
Tag: cats

  • SXSW: Play iPad Games With Your Cat

    There are a host of multiplayer games for the iPad that has players going up against an opponent on the same screen. These games can get pretty competitive, but I bet they can’t hold a candle to the most crafty opponent of them all – the common house cat.

    Friskies was at SXSW to show off You vs. Cat which has a human competing against a cat in a sort of air hockey style game on the iPad. The latest game is just one in a long line of games on the iPad and Android tablets targeted at our feline friends. The difference in You vs. Cat is that this is the first game that has a human competing against the cat.

    The previous games in the series: Party Mix-Up, Tasty Treasures Hunt and Cat Fishing, are solo affairs that have cats trying to bat away various on screen treats and fish. You can check out a video of these games below. They are all available for free alongside the newer games at the Games for Cats Web site.

    You vs. Cat will be available later this week. Remind me to download it so I can challenge my housemates’s cats to a few rounds. Their intellect outsmarts me every day as I try to keep them out of my room, but this way I can challenge them on an equal playing field – video games.

    As an aside, if you were concerned over the durability of the iPad’s screen, the Games for Cats Web site says that the iPad screen takes no damage from their cats’ claws. You may want to clip your cats’ claws as a precaution if they are really sharp though.

    [Source: ABC News]

  • This Cat-Brushing Robot Won’t Make You Fear The Robot Apocalypse

    Guys, they’ve done it. Somebody has created a robot that I don’t want to smash with a bat. The only thing this cute little guy has the chance to enslave is the cat he’s been trained to brush.

    Let’s back up a bit. The robot hasn’t really been trained – it’s actually controlled by a human. Oh, that’s cooler? Yeah, you’re right.

    Developer Taylor Veltrop spent the better part of 2011 constructing this little gem – a system that allows him to get in the mind of a two-foot tall NAO robot, and use that control to thoroughly satisfy or seriously annoy (honestly, who can tell with cats?) his feline companion.

    Veltrop hacked a Kinect and uses two Wii remotes to control the bot’s arms. He then uses a treadmill in correlation with the Kinect to control the bot’s movement. A head mounted display allows him to control the bot’s head as well as see through its eyes.

    The result is this: an amazingly elaborate scheme to brush your cat. Enjoy:

    And oh look! There are plans for more:

    After doing this exercise, it became apparent that the next feature to add is hearing and speaking through the robot. Luckily both the NAO and my HMD have microphones and speakers so this shouldn’t be too difficult.

    You can debate whether or not this project deserved a year of someone’s life. Hey, maybe this invention will allow people with extreme cat allergies to interact with kitties via robotic surrogate? Who knows. But one thing you can’t argue is that it’s nice to see a robot given a task that doesn’t threaten human life as we know it.

    [Hat Tip to Engadget]

  • iPad Games for Cats Courtesy of Friskies

    We have known for quite some time now that cats love iPads. If you put an iPad on the floor, every cat will paw at any moving object on the screen, resulting is a combination of cuteness, hilarity and concern for the screen. I’m assuming that all the cats in all the cat-iPad videos are sans claws.

    Now kittehs’ love for tablets is being used in a marketing campaign.

    Purina cat food brand Friskies has just launched three different iPad games specifically designed for cats. The three games are titled “Cat Fishing,” “Tasty Treasure Hunt,” and “Party Mix-up” and all involve quickly moving objects that cats must catch with their paws.

    The three games are available on both the iPad an Android OS tablets and were created using HTML5/CSS3. From Friskies:

    Friskies® is excited to feed your cats’ senses with three new games made just for cats. The colors, movement, and game-play have been researched and tested for maximum feline fun.

    Friskies has been working on their social media/internet presence for a while now. In 2009 they debuted the “Scratchington Post” as an outlet for their “repurrters” to post cat advice and videos. They also launched their own YouTube Channel in 2010. They are also fairly active on their Facebook page, posting funny cat videos, latest commercials and links to blog posts with tips for your feline like “Getting enough water, warm weather tips.”

    This is not the only pet food company in recent memory to use technology to create buzz. In March, German pet food company GranataPet utilized Foursquare to create social media presence.

    They company set up billboards across countries where their product is sold that would dispense free dog food when the owner checked into the location on Foursquare.

    Okay, enough talk, here’s the video you know you want – cats playing with iPads.