
Tag: casey anthony sued

  • Casey Anthony Reaches Settlement with Texas EquuSearch

    Casey Anthony reached a settlement with search and rescue organization, Texas EquuSearch last Friday. The organization said it spent over $100, 000 in an attempt to find her missing daughter.

    Anthony is the Florida mother acquitted in 2011 of the murder of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie. The nationally televised court trial leading up to her acquittal, engrossed Americans for nearly three years. Anthony lied to investigators in 2008 when she told them that Caylee was kidnapped, when, in fact, Caylee had drowned at home in the family pool. Though Anthony was set free, jurors found her guilty of a lesser charge of giving false information to law enforcement.

    File:CMA Memorial (1 of 1).jpg

    Caylee’s body was found six months after her death. She was duct-taped and discarded in a wooded area near by her mother’s home.

    When Caylee went missing in 2008, Texas EquuSearch put together a huge rescue operation to find her. They claimed to have spent about $100, 000 in the search, which resulted in their using up much of their financial resources. All the while, Anthony, knew the truth.

    On Monday Marc Wites, Texas EquuSearch lawyer, said his client decided not to go to trial with the case. Instead, Anthony reached a settlement allowing Texas EquuSearch to be named as a creditor to an unsecured sum of $75,000. The 26-year-old Anthony, has declared bankruptcy, claiming to have nearly $800, 000 in debt while only having about $1000 in assets.

    Anthony’s most valuable asset right now may be the rights to her life story. Bankruptcy trustee Stephen Meininger, wanted to secure some of her potential earnings for Anthony’s creditors but, her lawyers retaliated, saying that such measures were a violation of her constitutional rights.

    “Texas EquuSearch’s mission and purpose is to help families and individuals to find their missing loved ones,” said Wites. “That’s the reason they helped the Anthony family in the first place. While they were searching for Caylee, they got calls from other families for help and had to turn them away.” 

    Wites believes that due to Anthony declaring bankruptcy, it is unlikely that his client will receive any money.

    Anthony’s court problems are not over. She still has to deal with a defamation of character lawsuit by a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez. Gonzales was the woman who happened to find Caylee’s body while working as a meter reader. Anthony mislead law enforcement when she pretended that a woman who matched Gonzalez’s description kidnapped her daughter.

    What do you think about Casey Anthony’s situation?

    Was she just a young mother that made a terrible mistake and deserves a break?

    Or does she deserve the problems she continues to face?

    Images via Wikimedia Commons

  • Casey Anthony Comes Out Of Hiding

    Casey Anthony’s name and face have become synonymous with tragedy, outrage, and one of the most infamous trials of our generation. Since she was acquitted of the murder of her daughter Caylee’s murder, Casey has been in hiding somewhere in Florida and has only appeared every so often in homemade videos, which she posts herself online.

    Anthony allegedly came out in public recently, however, and the news is sensational to those who have followed her story. As one of the most famous faces of our time, it’s been presumed she would have a hard time leaving the confines of her home without drawing massive attention to herself. But someone appears to have spotted her at a restaurant in Lake Worth, Florida, and snapped a picture of her as she dined with two male companions.

    The 26-year old has had to keep a low profile because of the extreme backlash that occurred when she was acquitted; many believed, and still believe, that she either killed her young daughter or helped cover it up. She’s also been in hiding since two lawsuits were filed against her: one by a woman who was named during Casey’s testimony as a negligent babysitter but turned out not to have any ties with the Anthony family at all, and one by a woman who said she was bullied and threatened by Casey and feared for her life. That suit was ultimately thrown out by the judge.

    While the photo is blurry and isn’t definitive, the media have jumped all over it and are wondering–if it is indeed her–when she’ll make her next move out in public.


    Image: SplashNews

  • Casey Anthony Sued For $3 Billion, Nancy Grace Involved

    Casey Anthony, who made international headlines when she was accused and then acquitted of the murder of her two-year old daughter, Caylee, is now being sued by a woman who says Anthony caused her emotional and mental distress and threatened to kill her.

    Naomi Riches claims that between 2009 and 2011, Anthony called her at her home and threatened her life, telling her that people were watching her and had poisoned her drinking water. RadarOnline has published some of the alleged claims from the suit, which Riches hopes will net her $3 billion.

    “Casey Anthony is an Illuminati actress who has used the summers 2009-2011 to mock and harass my current circumstances,” the lawsuit reads. “Casey Anthony and Nancy Grace are working in cahoots with one another to fill the media with propaganda so that American Citizens believe there is Justice in this country… Casey Anthony called my house August 2011 and told me that my life was being exploited and that I was a hated nation wife, she told me she would come to my house in Fort Collins, Colorado and kill me just as they did Peggy Hettrick in 1987. She let me know that my left eye would be stabbed out as a part of the Illuminati symbolism. She told me that the government was going to find a way to tap into my water pipes and poison my water supply. I was terrified to shower and drink water for months. I had to spend $600.00 on bottled water….She (Casey Anthony) told me that there were cameras lodged in the back of my eyes and that my life is a reality show for the Elite. Because of her, I suffer from severe psychological damage. For months I couldn’t use the bathroom to go number 1 or 2 without thinking there was some sick wealthy pervert watching me through cameras Casey Anthony claimed were lodged in the back of my eyes.”

    It’s been reported that Judge David Baker has dismissed the case–as well as a temporary restraining order–on the grounds that the allegations against Anthony are “fantastic” and don’t meet the plausibility standard. However, this isn’t the first time Anthony has been sued; a defamation lawsuit was brought against her by Zenaida Gonzalez in May after Anthony testified that a woman by that name had been babysitting Caylee and had kidnapped her. In reality, the women had never met.

    More on Casey Anthony here.