
Tag: CM Punk

  • Vince McMahon Apologizes To CM Punk

    Vince McMahon Apologizes To CM Punk

    CM Punk has had a problem with Vince McMahon for a while now and for numerous reasons.

    Last week he revealed that Vince McMahon and the WWE had sent him termination papers on his wedding day.

    Punk has talked badly about the WWE ever since, but Vince McMahon recently apologized to Punk and told him he would be willing to let bygones be bygones and was leaving the door open for him if he ever wanted to return to the WWE.

    Stone Cold Steve Austin was interviewing McMahon on a recent podcast and ask him about CM Punk, leading to McMahon apologizing.

    “I would like to apologize. Sometimes in a big corporation, the legal people don’t know what talent relations are doing, and conversely. Punk got his severance papers on the day he got married and that was coincidence, so I want to personally apologize for that. Other than that, the only thing I want to say about Punk is that there have been a number of individuals in the past who have been disgruntled, said a lot of things about the organization, and I’m not gonna wash dirty laundry in public. I don’t think there’s any reason for that. I think there’s a lot of things he may say that he may regret one day, in terms of looking back at it, but nonetheless, I hope that one day, we’ll be able to get back together again,” he said.

    He also admitted that he had not listened to the podcast of Punk putting down the WWE but had heard that he had a lot to say.

    “I understand he used a lot of expletives and things of that nature,” said McMahon. “I don’t want to speak for Punk. He speaks for himself. I heard it was a number of things he said. It’s his point of view and there’s always two sides to every story.”

    CM Punk fans have been hoping to see him back in the ring on WWE, but it seems like Punk is still too upset to consider a return at the moment.

    Do you think McMahon’s apology will motivate CM Punk to return to the WWE?

  • Michelle Beadle Reveals Feud With CM Punk And AJ Lee

    ESPN news anchor Michelle Beadle gave away some of the details of her friendships when she appeared on The Ross Report yesterday. It seems like Beadle has some tempestuous relationships with those associated with the WWE.

    Take, for instance, her relationship with CM Punk. Their friendship ended abruptly over a misunderstanding. It also happened to involve a confrontation with AJ Lee, according to Beadle:

    I show up at Tribute to the Troops. I see him [CM Punk] in the hallway, I say ‘what up, f–kface’, which is my very loving way of referring to my friends. I don’t call my friends… I just… I’m an idiot. I call them all kinds of names, that’s how you know I like you. He was alone in a hallway, he didn’t really say anything. I was with P.R. from WWE and my assistant and we walked by. The next thing I know, she’s [AJ Lee] in my face yelling at me and I honestly, I swear to you, thought it was a joke.

    Phil [CM Punk] and I stopped being friends that day and I wish him the best of luck and that’s it.

    Listen to the rest of the podcast here:

    If Beadle looses any more friends over this, she’s well on her way to making some new ones. Just a few weeks ago, the ESPN anchor was laughing it up with actor John Hamm in their interview regarding his movie Million Dollar Arm:

    Do Hamm and Beadle now have crass nicknames for each other? Or are they not close enough for that yet?

    Let’s hope she kept the language clean when she took paralyzed high school student Jack “Jabs” Jablonski to prom last month. She almost wasn’t allowed to go due to age restrictions, but the school made an exception due to her celebrity status. “I’m happy that the school actually allowed me because I know they’re very, they’ve got some really good rules here,” She said. “And, so it’ll be fun. I get to go on a school bus. Hello, it’s going to make me young again.”

    Image via Wikimedia Commons.

  • Ronda Rousey In Love With WWE’s CM Punk

    Ronda Rousey In Love With WWE’s CM Punk

    Ronda Rousey is the current UFC bantam weight champion, and considered to be the best pound-for-pound woman fighter in the word. However, despite her toughness, Rousey is still a woman, and recently expressed her admiration for WWE star Phil Brooks, also known as CM Punk.

    After defending her title for the second time against Sara McMann on February 22 in Las Vegas, Rousey got a chance to meet and hang out with Punk. She admitted that her first impression was not very good, and did not go as smoothly as she had planned. “I think the first thing I said to him was ‘I love you,’ which was terrible and not smooth at all,” Roused revealed. Rousey described Punk as “super cool” and “sexy.”

    Rousey and her roommates Shayna Baszler, Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke are all huge WWE fans, and have made it a Monday night ritual to watch Raw. They even have a special name for themselves … “The Four Horsewomen.”

