
Tag: danity kane

  • Aubrey O’Day Dating “Jersey Shore” Alum Pauly D

    Aubrey O’Day, of Danity Kane fame, and Pauly D of the Jersey Shore, are officially dating. The two first met on the reality show Famously Single last year.

    “I didn’t know that I would be as successful as I was with finding someone. The show is about all of us coming together, dating, learning through a dating coach how to go out there and approach people that are better suited for us and kind of get over the issues that we were having. And it ended up just, like, becoming, like, this chemistry happened within the house with a few of the castmates, and Pauly and I were one of them, which everybody always laughs,” O’Day explained of their interaction on the show. “I feel like people think we’re completely different but ended up being pretty alike in a lot of ways.”

    Aubrey O’Day and Pauly D haven’t been keeping their romance a secret. Last month they were spotted dining out in Atlantic City.

    “We connect in a really interesting way,” O’Day said in a recent interview with E! News. “Pauly’s wit. He’s incredibly funny and smart and very talented.”

    “Pauly makes me stay in the moment and get out of my head,” she added. “I’m so analytical and I have to assess risk everywhere I go, and Pauly’s taught me how to lighten up and enjoy life.”

    Aubrey O’Day turns 32 soon, and she and Pauly D have big plans. They will spend her birthday in the Caribbean, and then fly back to Vegas in time for Valentine’s Day.

    What’s your take on this very interesting combination of people? Can Aubrey O’Day and Pauly D make a serious relationship work?

  • Danity Kane Says Diddy Took Their Money And Left Them With Debt

    Fame often comes with money, especially if you were a part of a group who had platinum albums and went on tours like Danity Kane.

    But according to former members of Danity Kane, Aubrey O’Day, 31, and Shannon Bex, 35, all their fame got them was debt instead their hard earned money. There were also rumors that the group broke up because of money issues.

    “It wasn’t even money because we never make any,” Aubrey O’Day said in their interview with The Breakfast Club. “We have two platinum albums, let alone grossed over a million dollars on Christina Aguilera’s Back to Basics tour,” O’Day adds. “We came off the tour $15,000 in debt and grossed millions.” While Shannon Bex said, “We were signed to Diddy, that’s all I’m gonna say.” Danity Kane was previously working with the rapper and business mogul, Sean “Diddy” Combs, and apparently he left the group, taking with him with their earnings. Not only that, Diddy reportedly left the group with debts instead.

    “Thanks Diddy,” Bex said as a message to the rapper.

    And when asked if Danity Kane members will have their reunion, O’Day said that the group “is so dead and over.”

    O’Day said, “Let’s move on.”

    And as a sign that the former Danity Kane members have already moved on, they announced their new album coming this March. O’Day and Bex are now part of the duo Dumblonde, but they also learned their lesson, instead of going to major labels, they are now working independently.

    Well, we can’t blame them, it’s hard not getting what you worked hard for, hopefully this time, it will turn out for the best.

    Danity Kane was an all-girl R&B group formed during MTV’s Making the Band in 2005 and were signed to Bad Boy Records but they broke up in August 2014.

  • Aubrey O’Day: Did She Disrespect Dawn Richards?

    Aubrey O’Day: Did She Disrespect Dawn Richards?

    Aubrey O’Day released a statement last week announcing the second (and likely final) breakup of Danity Kane.

    She made some pretty serious accusations against her bandmate, Dawn Richards.

    In the statement on Danity Kane’s website O’Day wrote,

    “During a recent group meeting, a business conversation took a turn for the worst when my group member (Dawn Richards) punched me in the back of my head while I was speaking to another associate. To be clear, she was not physically engaged or threatened prior to her attack on me. This is the same information I provided to the police, and witnesses also corroborated this account of the incident.”

    Aubrey O’Day continued,

    “I cannot condone or excuse any form of physical violence, particularly at the hands of someone I considered family. Disagreements happen. But a war of words and ideas should never end in physical aggression.”

    However, Dawn Richards is a little miffed that Aubrey O’Day ended the band’s run without even consulting her.

