
Tag: dramatic weight loss

  • Does Fast Weight Loss Really Work? Four Factors Said To Help Keep Pounds Off

    When it comes to weight loss, many dieters want the pounds gone as fast as humanly possible.

    Standing in the way of this dream has been the long-standing belief that losing weight too quickly is both too dangerous and merely temporary.

    The danger of fast weight loss comes from the questionable methods that individuals use to shed those pesky pounds. Many fad diets are not approved by doctors and involve people going to unhealthy extremes in the so-called name of health.

    Why is weight lost quickly supposedly temporary?

    There are various explanations, but the most common seems to be that persons who drop weight too quickly never really changed their eating and lifestyle patterns.

    Failure to do so leads them to go right back to the behaviors that caused them to gain so much weight.

    However, there is at last some scientific research to show that maybe medical and health experts had it all wrong.

    According to a study out of Australia, it doesn’t matter how quickly OR slowly you lose weight.

    Persons tested all regained most of the weight, regardless of their pace!

    Said Corby Martin and Kishore Gadde of the US-based Pennington Biomedical Research Center in a statement:

    For weight loss, a slow and steady approach does not win the race. The myth that rapid weight loss is associated with rapid weight regain is no more true than one of Aesop’s fables.

    While this news may be deflating to some dieters, you shouldn’t give up.

    There ARE ways to lose weight fast and keep it off successfully:

    1.) Eliminate fattening, unhealthy foods from your diet. PERMANENTLY.

    You can’t regain all that weight if your meals mainly consist healthy vegetables and fruit, right?

    Get rid of anything you see as contributing to undermining your weight loss; this often means sugar and starches!

    2.) Some mistakenly think they can return to life in the fast food drive-thru line so long as they make time for the gym on occasion “to burn it off”.


    The truth is that most successful weight loss can be attributed to changing your dietary habits. It’s possible to lose a great deal of weight with no exercise whatsoever!

    Exercise regularly, but DON’T FORGET to clean up your eating habits.

    3.) Weigh yourself regularly and keep track of what you eat!

    Some swear that they can keep their weight loss goals a reality so long as they weigh themselves daily and write down every calorie that goes into their mouths.

    Apparently this helps them to monitor their weight and reverse any negative eating habits that they observe as causing them to gain weight.


    4.) Learn to eat intuitively.

    Where careful monitoring fails, some say that learning to eat intuitively helps. This means training your body to only eat when you are hungry.

    Eating only at certain times, versus eating when you’re bored or upset can help you take control of your health and weight.

    Have you lost a lot of weight? Were you able to keep it off? If so, share your story below. What advice can you offer anyone hoping to lose weight FAST?

  • Jillian Michaels Says “Biggest Loser” Must Change

    Jillian Michaels, famous trainer for the weight loss competition show “The Biggest Loser,” has recently spoken out about the controversy surrounding recent winner, Rachel Frederickson, who lost 60% of her body weight and dropped to an unhealthy 105 pounds.

    “I was stunned,” Jillian said recently in a Huffington Post interview. “I thought she had lost too much weight. Nobody told me like, ‘Oh hey, Rachel is very, very thin.’ Bob and I had no idea. I was immediately concerned and wondering how this happened.” Jillian also says that Rachel’s health could still be in danger. “Anybody who gains too much weight or loses too much weight, these are manifestations of the same issue. It simply means that somebody is utilizing their relationship with food to manage emotions that are painful, hard, difficult to face or control.”

    Jillian blames the show’s lack of “checks and balances” for Rachel’s dramatic change. After contestants leave the ranch, trainers and producers are supposed to keep in touch with contestants and track their progress. Somehow, Rachel “fell through the cracks” and no one bothered to mention that she was reaching a potentially dangerous weight. What does this mean for the future of the show?

    Well, producers have recently spoken out and claimed that there will be some “small but significant tweaks” to production of the show. Future seasons will include more at-home support for contestants and frequent check-ins. “There might be more focus on what happens to the winner after they are done with the show,” says an E! news source. While dramatic weight loss will always be the focus, producers claim that a post-filming timeframe is now their biggest project moving forward. They show also reminds those concerned over Rachel’s dramatic change that their diet and exercise program is highly monitored and supervised by doctors, to ensure that unhealthy weight-loss habits won’t transfer to the contestants’ at-home lifestyle.

    Rachel recently spoke out in People magazine about her dramatic transfer, saying that she was maybe “a little too enthusiastic trying to get to the finale,” saying she was exercising for six hours each day during the three-month break before the finale (a habit that went unmonitored by the show). Rachel stresses that she is still “very, very healthy.” What do you think about her transformation? Do you agree that the show needs to change its monitoring habits? Let us know!

    Image via Wikimedia Commons