
Tag: chili challenge

  • Cinnamon Challenge? Take the Chili Challenge! [Video]

    Enough with the Cinnamon Challenge. I mean, it’s alright for getting girls to totally lose their composure at parties, but where’s the modern-day equivalent for men?

    In days of yore, manhood was proven through feats of strength – carrying boulders, tearing phone books, tossing dwarves. Nowadays we’re left with amazing feats of stupidity performed before web cams.

    But, if you’re gonna go the self-abuse through food route, don’t go with something sugar-and-spice. Be a man.

    Now, why would a fool do something like this? The clue is in his sign-off at the end. Despite being in tremendous pain and discomfort, he still manages to stammer out his Twitter and YouTube handles, followed by the plea, “Subscribe to me, cuz I’m risking my life for laughs!”