.”

    * Romney bragged about being member of the NRA but later revealed he didn’t join until August 2006, just before launching his presidential campaign.

    * Romney refused to endorse the Bush tax cuts in 2003, telling the state’s all-Democrat congressional delegation he wouldn’t be a cheerleader for the plan.

    * In 1994, Romney opposed the Contract with America without even reading it.

    * Romney appeared in 2003 TV ad endorsing Democrat Rocky Anderson – who has been outspoken in calling for President Bush’s impeachment over Iraq war.

    * Romney was an independent until deciding to run for the Senate in 1994. He voted for Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Democratic presidential primary.

    There is then a comprehensive rundown of Romney’s positions on many issues, including how his stances have changed over time, or even abruptly. These topics include:

    * Abortion
    * Stem Cell Research
    * Gay Rights
    * Second Amendment Issues
    * Judicial Issues
    * Taxes
    * Bush Tax Cuts
    * Jobs and Economy
    * Iran
    * Iraq
    * Terrorism
    * Campaign Finance Reform
    * Immigration
    * Health Care
    * Energy and Environment
    * Education
    * and many others

    Each issue is quite detailed and includes footnotes with references where applicable. The original apparently had links to videos and audio of Romney appearances before various audiences where his positions and statements changed, almost from town to town.

    At 200 pages, it is quite a read. And, it provides lots of fodder for any opponent – GOP or Democrat – to use against Romney. Peruse through the file below.

    McCain 2008 Oppo File

  • Rick Perry’s Son, Griff, Takes to Twitter To Promote Dad

    Rick Perry’s Son, Griff, Takes to Twitter To Promote Dad

    Griffin Perry, son of GOP Presidential hopeful Rick Perry, has been a busy guy on Twitter. He posts during debates. He slams Dad’s opponents. He slips in backhanded compliments.

    Perry himself (or his campaign staffer assigned to tweet for him) is usually pretty tame:

    .@GovernorPerry will secure the border within one year of taking his hand off the Bible being sworn in #scdebate 10 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    His campaign also has an account called the Perry Truth Team, which mixes things up a bit more:

    Santorum a ‘liaison to lobbyists’ in Senate, then made millions as ‘stealth lobbyist’ http://t.co/34Lj0lNa #NHdebate 9 days ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Rick Perry released taxes back to ’87. Mitt Romney won’t release his. What’s Mitt hiding? http://t.co/fUMSlLpr #scdebate 12 hours ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    Griffin’s own tweets are free to get more personal.:

    Romney flip flopped on what he flip flops on. His answer last night in no way satisfied voters he will stick to his guns if elected. 55 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    @Jon2012girls good luck to y’all and the whole family on future endeavors. The campaign will miss the entertainment. 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    Inside DC groups will always support inside DC groups. Let’s stop the downgrading and elect a outside leader. #Perry2012 2 days ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    Some analysis of Ron Paul Ideas: Per 10: 2 are good, 6 are crazy and 2 will get us all killed. Not a good average. 4 days ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Math: Texas has 25MM people & created 1MM jobs, US 300MM. If Perry had been Pres the last 3 years US would have created 12MM jobs. 8 days ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    Questioning Romneys record at Bain is not attacking capitalism.It is questioning his credentials as a job creator, record as gov was subpar. 6 days ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    Twitter goes to show bias towards neg media in our world. Every time I say something positive few retweets – Negative many retweets 6 days ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    @mittromney has spent more time running for office than actually being elected, and while he was elected he was a bottom tier job creator. 14 days ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

  • Obama “Clock” Redistributes Wealth To Developer

    When I first thought of an “Obama clock”, I imagined that thing that hung on my aunt’s wall: a cat with swinging pendulum tail and eyes that swung back and forth, frightening 5 year-old boys. But, with an Obama face.

    Turns out, it was far less exciting.

    The press release from Trojan Tree touting the newest release of “Obama Clock”, a giggling favorite in the conservative world, says that “a simple click on each countdown statistic calls forth a graphical depiction of the depressing trend in unemployment, gas prices, housing depreciation, and public debt over the entire Obama term.”

    So, I popped over to the iTunes App Store to download the free version of the Obama Clock app to see what this was all about. The reviews of the app were not encouraging. They were divided between hardcore Republicans who approved of the spirit of the app and people who were disappointed with the app itself as less-than-functional or pandering for upgrades.