    She posted on Facebook a statement of her own.

    In it she said of Aubrey O’Day and her accusations,

    “I am sorry to everyone that this news has to come out. You’re worth more. Certain choices were made that I am not proud of. However, I will not be disrespected. Once again, I am sorry to the fans as this should have been handled privately not publicly.”

    She continued,

    “I am not justifying my actions. I am saying this was all done before any changes or conversations could even be had.”

    Is it right that Aubrey O’Day announced that Danity Kane was broken up without consulting one of its members? Is Danity Kane done for good?

    Image via YouTube

  • Danity Kane Drama: Dawn Richards Speaks Out

    Danity Kane announced last week that they were breaking up (again) after a physical dispute between members Aubrey O’Day and Dawn Richards.

    O’Day released a statement on their website detailing the reason for the breakup of Danity Kane as ongoing issues between band members and escalating tension that led to last week’s encounter.

    O’Day said,

    “During a recent group meeting, a business conversation took a turn for the worst when my group member (Dawn Richards) punched me in the back of my head while I was speaking to another associate. To be clear, she was not physically engaged or threatened prior to her attack on me. This is the same information I provided to the police, and witnesses also corroborated this account of the incident.”

    She continued, “I cannot condone or excuse any form of physical violence, particularly at the hands of someone I considered family. Disagreements happen. But a war of words and ideas should never end in physical aggression.”

    Now, former Danity Kane member Dawn Richards is telling her side of the story through Facebook.

    Part of her statement reads, “I am sorry to everyone that this news has to come out. You’re worth more. Certain choices were made that I am not proud of. However, I will not be disrespected. Once again, I am sorry to the fans as this should have been handled privately not publicly.”

    She continues, “I am not justifying my actions. I am saying this was all done before any changes or conversations could even be had.”


    Danity Kane has been full of drama from the beginning. They broke up the first time in 2009 following some tension and Diddy removing members Aubrey O’Day and Wanita “D. Woods” Woodgett from the group. Then they reunited in 2013, but lost member Aundrea Fimbres in early 2014 because she wanted to start a family.

    Will Danity Kane make another come back or are they ready for the fork?

    Image via YouTube

  • Aubrey O’Day Files Police Report On Group Member

    Aubrey O’Day has filed a police report and released a lengthy statement to Danity Kane fans after group member Dawn Richards allegedly punched her in the back of the head during a heated argument while the band was in the studio.

    The other women in the group–Shannon Bex and Aundrea Fimbres–were witnesses to the attack, which O’Day says came without provocation on her part. The singer also said in a statement posted to the group’s website that as a victim of abuse in the past, she refuses to allow it in her life in any form and was forced to file a police report on Richards, whom she says is showing no signs of being sorry.

    “An ethical and moral line has been crossed. As someone who experienced abuse in the past, I promised to never grow up putting my hands on people or ever condoning such behavior in others. It is a promise near and dear to my heart. If you have experienced it before, you already know it is not something one should compromise. Over the past year of constant engagement, I tried tirelessly to sympathize with behavior I could not understand. But, I watched her behavior get darker and darker. And, I fear it will only get worse. This most recent occurrence is not just incredibly embarrassing for the members of Danity Kane. More importantly, it spits on the hard work of all those who have supported us along this journey. Sadness does not even remotely begin to describe what I feel right now. Ultimately, as a woman who has spent her entire career standing up for the underdog and right over wrong, I can no longer pretend that she is willing to do what it takes to protect the power of the Danity Kane name,” she wrote.

    The group disbanded for a while only to reunite last August, and Bex and O’Day say they realize it’s difficult for fans to come to terms with yet another breakup. However, they said they feel it’s the right move.

