It appears that the case against former IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn might be coming to an end. According to the NY Post, prosecutors in the case will drop all charges within the next two weeks, possibly at his next court date.
The case of Strauss-Kahn has fascinated people worldwide. In May, he was accused of rape and sexual assault by a 32-year-old Guinean maid at the Sofitel hotel in New York City. After these accusations he was forced out of his top position at the International Monetary Fund.
What seemed to be a solid case has recently began to unravel. Prosecutors publicly expressed their lack of confidence in their star witness when it was found that the housekeeper has a history of falsification.
The list of lies in the housekeeper’s past begins with the made-up story of being gang-raped and beaten in her own country in order to make herself a better candidate for political asylum.
She also has some tax discrepancies, as she has misreported her income and claimed a child that’s not hers as a dependent on her returns.
Although these inconsistencies are unrelated to the case and simply install doubt about her overall credibility, one mix-up does have to do with the case. It was recently found that following the alleged attack, the housekeeper lied about what she did immediately after. According to prosecutors she went to clean another room instead of fleeing into the hallway.
Strauss-Kahn’s defense has maintained the story that the sexual encounter was consensual and that he is only guilty of soliciting a prostitute. They also claim that these accusations stem from the housekeeper’s anger at not receiving what she deemed proper payment for the sex.
The lack of confidence the prosecutors feel has now grown into their inability to proceed with the criminal charges, according to the Post. An anonymous source inside the prosecution said that the “case is not sustainable.”
“Her credibility is so bad now,” they said. “She is not to be believed in anything that comes out of her mouth — which is a shame, because now we may never know what happened in that hotel room.”
The news of the probable dropping of the charges has prompted Twitter to split on two sides of the issue. On one side, some are asking whether or not lying in the past should be able to entirely discredit someone. Basically, just because she lied on her taxes, it doesn’t mean she didn’t get raped.
The other side is making the case that the D.A.’s office is doing the right thing. Improper doesn’t equal criminal, they say. Just because Strauss-Kahn might be an unsavory figure, it doesn’t mean he committed a crime.
Some, of course, are simply taking the time to make light of the whole case –
That last tweet refers to the fact that it may not be over for DSK. A French writer named Tristane Banon is expected to file a criminal complaint that accuses Strauss-Kahn of trying to sexually assault her during an interview in 2003.
What do you think about the DSK case? Let us know in the comments.