
Tag: DepthSense

  • Angry Birds Demoed With Kinect-Like Controls

    It seems like Angry Birds is just about everywhere these days. A Kinect version seems like a perfect fit, but we haven’t seen one yet. This new tech demo leaves no more excuse.

    While it may not be a Kinect, SoftKinetic has created a gesture-based control system for the PC that works just like a Kinect. The company recently showed off a version of Angry Birds being controlled by SoftKinetic’s DepthSense DS311 hardware.

    While there will surely be applications built specifically for the DepthSense, just as there will be on Kinect for Windows, the advantage of DepthSense comes from its ability to turn any application into a gesture-based experience. This is shown with the video below as the player is controlling the PC version of Angry Birds using gesture-based commands that replace the traditional mouse controls.

    I think this is pretty much all the evidence Microsoft and Rovio need to bring Angry Birds to Kinect. They already released Fruit Ninja Kinect, which was a conversion of an iOS game. Maybe Rovio will bring Angry Birds to consoles with the release of Angry Birds Space.

    [Hat tip to Google+Reader”>VentureBeat]