
Tag: Comic Sans

  • God Particle Not Found by CERN, Finds Comic-Sans Instead

    CERN is an organization which can be accredited for bringing us the internet via Tim Berners-Lee, along with other scientific and technological advancements. Lately, they’ve been utilizing their Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest particle accelerator to find the higgs boson. Which is also called the “god particle“.

    You would think an organization dealing with something like the higgs boson has professional presentations with sleek and stylish designs. Or they could present a slideshow using Comic-Sans as the font. As proven by this photo, and tweet from the person who looks to have discovered the font use first.

    CERN Comic-Sans

    Not sure whether they’ve found the Higgs Boson, but it’s clear that they haven’t discovered PowerPoint 2010. #CERN http://t.co/oIRoHi6v 1 day ago via Twitpic · powered by @socialditto

    The photo and knowledge of CERN, the organization with some of the most brilliant minds in the world using Comic-Sans, has led to ridicule from not just people on Twitter but other sources as well. The most interesting being this YouTube video, which I have no words to describe. Apparently, God is a hipster in sunglasses.

    Here’s some other funny reactions from Twitter users, poking fun at the group of people who could easily wipe us all out.

    CERN, the creators of the Large Hadron Collider, have used Comic Sans on their presentation. I don’t want to live on this planet any more. 1 day ago via Mobile Web · powered by @socialditto

    I’m pretty sure the Nobel Committee will take @CERN‘s use of Comic Sans into consideration when they award the next prize. Not looking good. 1 day ago via web · powered by @socialditto

    #CERN used Comic Sans deliberately to measure the expressions of disgust in Twitter (currently travelling faster than the speed of spit) 1 day ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    The CERN team’s slides appear to be using Comic Sans. There is no God. #Higgs 1 day ago via TweetDeck · powered by @socialditto

    If I may interject, I think we’re being a little hard on CERN here. These people are trying to unlock the mysteries of the universe, not impress us with their amazing design choices during their presentation. However, you would think an organization which is looking into these mysteries would know Comic-Sans can stir up enough rage to make their LHC look like a pop-gun. They might find solace within the walls of the Comic-Sans Project though.

  • The Comic Sans Project Promises To Defend Everyone’s Favorite Font

    The Comic Sans Project Promises To Defend Everyone’s Favorite Font

    One time, during a fairly boring lecture in one of my unremarkable college courses, something amazing happened. My professor put up the title page from a student’s essay and began mercilessly berating said student for one simply failure.

    They used Comic Sans.

    Of course the name was blacked out and nobody could possibly know which student had committed the unforgivable act – but they knew. They laughed with the rest of the class, but inside they felt all-encompassing shame of poor font choice.

    Popular opinion holds that Comic Sans is the worst typeface to ever exist. Narrowly edging Papyrus for that dubious distinction, Comic Sans is a force of nature. It can inspire so much raw hatred, allowing it to unite people around a common enemy. Folks that can’t agree on which direction the sun rises find common ground in their overwhelming disgust for Vincent Connare’s simple, comic book-inspired font.

    But like almost anything universally despised, there are a few brave souls who have decided to stand in defense of the maligned font. The people of the Comic Sans Project state “we are the Comic Sans defenders. We fear no fonts and we will make the whole world Comic Sans. Because Helvetica is sooo 2011.”

    The tumblr is simple. To spread Comic Sans to everything we know and love by replacing classic logos with the font. So far, they’ve managed about 10 revamps – as they’ve only been active for about a week. Here are a few of my favorites:

    They say that they have received a lot of submissions, and are working on setting up a submission system soon.

    I’m afraid what Hitler might have to say about the blog, however:

    The people at the Comic Sans Project aren’t the first to take up the cause of the beleaguered font. This amazing animation was created based on a McSweeney’s monologue:

    Why so much hatred for Comic Sans? As one YouTuber said in a response to that very question: “Because it’s shit.”

    If all this Comic Sans has you feeling a little gross, might I suggest watching Helvetica as the mind’s equivalent of a long, hot shower.

    [Via The Daily What]