    There have been rumors around the web that Richards discovered Bex and O’Day were holding meetings without her and were secretly recording without letting her know, and that the assault took place after Richards found her groupmates in the studio together without her. Richards recently retweeted a TMZ article stating as much.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Danity Kane Breaks Up Again; Aubrey O’Day Says She Was Punched By Dawn Richard

    Girl group Danity Kane may have finally reached the end of the road with news that the members have allegedly taken physical shots at each other. Singers Aubrey O’Day, Dawn Richard and Shannon Bex are the unfortunate targets of talk surrounding their split just one year after they reformed in 2013 following their first split in 2009. In a statement released on Friday, August 8, O’Day told how Richard had punched her in the back of the head while she was speaking to someone else without having previously threatened her. The incident took place supposedly after a recording session and during a Danity Kane group meeting.

    Bex is corroborating O’Day’s version of the events, although she insists that only a single direct punch had occurred, and not a shouting match, catfight or brawl, as some rumors had reported. She has also said that she had been frustrated with Richard and that Danity Kane had been having issues for a while.

    Richard called O’Day’s statement “exaggerated lies and false accusations.” She sent an open letter to fans on August 9 in reaction to O’Day’s allegations. Richard wrote, “I am sorry to everyone that this news has to come out. You’re worth more. Certain choices were made that I am not proud of. However, I will not be disrespected. Once again, I am sorry to the fans as this should have been handled privately not publicly.”

    She went on to say that she could not reach her fans through the Danity Kane social media accounts as her access to these portals had been revoked, forcing her to release her statement on her own page. “This could have all been handled privately; however, certain parties chose to make this public before it could be rectified. I am not justifying my actions. I am saying this was all done before any changes or conversations could even be had,” she wrote.

    Image via YouTube

  • Aubrey O’Day Says Danity Kane Is Done

    Aubrey O’Day Says Danity Kane Is Done

    Aubrey O’Day announced on Friday that her band, Danity Kane, is no longer. The girl group, created by Diddy on the show Making the Band back in 2005, split over what was reported to be a physical altercation.

    In a statement on Danity Kane’s website, Aubrey O’Day said,

    “During a recent group meeting, a business conversation took a turn for the worst when my group member punched me in the back of my head while I was speaking to another associate. To be clear, she was not physically engaged or threatened prior to her attack on me,”

    She continued, “This is the same information I provided to the police, and witnesses also corroborated this account of the incident.”

    Aubrey O’Day then outlined exactly how things have escalated over the past year, “It breaks my heart that this violence is followed by no sign of remorse. For the past year, I watched small lies turn into bigger lies. Those bigger lies turned into verbal abuse. Now the verbal abuse has deteriorated into a physical assault.”


    Things have’t always been peachy for the band. A source close to Aubrey O’Day and her bandmates says the girls were “always at odds,” and “they couldn’t agree on anything.”

    Aubrey O’Day and Wanita “D. Woods” Woodgett were removed from the group in 2008 by Diddy. The remaining members, including Aundrea Fimbres, disbanded the following year.

    Aubrey O’Day, Shannon Bex, Dawn Richard and Aundrea Fimbres reunited last summer. However, it wasn’t to last, as Fimbres tearfully left in May 2014 to start a family.

    Aubrey O’Day didn’t name her attacker in the statement, but it was reportedly bandmate Dawn Richard. Aubrey O’Day said of her relationship with Richard that she tried “tirelessly to sympathize with the behavior,” but “watched her behavior get darker and darker.” Aubrey O’Day said that she can no longer pretend that the person (Richard) is willing “to do what it takes to protect the power of the Danity Kane name.”

    Well, it sounds like Danity Kane is down for good, from what Aubrey O’Day has stated. What do you think? Have things gone beyond hope or does Danity Kane have another reunion in them?

    Image via YouTube

  • Danity Kane Splits Up After Studio Fight

    Danity Kane Splits Up After Studio Fight

    The female singing group Danity Kane has broken up again after a fight between group members in the studio led to Aubrey O’Day being punched.

    The group had been meeting to work out some stuff in the studio when an argument turned physical.

    Reports claim that group member Dawn Richard hit Aubrey but the exact cause of the argument and fight is not yet known.

