
Tag: Chinese robots

  • The Next iPhone May Be Made By Robots

    The Next iPhone May Be Made By Robots

    Human workers are awful. All they do is write scathing undercover reports on working conditions and instigate riots at the factory. What’s a company like Foxconn to do?

    A report from the 21st Century Business Herald says that Foxconn may be ramping up its process of replacing human workers with robots. The company reportedly had 10,000 robots last year and is hoping to have 300,000 robots working in its factories this year. All of this is leading to the company’s ultimate plan to have 1 million robots working by 2014.

    The process of replacing human workers with robots is reportedly taking longer than expected though. The company hasn’t yet reached the 300,000 mark this year, and the report says that they’ve only been able to reach one-tenth of that amount so far. The robots that have been introduced to the assembly line are being used for simple processes in iPhone and iPad production. More complicated jobs still require the dexterity of human hands.

    The switch to robot labor has come at a time when Foxconn has been forced to start paying its workers more. Due to FLA audits and riots, Foxconn has agreed to raise the wages of its human workers. With robot workers, Foxconn would not only save money on wages, as the company could save even more money on not having to pay for food, housing or other amenities.

    It’s tough to say if Foxconn will be able to replace 1 million workers with robots in two years. It’s unlikely, but it could have a devastating effect on the economy if it comes to pass. Foxconn already employs a little over a million workers in mainland China. Many people are actually moving away from the country to the cities to work at these factories. Replacing them could increase the number of poor and homeless in China’s urban centers.

    Besides, Foxconn is missing the major point here. What if the robots start a riot? Tear gas and nightsticks won’t work on them. They might even enlist their noodle slicing brethren to start stabbing everything in sight.

    [h/t: The Next Web]

  • China Invents Robot Chefs To Replace Lazy Kids

    People will take any job they can get in this economy. Pride is no longer an issue as people young and old take up working at restaurants to pay the bills. It appears that the youth in China have much more flexibility and can still refuse to work at restaurants. That’s a problem for China’s restaurants who rely on the cheap labor to slice noodles. Their solution? Robot slave labor.

    Restaurants around China are now buying these noodle slicing robots to replace the noodle slicing worker in the kitchen. One restaurant says that the robot is far superior to any human help that he’s received and much cheaper. He said that a human worker would cost him the yuan equivalent of $4,000 USD in wages for a year. The robot was just a one time purchase of $1,500.

    It seems that customers also like the robot. There seems to be no difference in taste or texture from the robot cook. I guess people also like the novelty of a robot preparing their food for them. I will admit that it does have a certain charm. Check it out for yourself:

    It’s pretty cool that China now has robot cooks. The only problem is that these robot noodle slicers look too harmless. Can we really trust them with a sharp object? Will they turn the noodle knife on us? I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I want to end up as some robot’s entree at a Chinese restaurant.