    When asked if she would like to be involved in professional wresting, Rousey explained that she would consider it, but that she has an awful lot on her plate right now. “Professionally, who knows?” Rousey said. “Me and all the girls are huge fans. If they were all down to do something, I’d be happy to jump in with them. But I have the most hectic schedule ever with the fights and the movies right now and adding an entire career on top of that right now is a tall order.”

    Not only has Rousey been defending her title, she has also been cast in several films. Her first two films were the Fast and Furious and Expendables that are scheduled to debut sometime this year. She is currently working on Entourage , set to premiere this fall, and has another film The Athena Project lined up after that. Needless to say, Rousey is staying incredibly busy.

    Image via Twitter

  • Hulk Hogan On CM Punk’s Return And Andre The Giant

    CM Punk fans aren’t the only ones who want him to return to wrestling. Hulk Hogan recently expressed his desire to see CM Punk back in the ring again. Hogan said how happy he was to be back with the WWE but said that he wished he would see CM Punk come back as well.

    CM Punk recently left the WWE and has not made any statements to the media, had any interviews or even posted on Twitter in over a month. Although CM Punk has not given a reason for leaving, many people believe it is due to the fact that for the third year in a row, he was passed over for the title match at next month’s WrestleMania.

    Hogan himself admitted that he didn’t know much about CM Punk’s decision to leave the WWE or if he planned to come back anytime soon. He said that he hoped he was only on a short vacation and would make a return soon.

    Hogan has some big plans for the WWE and recently announced that he has planned a 30-man “Over The Top Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal” for WrestleMania next month.

    Hogan and Andre feuded throughout their wrestling careers but had always been close friends. Hogan defeated Andre at WrestleMania III in 1987 in front of a crowd of 93,173 people. Hogan won the match by body slamming the 520lb giant and finishing him with a running leg drop before covering him for the pin.

    Andre the Giant, real name André René Roussimoff, died of congestive heart failure in 1993. He attended his father’s funeral the day before his death and passed away peacefully in his sleep.

    Hogan and many other professional wrestlers often recall stories of Andre’s kindness and he is considered a legend of the sport.

    What do you think of CM Punk leaving the WWE and Hulk Hogan planning a memorial match for Andre the Giant?

    Image via Wikimedia Commons

  • CM Punk Leaving WWE May Be Hoax

    Professional wrestling is full of slang terms used in “the business” to refer to specific people or turns in the story. One that fans may soon become more familiar with is “worked shoot”, which may be what CM Punk and company are pulling.

    It was quite a shock when CM Punk (born Phillip Jack Brooks) announced that he would be leaving the WWE so close to Wrestlemania, the company’s biggest events. However, almost immediately fans began to question whether or not what they had just seen was the reality of an elaborate hoax. After all, CM Punk has rallied against the WWE and the McMahon family that owns and operates it in the past, and all of the apparent anger had been scripted, written into the story to make him appear to be a rebel.

    If the move is indeed a hoax, then it would be what is known as a “worked shoot” in wrestling circles, a mere wrinkle in the storyline. While experts on the subject think that he is, in fact, angry at the company, they also seriously doubt that he will stay away from the limelight. After all, he is one of the company’s most well-known faces and sells a fair amount of merchandise. Leaving at this point, while it may satisfy a personal desire, would be bad for business on both sides.

    Wrestlemania is coming up in only three months, meaning that the storyline must move quickly if CM Punk is going to participate in the events. Although, having grown up a fan. I would put my money on a dramatic reappearance during a major bout at Wrestlemania where CM Punk rides in to save the day.

    Wrestling may not be real, but it knows how to deliver big time, over the top drama to its viewers.

    [Image via The Fumble]

  • “Rowdy” Roddy Piper Wants Hulk at WrestleMania 30

    “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, is a former WWE professional, peaking in his wrestling career in the 1980s, alongside the likes of Hulk Hogan and Mr. T, and making a name for himself in the wrestling world with his signature “Sleeper Hold.”

    Piper, 59, was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and is a wrestler famed for his temper; Roddy is nicknamed “Hot Rod,” as well as the more well-known moniker of “Rowdy Roddy,” both of which took off during his wrestling career.

    Now, Roddy Piper has rejoined WWE headlines of late, fueling a tag-team rumor that he wants to participate in one at this year’s WrestleMania 30.

    Piper apparently took to Twitter to instigate a frenzy for a showdown between two teams at the event: Piper wants to team with CM Punk for a face-off with Hulk Hogan and John Cena at the 30th annual WrestleMania this spring.

    According to sources, there has been an “internal discussion” regarding the possibility of such a match-up between the four wrestlers, but it has been stated that 60-year-old Hogan “probably couldn’t pass a physical exam” to participate in such an event.

