
Tag: dairy queen

  • Dairy Queen Worker’s Good Deed has gone Viral

    A recent act of kindness by a Dairy Queen manager has gone viral and shows that there are still good people in the world.

    Joey Prusak was going about his regular job serving customers when he noticed a visually impaired man drop a $20 bill from his wallet. A woman behind the man in line quickly reached down and grabbed the money, but instead of handing it to the man, she put it in her purse.

    “She picked it up so quickly that I thought she was going to give it back but she just stood there and waited,” Prusak told TODAY.com. “I was extremely confused when she let the man walk by. She just stood there and put it in her purse and I was like, ‘Really?’

    Having witnessed the whole thing, Prusak confronted the woman and told her to give the money back. She refused and insisted that the money was hers. That is when Prusak asked her to leave.

    “She made a big scene, but I told her I couldn’t serve her, so she stormed out,” he said. “Everyone that was in the store at the time was kind of in shock. They just looked at each other like, ‘did that really happen?’ and kept to ourselves,” he said.

    One customer, who commended Prusak for his genuine kindness, wrote a letter to Prusak’s boss describing the incident and the way that Prusak handled himself in the situation. He finished his letter by saying: “Joey has forever sealed my fate as a life long customer of the Main Street Dairy Queen.”

    Prusak didn’t expect or want any recognition for his good deed. He says that he was just doing what was right.

    “I didn’t expect it to go anywhere. I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t tell my boss. I didn’t even tell my own parents,” he said. “A lot of people are saying ‘thank you’ for what I did. Just telling me that means a lot. I was just doing what I thought was right,” he recalled. “I did it without even really thinking about it. … Ninety-nine out of 100 people would’ve done the same thing as me.”

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • Dairy Queen Employee Shines in Act of Kindness

    Joey Prusak, an employee at a Hopkins, Minnesota Dairy Queen is being praised for a brave act of kindness, reports Yahoo. When a visually impaired customer accidentally dropped a $20 bill, Joey said he was shocked by what happened next.

    “The lady behind him just picked it up and put it in her purse,” he told Yahoo News. “As if no one saw it.”

    Prusak, who has been an employee at the Hopkins Dairy Queen since he was 14, said that he recognized the visually impaired customer. “He’s a regular and he always pays with a debit card,” he said. “He doesn’t use a wallet, so when he pulled out his card, the cash fell to the ground.”

    After the woman picked up the $20 and stuffed it in her purse like nothing happened, Prusak said he confronted her about it. “I said, ‘Ma’am, can you please return the gentleman’s money?’”

    The woman had the guts to deny that she took the cash. “There was kind of a scene,” Prusak said. “I told her what she did was extremely disrespectful and she had to leave.”

    She left, but she refused to return the money. So, Prusak walked to the customer who had lost the $20 and gave him $20 from his own pocket.

    “I felt it needed to be done,” he said. The man thanked him, and Prusak didn’t really think anything of it, and he went back to his job.

    What Prusak did inspired one witnessing customer to write an email to the store manager, praising the 19-year-old for his kindness. The email went to Reddit, was picked up by the Daily Mail and spread like wildfire. If only more people had this kind of justice instinct…

    Image via Facebook

  • Honorable Dairy Queen Employee Does the Right Thing

    Honorable Dairy Queen Employee Does the Right Thing

    After a visually impaired man dropped a twenty dollar bill on the floor at a Minnesota Diary Queen, employee Joey Prusak called out the woman who’d picked it up and put it in her purse. Prusak is being praised online for his good deed, and the Daily mail has nominated him for the “Nice Guy hall of Fame.”

    The woman who grabbed the bill denied the whole thing, and Prusak asked her to leave the premises. Another customer saw the whole thing and emailed the manager, which made its rounds on Reddit. Prusak explained, “the lady behind him just picked it up and put it in her purse – As if no one saw it.”

    Here’s a copy of the email:

    The 19-year-old Prusak, who’d been working at the Hopkins Dairy Queen for 5 years, knew the visually impaired patron – “He’s a regular and he always pays with a debit card. He doesn’t use a wallet, so when he pulled out his card, the cash fell to the ground.” When the woman grabbed the money, Prusak confronted her – “I said, ‘Ma’am, can you please return the gentleman’s money?’”

    The woman made a scene, and then left with the money. So Prusak gave the man a twenty from his own wallet. When the manager got the email about the matter, he wasn’t even aware of the incident. When said manager questioned Prusak, then teen explained that “It felt like the right thing to do.”

    For more good deed documentation, check out this compilation video of Russian dashboard cameras, capturing various good Samaritans in action.

    Images courtesy of Reddit and Joey Prusak.