
Tag: Daniel Tosh

  • Terry Crews Pitches His New Show. F-ck, Yeah!

    No matter what else he ever does in this world, Terry Crews will always be President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion. You can’t take that away from him.

    But Crews has moved on to other roles, including Bridesmaids, The Newsroom, and most recently Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

    Now Crews is launching into another project, this one called World’s Funniest Fails. Crews explains how he landed the show.

    I was headed into a holiday and I was working in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and I get this call from my agent and they’re like, ‘Man, there’s this show that’s unbelievable. It’s called World’s Funniest Fails.’ I said, ‘To be a part of this every week with the whole of America, I can’t turn it down.’ I said, ‘We got to make time for this show to happen.’ And I said, ‘You got me. You had me at hello.’”

    Well, that certainly is enthusiastic. But what is the show about?

    “What they basically do is they watch clips on YouTube of all this failure stuff and I’m like, ‘Holy cow.’ My wife and kids, we sit there and watch this stuff all day. You get caught in a rabbit hole.vOnce you play one video, you just keep going. There are times that I’ve missed appointments because I can’t stop because you go from one to the other, and my family, we crack up.”

    “My kids, the 16 year old in my house, she’s my namesake. Her name is Tara. She’s the one that pulls me to the side and always say, ‘Dad, you got to watch this. Look what happens to this guy.’ We crack up. I’m in tears. And I said, ‘I have to do this because it’s a family show.’ I just remembered having the good family time that me and my wife all the way down to the little ones. My son is nine, and we’re crying laughing and he’s like, ‘Play it again; play it again.’”

    So, it’s kind of like a Tosh.0, then? But child-safe? Like watching YouTube with your kids in the room?

    Why not just watch YouTube with your kids in the room?

    Here you go. No charge.

  • Daniel Tosh Apologizes for Joking About Rape

    Daniel Tosh is hilarious to a lot of people. Personally, I don’t get it. Then again, I don’t get a lot of things in life, so maybe I’m just the odd man out when it comes to Tosh’s brand of humor. Although he’s never one to pull punches with his comedy — one of the funniest things I’ve seen him do is describe the atrocious Matthew McConaughey flick “Tip Toes” in vivid detail — apparently the jokes Tosh tossed around during a recent stand-up routine haven’t settled too well with a large section of the population. Given the topic, it’s easy to understand why.

    According to Mashable, the comedian was going on and on about how rape and rape-related humor is endlessly hilarious when a female member of the audience interrupted his routine to express her displeasure with his questionable material. In true stand-up comedian form, Tosh turned his wrath on the poor woman.

    “Wouldn’t it be funny if that girl got raped by like five guys right now? Like right now? What if a bunch of guys just raped her,” he joked. Needless to say, controversy promptly ensued.

    Those of you who are familiar with Tosh’s off-color comedy are probably aware that the comedian rarely says he’s sorry for offending folks, so his decision to issue an apology is a little out of character. Of course, when your’e dealing with an issue as sensitive as rape, it’s probably best to go ahead and apologize and save yourself the heartache generally associated with ticking off the masses.

    If you’re curious to see how Twitter users are reacting to Tosh’s rape-oriented exchange, take a trip into the space below and have a look at some reactions to the story. We’ll kick things off with some tweets from the man himself. And if you’re a fan of his show “Tosh.0”, keep your fingers crossed that Viacom and DirecTV work out their differences before next week. Otherwise, subscribers might find themselves without their beloved Tosh-hosted television program.

  • Daniel Tosh Hopes Viacom And DirecTV Squash Their Beef Before Next Week

    Update: Viacom has pulled shows from its sites now, so more than just DirecTV customers are affected by this.

    DirectTV customers have lost Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central and 14 other channels, as Viacom has dropped its networks from the provider.

    DirecTV issued a release, saying that its execs have reached out to Viacom with a new proposal, and a request to keep channels while negotiations continue, but have not heard back from the media giant. DirecTV says it had to comply with Viacom’s demand in order to avoid legal action.

    “We have been very willing to get a deal done, but Viacom is pushing DirectTV customers to pay more than a 30 percent increase, which equates to an extra $1 billion, despite the fact that the ratings for many of their main networks have plummeted and much of Viacom’s programming can be seen for free online,” said Derek Chang, DirecTV executive vice president of Content, Strategy and Development. “Viacom sent us a letter last night that outlined our obligations to remove the channels by midnight or face legal action just as they were falsely telling viewers DIRECTV was responsible. Let’s be clear, Viacom took these channels away from DirecTV viewers.”

    DirecTV has a site set up with more information about what’s going on, and says it will get the deal done.

    Comedian Daniel Tosh, who hosts Comedy Central’s Internet video show Tosh.0, and is currently also in the news for a rape joke, has been talking about the situation a little on Twitter. Before Tosh.0 aired on Comedy Central on Tuesday night, Tosh tweeted:

    He later followed up with:

  • Tosh.0 Breaks Down Google Autocomplete

    Daniel Tosh talked about Google and their Autocomplete feature a little bit the other night, bringing into the spotlight just how many silly questions people direct at the search engine.