    Members Aubrey O’Day and Shannon Bex announced the breakup and offered some details about the fight on the group’s website.

    Both Aubrey and Shannon also left notes to their fans on the website.

    Aubrey’s note read,

    “I reach out to you with all of the honesty and sincerity in my heart. Without a doubt, you have always been my key source of inspiration. Everything I do in this industry is motivated by your commitment and passion. As you may know, there has been much speculation on the state of Danity Kane after a recent incident. In order to clear up any confusion, Shannon and I write to you today with nothing but pure intentions. Over the course of the past few days, we have heard countless recommendations on how we can “spin” this story or “make it go away,” as seems to be typical in our industry. We have never been — nor will we ever be — those types of women. This decision to stand by our principles may affect our future. Our pocketbooks. Our careers. And the list goes on and on. But, there is one thing it won’t affect —namely, your trust and faith in us. We owe you — our loving fans — the unfiltered truth.”

    She went on to talk about events that led up the fight and how she had tried so hard to work out her differences with the other members over the years.

    Shannon’s note read,

    “My heart is heavy. It is all I can do to pull myself out of bed to face this task. But, I know it must be done. There are many people besides myself that this impacts. Bottom line, it is not fair! I am not asking that you validate it being so. I am writing because you— the fans and our loved ones — deserve an honest and transparent explanation. My desire is to genuinely apologize to everyone who has poured their time, heart and energy into us. So many lives have been affected by this chain of events.”

    Shannon also expressed sadness in the fact that the argument had gotten physical so quickly and that the group was not able to work out their differences.

    The group announced their reunion less than a year ago and had planned to release a new album.

    Are you surprised to see that the group has split up already?

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Danity Kane Reunion-Why is D.Woods Missing?

    Last year, Danity Kane announced their reunion. Aubrey O’Day, Aundrea Fimbres, Shannon Bex and Dawn Richard join together to restore one of the biggest girl groups of the 2000s. This week Danity Kane released a new track called “Bye Baby,” which received lots of critical praise from fans and music critics. Noticeably, one original member is missing from the band’s reunion and track, D.Woods, aka Wanita Denise Woodgett.

    In December 2013, Woods did several interviews informing fans of the reasons behind her absence from the band. She told TMZ that the other women didn’t ask her to join it again.  Woods claimed she attempted to reunite them before, but they all resisted. She then implied to US weekly that her busy schedule didn’t allow her to commit to Danity Kane.

    “For the past couple of years, myself and the other DK members have been working on other projects individually, such as music, film, television, theater and philanthropy and I have recently signed on to several projects that will have me committed for the next year. My latest single “Gold Mine” is now available everywhere,” she told the magazine.

    In a Youtube interview on DreaO.com, Woods restates that her busy schedule stopped her from rejoining Danity Kane. Later in the interview, she says that a better deal could allow for her to be part of the group again.

    Some Danity Kane fans speculate that Woods’  former band members have some animosity towards her, and her 2009 Interview with BE Entertained Magazine fuel those rumors.

    “I was very disappointed by a lot of the things that she did say in the media and her different interviews. People are kind of aware of her comments and then also of course on the show, those comments were definitely going to get back to me. I was really disappointed and I don’t know why she would go that route, “ said Woods about Dawn Richard.

    Igniting this possible feud flame even more, O’Day tweeted a statement clearly about Woods, along with a picture of the band without Woods.

    To which Woods responded by saying her attorney would be speaking to O’Day and the other members.

    Ouch, things clearly aren’t friendly among these former members. This isn’t surprising because in the DreaO interview, Woods hinted that her relationship with the other band members was never really that close.

    Image Via Instagram

  • Danity Kane Releases New Song ‘Bye Baby’

    Danity Kane Releases New Song ‘Bye Baby’

    It’s been five years since the women of Danity Kane hit a stage together. Now they’re looking to make a strong comeback in 2014. On Thursday, Jan. 16, the girl group released their latest single “Bye Baby”.

    Fortunately the release was welcomed with highly lauded reviews, as they appear to be living up to their reputation. The record centers around the cliché of heartache and moving on from a lost love.

