
Tag: Calculators

  • Google Just Got A Lot Better At Math

    Google Just Got A Lot Better At Math

    If you ever use Google to solve math problems, you may start using it even more now. If you didn’t use Google to solve math problems, you may want to consider starting. Google has launched a new scientific calculator feature, which appears when you enter such a problem in the search box.

    As you can see from the image above, Google will display this entire calculator interface, enabling users to conduct additional calculations right from the results page. It’s pretty cool. It also works beautifully from mobile devices.

    We tried it on Android and iPhone. If you you’re holding your phone vertically, a smaller calculator appears, but if you hold it horizontally, the full scientific calculator takes over the screen.

    Google’s Matt Cutts notes that the feature is currently available at Google.com only because they want to make sure it works before rolling it out globally.


    More discussion in our forum.

  • Minecraft Graphing Calculator Takes Time, Blows Minds

    Minecraft players have used the platform to recreate Hyrule, map out King’s Landing from Game of Thrones, and build in-game Rube Goldberg devices to explain updates. All of these things fly way over my head in terms of not only logistics, but creativity and patience as well.

    The newest use of Minecraft to grace the interwebs is so beyond me that it actually makes my head hurt. Some creative, patient soul has created a functioning scientific/graphing calculator in Minecraft.

    YouTube users SgtGodswordBerserker is the brain behind the operation.

    Specs: 6 digit addition and subtraction, 3 digit multiplication, division and trigonometric/scientific functions. (The reason these are only 3 digits is because multiplication and division would take a long time to decode/complete/encode. Also, the fraction display is hard enough to build for 3 digits, let alone 6 – 6 digit RAM would not only be massive, but a bit pointless since the curves follow the same pattern surrounding the peaks.). Graphing y=mx+c functions, quadratic functions, and equation solving of the form mx+c=0.

    Check it out:

    Most YouTubers and redditors are pretty impressed – to say the least. The top YouTube comments, however, says “I watched it in 1080p but it still looks really blocky.” Don’t want the guy to get too proud of his accomplishment.

    All I can think about is time. Just how long this took the guy to complete. You can say that people fritter and waste their hours on the interwebs, but don’t you dare say that some of the denizens of the internet are anything less than brilliant.

    [via reddit]