    This would mark the second time Hogan and Piper were pitted against one another at WrestleMania; the two fought in a tag-team match (Piper and Paul Orndorff, and Hulk Hogan and Mr. T) at the first-ever WrestleMania in 1985.

    Piper may not have ever reached quite the status of Hulk Hogan or Mr. T, but he did experience a fair amount of success in his pro wrestling tenure, winning the titles of Intercontinental Champion, World Tag Team Champion, and the WCW United States Champion at various points in his career. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper also reached infamy in the wrestling world when he was awarded an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005.

    WrestleMania XXX (30) will take place at the New Orleans, Louisiana Mercedes-Benz Superdome on April 6, 2014. It will be available on pay-per-view.

    Main image courtesy Xander Hieken/Flickr via Wikimedia Commons.

  • Michelle Beadle and AJ Lee: What’s the Real Scoop?

    Michelle Beadle of Access Hollywood fame unwittingly (?) became part of an altercation with WWE’s Divas Champion AJ Lee. The scenario took place back stage prior to a Tribute to the Troops event in Pierce County, Washington. It seems Beadle spoke to CM Punk–Lee’s real life boyfriend–prior to the event, and that caused Lee to react in her rather outlandish WWE persona.

    Lee is now in trouble for reportedly “causing a scene” backstage in reaction to Michelle Beadle’s remarks. She is said to have gone off on Beadle like a crazy person.

    So what did Michelle Beadle say that is causing such a fuss? It seems she addressed her old friend, using the endearing term “f*ck face.” She explains what happened via Twitter.

    That’s certainly not the same Michelle Beadle persona Access Hollywood fans are accustomed to seeing–but she clearly had on her sports reporting hat Wednesday night. Some media reports claim the entire thing was staged. Beadle hasn’t addressed that rumor.

    Is AJ Lee in big trouble now that she went off on Michelle Beadle? Was the whole thing contrived–and if so, why?

    Has Michelle Beadle ever struck you as the kind of person to address someone as ‘F*ck face?’ Isn’t it fun to see what often lies just underneath those sweet television smiles?

    Image via Wikimedia

  • CM Punk Feuding With Chris Brown Via Twitter

    On Sunday, April 1, CM Punk will take part in quite possibly the biggest match of his professional wrestling career. He’ll be going up against Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 28 to defend his WWE Championship.

    It appears as though Punk cannot wait for a brawl, and has started taking shots, via Twitter, against R&B singer/dancer Chris Brown. Why you ask? Punk doesn’t feel that Brown has paid his debt for assaulting then-girlfriend, Rihanna. In a move, that seemingly came out of nowhere, Punk tweeted the following:

    I would like @chrisbrown fight somebody that can defend themselves. Me curb stomping that turd would be a #wrestlemania moment. 2 days ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    In response, Brown tweeted the following: (The tweet has since been removed — good move PR team)

    CM punk needs more followers. He’s such a leader! Not to mention the roids hes on has made it utterly impossible for him pleasure a women. 2 days ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    Only adding fuel to the fire, Brown also tweeted:

    Positivity regardless of how u feel! @CMpunk contact my assistant and I’ll have em send u an autographed pic for my biggest FAN!!! 2 days ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    At this point, Punk wasn’t done with Brown… not by any means. He uploaded a two minute video directed towards Brown clearing up some of the accusations that were made in earlier tweets. As Yahoo Sports reports, Punk is a straight-edge individual, as he’s never taken drugs, steroids, or even drank alcohol.

    In the video, Punk challenges Brown to a fight, with all proceeds going to a women’s shelter.

    In probably the most, “yeah, he just said that moment“, Punk says: “I will choke you out and I will make you feel as weak and as powerless and scared and alone as any woman who has the misfortune of knowing a sad cowardly little boy such as yourself.”

    Seemingly trying to blow it off, Brown tweeted:

    @cmpunk the video u just posted was cute! It’s so funny how defensive u are. 14 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    And the fact that I really don’t know who you are and could give a shit is the funny part! 14 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    I really hope this 15 minutes of fame is paying you for the long run becuz music last forever! Wrestlers come and go according to ratings! 14 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

    It’s unclear at this moment if Brown will take the offer presented in the video. According to Punk, it probably won’t since Brown “isn’t a man“.

    What do you think of this Twitter feud? Do you feel it’s heartfelt, and Punk just wants redemption for Brown’s domestic abusing ways… or is it simply a publicity stunt? Let us know in the comments.