
Tag: Carole Radziwill

  • Carole Radziwill Says Reality Show Drama Is Actually Slander

    Carole Radziwill is a successful author and journalist with a 20-year career under her belt, but in the world of reality shows, that doesn’t always mean as much as it should. And according to Radziwill, who is one of the stars of “The Real Housewives of New York”, when fellow castmate Aviva Drescher accused her of hiring a ghostwriter for her latest book it was more than just the usual drama that comes with being on a television show.

    “Let’s just say what Aviva calls ‘silly show drama’ or whatever—however she characterizes it—the entire legal community calls slander,” Carole said. “So no, I wasn’t happy to see that on television. But I was very weary of Aviva going into this season and it was not an unpopular feeling among the group. Let me be clear, let me break it down. Aviva is on a reality show, she got a book deal and she hired a ghostwriter. It’s not that complicated. I do not use a ghostwriter. I never have. I think it’s clear in the show that she has little understanding of publishing and very clear that she has little respect for single, working women. She doesn’t know the difference between a writer, an editor and a ghostwriter…She has very little understanding and rightly so, it’s not her profession. I don’t know why she went on the show claiming to suddenly be a writer. Still, to this day, I don’t understand that. I don’t know what her problem was with me.”

    The two women had lunch in a scene filmed for the show, during which Drescher brought up Radziwill’s memoir What Remains, which is a best-seller. Drescher began the conversation with questions about the writing process, since she had just finished her own memoir Leggy Blonde, but ended up accusing Radziwill of having help.

    “She was very insulting at lunch and very demeaning of my work and sort of generally acting really strange. I still, to this day, don’t see what I said that would trigger her to make up these lies and go behind my back,” Carole said. “She lied when she told me she didn’t hire a writer. When she said that in the scene I was a little taken aback because I thought she was going to bring that process, whatever it is, on camera and promote her book.”

    Radziwill hasn’t actually mentioned taking legal action against Drescher, but the two women did get into an altercation on the show after the initial confrontation.

    “I’m trying to get away from her going down the stairs and I touch her chin…She says ‘Don’t touch me.’ I just want to be clear. As for touching her chin, do I regret it? No. She was verbally assaulting me, she was making very disparaging remarks about my family, and she was screaming that I had abandoned her and her children. It was crazy and kind of much like you would do to a toddler who’s having a temper tantrum, to get their attention, that’s what I did.”

    Image via YouTube

  • Carole Radziwill Defends Herself on RHONY

    Carole Radziwill Defends Herself on RHONY

    It was the bitch slap heard ‘round the world, or at least ‘round the Bravo circuit, Tuesday night on The Real Housewives of New York City, when Aviva Drescher accused Carole Radziwill of using a ghostwriter for her memoir What Remains.

    The two housewives were out to lunch when Drescher, who had just finished writing her own memoir Leggy Blonde, intended to pick Radziwill’s brain about the writing process, but instead hinted around that she thought Radziwill had used a ghostwriter to help write her best-selling book.

    This may not seem like a big deal at first glance, but Radziwill is a writing veteran. She’s been a professional journalist for 20 years, and has penned two successful books. Needless to say, Radziwill was a bit offended.

    “Suddenly, I was having to defend my 20-year writing career,” Radziwill told Heather Thomson and Kristen Taekman in the episode. “She asked me if I hired a ghostwriter. Who asks that? Did she just question my credibility and career? It’s the worst thing you could say to a writer.”

    And Drescher didn’t stop the bad-mouthing at lunch; she went on to tell other housewives of the alleged ghostwriting cover up.

    “She’s written one book,” Drescher said to cast mate Ramona Singer. “I felt one-upped and put down. She had this attitude that ‘I’m the writer.’ Carole shopped her novel at my publishing house, and they passed. They said it needed to be completely overhauled. I heard her first book had a ghostwriter.”

    Clever Carole, however, in her blog entitled “This Blog Was Ghostwritten by Stephen King,” stated what she believed to be the real reason for the accusations.

    “Aviva was looking for a way to promote her book on the show, I get that,” she wrote. “She knew that by engaging me in a drama about writing she’d get a lot of attention, which she did. There is nothing that Bravo likes more than a housewife talking about another housewife behind her back, again and again and again. So if I helped Aviva sell some books, that’s great. It’s not how I would have done it. But I’m sure my Thank You note’s in the mail.”

    The housewives themselves went to Twitter to discuss the matter:

    Tune in to next week’s episode to see how the “Bookgate” scandal plays out.

    Image via YouTube