
Tag: DaNica Shirey

  • DaNica Shirey: The Only Woman Left Standing On ‘The Voice’

    DaNica Shirey finds herself in a very unique position on The Voice.

    Following her brilliant performance of “I Have Nothing” by beloved R&B singer Whitney Houston, Shirey was voted into the show’s Top 8.

    She was spared the fate of fellow contestants Anita Antoinette and Reagan James, who lost out on the instant save to competitor Ryan Sill.

    However, now DaNica Shirey is the only woman left on The Voice.

    There is no “girl power” to be found in the seventh season on The Voice; America is in love with the guys this time around.

    ….And DaNica Shirey.

    So what does Shirey have that every single other woman that was in the competition lacked?

    Well first, DaNica Shirey a great singer. Of the women voted onto the show’s Top 20, she was among the strongest vocally.

    Her vocal styling is not an “acquired” taste in the vein of other departed women contestants.

    Also, the song choices by coach Pharrell Williams have been delivered with gusto by Shirey.

    She has a strong support base, which means that she could stick around for a few weeks yet.

    But does DaNica Shirey have what it takes to win The Voice this year?

    One thing is for certain; she cannot afford to make any mistakes at this point.

    Any mistakes whatsoever could make the difference between being voted safe and being eliminated.

    Even if DaNica has the pipes to sing for her life (and that of several other people), we’ve now reached the stage where Voice fans have picked their favorites.

    Pretty soon persons will be weighing and measuring to select that ONE competitor they believe should win it all.

    While DaNica Shirey has the talent to win it all, it remains to be seen whether or not she possesses the popularity.

    Many are blaming women viewers on the uneven odds this year, but it could simply be a matter of musical taste.

    Do you think DaNica Shirey can win, or are the odds simply not in her favor?

  • DaNica Shirey: Can She Win ‘The Voice?’

    DaNica Shirey: Can She Win ‘The Voice?’

    DaNica Shirey is a strong contender for winning The Voice. The York County, Pennsylvania native, competing as part of Team Pharrell, has a voice that is rich with not just powerful tone, but emotion, too. When DaNica Shirey sings–people want to listen.

    Coach Gwen Stefani called Pharrell Williams’ contestant and her performance, “incredible,” during Tuesday night’s live show, when DaNica Shirey sang her way into this season’s list of top 10 contestants. Adam Levine told her she could “literally sing any song ever written.”

    Pharrell Williams agreed.

    “This was amazing. You did a great, great, great job,” he told her.

    Just prior to Tuesday night, DaNica Shirey made it clear that she wasn’t ready to throw in the towel and go home.

    “I definitely want to stay,” she told WGAL.com. “I don’t want this experience to end. I’m learning something new every single week. so I definitely don’t want to go home. I know it is not the end for me, but I’m having so much fun doing it so I don’t want to leave.”

    DaNica Shirey is joined in The Voice’s top 10 by Luke Wade, her fellow Team Pharrell contestant. Team Adam has all three contestants remaining–Chris Jamison, Matt McAndrew, and Damien. Team Blake consists of Craig Wayne Boyd and Reagan James. Gwen Stefani’s team is made up of Anita Antoinette, Taylor John Williams, and Ryan Sill.

    Only three female contestants remain on The Voice. DaNica Shirey is likely the most powerful singer of the three, although Reagan James has a similar style and Anita Antoinette has an amazing stage presence. DaNica has some competition from the guys, but few of them can beat her strong God-given talent.

    Do you think DaNica Shirey can win The Voice? She appears to have Kelly Clarkson’s vote.

  • DaNica Shirey Continues To Impress On ‘The Voice’

    DaNica Shirey is a talented singer.

    Some may be surprised at the York County, Penn. native’s continued success on popular singing show The Voice despite this seemingly obvious fact.

    Her former vocal coach Holly Gumke will be one of the first people to tell you how gifted DaNica is. Gumke even hosted a viewing party on Monday in support of Shirey.

    Among those in attendance were some of the teacher’s current students; all of them look up to DaNica Shirey, who they see as something of a local heroine.

    “She’s an inspiration to all of us,” said 14-year-old Taylor Lamparter. “Knowing that she grew up like us and that she went to Heather. That could be us one day.”

    On Monday, DaNica Shirey performed a song that was…quite far and away from her normal soulful selections.

    Voice coach Pharrell Williams selected the Radiohead song “Creep” for her to sing.

    For some, it was a head-scratching decision.

    Especially when DaNica put a sort of Beyonce-esque spin on the British grunge classic.

    However, Shirey’s strong vocal performance was convincing enough to make it work for Voice viewers.

    It also impressed Williams.

    “When I heard you sing it, it moved me,” said Pharrell Williams after the performance. “This was amazing.”

    DaNica’s talent inspired Voice viewers to vote for her again this week; she was far and away safe from elimination and seems to be a surprise favorite.

    Although there are some obvious front runners (Matt McAndrew from Adam Levine’s team and Craig Wayne Boyd on Blake Shelton’s team for instance), it’s important to not count on DaNica Shirey. She certainly seems to be the most popular woman singer in this competition.

    After America sent both Sugar Joans and Jessie Pitts home, she may be the only woman with the chance to win The Voice this season.

    What do you think of DaNica Shirey and her recent performance? Comment below!