    Autocomplete, which brings up several of the most popular terms in association with the first one or two words typed into the search box, has drawn some controversy in recent years in places like France, where it brought up the word “crook” in association with the name of an insurance company. Google was reportedly fined in that instance. In Japan, Google Autocomplete brought up a man’s name in connection to crimes he didn’t commit. Back in March, Japanese officials wanted Google to suspend the feature altogether; however, Google refused, saying that since they were based in the U.S. they adhere to U.S. laws.

    Google uses complicated algorithms to determine what pops up in that search box, but it’s based on popular searches performed by Google users and those in your own history. And while sometimes the Autocomplete feature yields results that draw the ire of some, they can be funny to others. Some of these were highlighted on Tosh.0 recently, including questions about sex, the Titanic, and blind people.

    NSFW, obviously.

  • Daniel Tosh: Viral Video Infamy

    Before the debut of his breakthrough television show, Daniel Tosh had been carving a name for himself like most stand-up comics; working the club circuits hoping to catch a break. After building some momentum as an up and coming comedian, Tosh landed a performance on David Letterman’s Late Show in 2001. Subsequently he managed to appear on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live! and Comedy Central’s Premium Blend.  While solidifying himself as a notable stand-up comedian, Daniel Tosh’s fame, or infamy depending on your opinion of his brand of humor, came in June 2009 after Comedy Central unleashed Tosh.0. Tosh’s TV show is primarily based on funny, sometimes bizarre viral videos found in the many tubes of the interwebs.

    Tosh.0 Host Daniel Tosh

    If You Upload it, They Will Come… and Laugh at it

    The premise of Tosh.0 is quite simple.  Find a handful of humorous, strange and shocking internet videos and make fun of them in front of an audience. The brilliance of the show, now in its third season on Comedy Central, is that the majority of the core content is already out there for free. Tosh and his staff rely on the millions of internet users who continue to upload their own videos through channels such as YouTube for the rest of us to find and inevitably laugh at.

    Tosh then provides stand-up-like commentary on each of the videos selected for the show, but often times he goes a step further by either contacting a video’s creator for a real-time interview, usually via Skype, or by bringing them to Los Angeles where the show is taped in order to produce a more elaborate skit or bit for the show. While the subject matter and content of the videos featured on the show along with Tosh’s comedic style may raise a few eyebrows, the level of success his show has reached in a short time raises even more.

    Two-Way Television Through Social Networking

    Sporting just under 4.5 million Facebook fans and over 1.6 million Twitter followers, Daniel Tosh and his team have shown that they know how to put their social marketing tools to good use by actively engaging their audience.  Instead of simply using these social avenues as a means to post updates and news flashes, Tosh and his staff communicate directly to the audience as a whole as well as individually. This has created an interactive, two-way street that connects the viewers directly to the show, which has helped catapult Tosh.0 to the top of Comedy Central’s viewership garnering as high as 2.7 million viewers an episode.

    Benefiting from a massive fan base on Facebook, Daniel Tosh and the Tosh.0 crew interact with their viewers by posting multiple times a day, usually with posts referring to updates on the show’s official website and blog hosted by Comedy Central. These posts are anything from a heads up about an upcoming episode to time related content such as a Happy St. Patty’s Day video as well as plenty of content that never makes it to the televised show. The extra content not used in the show serves as a means to keep fans interested on a daily basis, giving them a look at material that keeps them entertained while proving a constant reminder of the shows airings and Tosh related announcements.  With each post generating thousands of likes and hundreds of comments, the engagement rates of the Facebook updates are quite high, helping to continue spreading Tosh.0’s popularity.

    Tosh’s Facebook page performs quite well, but it does tend to function mostly as a means to direct people to his blog while allowing fans to interact with each other. His Twitter account is where Daniel personally interacts with his followers, bringing them even closer to his humor and the show itself. During each live broadcast of Tosh.0 in the Eastern time zone, Daniel live chats with followers who post comments to his page.  By replying back, Tosh establishes a direct interaction that extends far beyond the show itself, making followers feel appreciated while also adding a personal touch to the experience of watching the show.

    Often times Tosh’s blog will also feature fan Tweets throughout the show, based on comments from certain blog posts, further strengthening his social connections while boosting the role of Tosh.0’s audience. There is also a section of Tosh.0’s blog called “What You’re Saying” that features follower Tweets directed at Daniel.  Almost every day a new follower Tweet is selected and pictured on the blog along with a response.  This is yet another great example of how Daniel and the team behind Tosh.0 are making the most out of their social connections with their audience as they reach out and make the viewers important contributors.

    Harnessing the Power of the Interwebs

    Comedy Central not only has a runaway hit show on its airwaves, they also have a group of social media friendly individuals who understand the importance of not just marketing to the audience but also getting them involved and allowing them to factor into the show itself. Tosh.0 is highly efficiently produced thanks to the basis of its content stemming from pre-existing viral videos and its effectiveness is bolstered by the types of social networking being fostered by Daniel and his staff of writers. The power of the internet has provided users with entertaining content for years and Daniel Tosh was able to harness that experience, taking it a few steps further by adding a heavy dose of his comic flavor and some well played social interactions with the millions of fans who can’t get enough of what the world wide web has to offer.

    Originally published on Ignite Social Media