    According to the Boombox, the new single is the first to be released by the group’s remaining members since they announced their reunion at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards’ pre-show. They also touched on their growth since their disbandment in 2008, and some of the reasons why they decided to reunite.

    “You know we’ve just grown. We’re more mature women,” Aubrey told MTV News on the VMA red carpet. ‘This time we wanted to come back on our own free will. We’re in the studio right now [and] actually with Stereotypes, who did Damaged. And we have a new song that we love called Rage. So we’re really excited about that.”

    The ladies also insisted that they’ve grown and evolved as women, and are ready to put the drama to rest and move forward with their careers. 

    “It just got to a point where we were reaching a place in all our individual careers where we felt like we established a lot of the things we wanted to develop within ourselves, but we were still missing the pieces of what we had started off with and we didn’t want anyone to define that for us,” Aubrey said.

    They also revealed how they put their reunion in motion. ‘It kinda started as a phone call, a text to each of us and then we went to lunch and it was like no time had passed. It was like, “OK. Let’s do it,” said Aundrea.

    The quartet even shared a picture via Facebook to assure fans that they’re ready to take 2014 by storm. The caption for the picture read, “All For One & One For All”.


    However, they’ll be moving forward without one former group member – D. Woods – a.k.a Wanita Woodgette. Woods also expressed her sentiments of the group’s reunion as the decision was quite perplexing for the singer. In the past, she’s stated that when she expressed interest in a reunion, no one else was in agreement. But, nevertheless, Woods wished the ladies well on their future endeavors in a statement during an interview with US Weekly back in August of 2013.

    “Much love to the ladies of DK!! They have decided to reunite and I, like our amazing fans, will be cheering them on,” said Woods.

    The ladies – Aubrey O’Day, Shannon Bex, Dawn Richard, and Aundrea Fimbres – are currently putting the finishing touches on their third studio album. In a recent interview, they revealed that they are currently collaborating with a number of heavy hitters in the music industry in an effort to make their comeback album a platinum-selling success.

    They confirmed that they are working with top producers James Fauntleroy, Dem Jointz, Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins, Timbaland, Da Internz & The Stereotypes. Their third album is set to be released some time in 2014.


    Image via Twitter | Danity Kane  Facebook | Danity Kane

  • Danity Kane Making A Comeback Without 1 Member

    Danity Kane announced over this weekend’s VMAs that they’re reuniting after four years of separation, but they’ll be doing it without one member.

    The group, which rose to fame under P. Diddy’s tutelage on the 2005 show “Making The Band”, broke onto the music scene the following year with “Show Stopper” and enjoyed success with both their debut album and the follow-up. However, tensions rose between the members and made it impossible for them to continue. The group disbanded in 2009.

    “You’ll see me and Drea [Aundrea Fimbres] try and pick up the pieces on our own [on this season’s show] — pieces that we didn’t even make,” Dawn Richards said. “We didn’t even break it and we’re trying to sweep it up ourselves. Puff invited all the girls to come back on this season and they chose not to. Only two of us showed up. That’s fine if that’s the choice.”

    The newest version of the group includes Aubrey O’Day, Shannon Bex, Dawn Richard, and Audrea Fimbres, who appeared together on the red carpet at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night to announce their reunion. Notably absent, however, was D. Woods, who says she won’t be coming back to the group.

    “Much love to the ladies of DK!! They have decided to reunite and I, like our amazing fans, will be cheering them on,” she said in a statement. “For the past couple of years, myself and the other DK members have been working on other projects individually, such as music, film, television, theater and philanthropy and I have recently signed on to several projects that will have me committed for the next year. My latest single “Gold Mine” is now available everywhere! If the opportunity presents itself, I would definitely be open to recording and/or performing with Danity Kane again. I appreciate all the love and support of DK and myself. God bless!”

    The girls announced their upcoming single, “Rage”, on MTV and say they’re doing everything on their own this time, without the help of their famous mentor.

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