
Tag: commencement speech

  • Judge Judy Offers Powerful, Emotional Commencement Speech to Shiprock High School Graduates

    Judge Judy Sheindlin shed her usual harsh, no-nonsense persona fans of her courtroom reality show are accustomed to in order to offer words of encouragement to graduating seniors at Shiprock High School in New Mexico.

    In a 20 minute commencement speech, Judge Judy offered some personal advice on how to succeed.

    “Number one — and I want you to emblaze this on your brain — you only have one chance to make a first impression,” Judge Judy told the graduating students.

    Judge Judy continued to share words of wisdom on the importance of hard work.

    “A combination of tenacity and luck brought me here today,” Judge Judy said. “I was an unremarkable student with passable looks and a direct personality. Nothing in my early childhood suggested to anyone — except maybe my father — that one day I would be standing here and be known simply as Judge Judy.”

    The judge agreed to speak at the high school as part of a Facebook contest sponsored by Judge Judy. Shiprock senior Alexus Uentille, 18, won the contest after submitting an essay that prompted the judge to travel to New Mexico from her home in Connecticut.

    “Quite frankly I was hoping that we would find some school closer and more geographically suitable to where I live,” Judge Judy told ET. “But then I started to go through the letters, and the letter from Alexus was compelling. She said so many movies are made here because they use that wonderful shiprock. So many people come and use the land, but so few of the people that come — the celebrities that come — stayed and spoke to the kids about how to realize their dreams and be successful.”

    Uentille’s speech highlighted many of the difficulties facing the young men and women of the school.

    “It’s time that we as Navajo youth get the encouragement that we deserve,” said Uentille in her speech.

    Judge Judy ended her speech with words the 117 graduates can live by.

    “Never let anyone or anything define your value or limit your dream,” Judge Judy said. “There are only [two] things guaranteed in your life, your entrance and your exit. In between is the journey and my wish for all of you is that your journey be a walk in beauty. May you all walk in beauty. Congratulations!”

  • Jim Carrey Receives Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts

    Jim Carrey was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts at Maharishi University of Management in Iowa this weekend. The 52-year-old actor and comedian was honored in recognition of his significant lifetime achievements as a world-famous comedian and actor, as well as an artist, author, and philanthropist. Carrey also gave a commencement speech that was ‘inspiring, funny, and enlightening.’

    “He started with some locally related jokes, which drew approving applause and a lot of laughter. He inspired the students to think big and not give in to fear, but to choose love. Many said it was the best commencement talk ever,” the university said in a written statement.

    The Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber actor shared a few of his childhood experiences with over 1000 people present at the event. In addition he told them some things he learned from his father, who “could have been a comedian but chose to be an accountant because he wanted a stable job.”

    Sadly, Jim Carrey’s father lost that job when Carrey was 12.

    “I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you could fail at what you don’t love, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love,” he said before he stated the obvious–that he chose to be a comedian.

    “When I was about 28, after a decade as a professional comedian, I realized one night in LA, the purpose of my life had always been to free people from concern, just like my dad,” he said. “I can tell you from experience the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.”

    Even though he was met with cheers from the crowd of graduates and their families, not everyone was pleased with Jim Carrey being awarded this honorary doctorate, however.

    Honorary doctorates like the one Jim Carrey was given are nothing more than a symbol of significant accomplishment. While Carrey earned this in his work as an actor and comedian, he certainly doesn’t hold a legitimate doctorate. Since it seemed the graduates enjoyed his speech and appreciated the honor bestowed upon him, they didn’t lose out for not having listened to a major political figure–and they likely got a kick out of having a Hollywood celebrity give their commencement address.

    Image via Wikimedia Commons