
Tag: Dorsey Levens

  • Mark Rypien is Just One More Former NFL Player to Sue the League

    Mark Rypien was a quarterback for the Washington Redskins and now he is suing the NFL after multiple concussions and head injuries left him with various neurological conditions and symptoms.

    The 49 year old ex-pro wants the NFL to compensate him and pay for treatments so he has filed a lawsuit in a Pennsylvania court.

    He is not alone in his battle. According to The Washington Post:

    “126 other former professional football players — allege that the NFL was aware of the dangers and risks of “repetitive traumatic brain injuries and concussions for decades, but deliberately ignored and actively concealed” the information.”

    “The former quarterback, who lives in Spokane, Wash., is joined by 13 other former Redskins players — Michael Batiste, Keith Biggers, Jason Doering, Brad Fichtel, Terrell Hoage, Ethan Horton, Ernie Hanet, Bruce Kimball, Ronald Middleton, Ed Simmons, Walter Stanley and James Steffen — in his suit.”

    Former Packers running back, Dorsey Levens, is also involved in a lawsuit against the NFL after exhibiting problems with his memory. He has been very active about promoting awareness of this issue and produced a documentary titled “Bell Rung” where he interviews 10 current and former players of the NFL other players about their experiences with concussions.

    The NFL has been changing its regulations and has assigned a certified athletic trainer to every game to watch replays of injuries and consult with the team’s medical staff.