    Upon firing it up, the first thing that happened was a pop-up ad that tried to up-sell me to the Deluxe version of the app for $1.99.

    Turns out, you have to shell out that amount to actually see the “graphical depiction” they announced. After clicking [No Thanks], I landed on the main screen. Here there are statistics displayed that reportedly show:

    * President Obama’s approval rating, as reported by Rasmussen Reports.

    * Unemployment, from Dept. of Labor figures.

    * Gas prices, US average.

    * House prices, from the Federal Housing Finance Agency, averaging all transactions.

    * Public debt. From Treasury.

    * A countdown clock to Inauguration Day 2013

    Todays numbers look like this:

    The purpose of this app, according to their press release, is “to meaningfully influence the 2012 election”. Since it seems unlikely that a Democrat would care at all to buy the deluxe version of this app, and it seems to be mostly marketed toward the same Fox News viewers who bought it up last time, I am not sure how they intend to achieve any “meaningful” influence on the election. A preacher can’t fill a revival tent by firing up the choir.

    Any serious person who wants to make the best informed decision about whom to vote for in November will look at the stories behind the numbers this “clock” displays. Where did those employment numbers come from? Who is doing anything about those numbers? Who is obstructing those efforts? What actually causes gasoline price increases? What were unemployment numbers under the previous Republican administration? How have they changed since then?

    This looks like this is a cute little app designed to take money from die-hard Republicans. The information it displays is nothing you can’t find in a quick Google search for the rest of the country.

  • Michele Bachmann Tastes Defeat, Declares She’s Full Now

    The Republican presidential candidates brought their appetites to Iowa last night and the people’s diner served up some heaping morsels of democracy. While Rick Perry liked the taste of defeat and is going back for a Texas-sized scoop of seconds, Michele Bachmann however has asked the waiter for her bill.

    (image)video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

    Yup. After a paltry showing at the Iowa caucus yesterday, the first casualty of the Republican primaries is Michele Bachmann. If only we’d barely knew ye.

    Instead, you gave the world a plethora of source material that supplied endless jokes. In this respect, your presidential campaign was a roaring success. Bachmann Turner Overdriver. “The Queen of Rage.” The odd Wonder Woman component to an increasingly weird Republican-inspired Elseworlds version of The Justice League. The self-applied Iron Lady (although I doubt you know that’s not a reference to the Iron Man movies). Comedians will surely miss your contribution to the reality show circus that is the electoral process of deciding the President of the United States. And so, as a parting gift, like a lost bouquet dropped upon the shore to be swept out to see by the spring tide, I present to you some of the more amusing tweets reacting to Bachmann’s exit. Enjoy.

    I’m halfway to a joke involving Bachman-Turner Overdrive and driving over Michele Bachmann, but can’t quite nail it.(image) 17 hours ago via Echofon · powered by @socialditto

    Michele Bachman pledges to continue running for president as head of the new Psycho Eyes party. Steve Buschemi is her running mate.(image) 14 hours ago via Mobile Web · powered by @socialditto

    Uh oh. M Bachman needs to regroup w god. His miracle didn’t seem to happen. Now what?!?!?!(image) 16 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® · powered by @socialditto

    Michele Bachman Announces Candidacy For A Fox News Show.(image) 2 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Watching Michele Bachman suspend her campaign! I will never understand y Ppl who despise Gvmnt and think its the problem wanna b n Gvnmt!(image) 1 hour ago via WhoSay · powered by @socialditto

    Michelle Bachman has suspended her presidential campaign. Ive got to tell you, her campaign was regressing faster than Lebron James hairline(image) 1 hour ago via Tweetbot for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    Michelle Bachman was dropped from the race last night. Now she can retire to a quiet life of being terrified by the weather.(image) 53 minutes ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Michele Bachmann decides to end her Presidential Campaign after GOP voters decide it for her.(image) 1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Bachmann joins Herman Cain on the next edition of “Dancing With the Stars”. Or did I dream that?(image) 17 minutes ago via Proxlet · powered by @socialditto

    Can’t wait to see the porn parody version of the Iowa caucus.(image) 45 minutes ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    Oh darn, Michele Bachmann won’t have access to NUCLEAR WEAPONS.(image) 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

    Bachmann: “I didn’t tell you what I knew to be false.” I believe that.(image) 1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    Michele Bachmann is done. We’ll miss you, Marcus Bachmann http://t.co/e6MonI0b(image) 1 hour ago via SocialFlow · powered by @socialditto