
Tag: BumpTop

  • Google Picks Up 3D Desktop Maker BumpTop

    Google Picks Up 3D Desktop Maker BumpTop

    Google’s acquisition spree continues with its latest pickup – BumpTop, makers of the BumpTop desktop environment, which is designed to bring a more 3D and "visceral" user interface to the operating system. The product has been available for Windows and Mac, but Android is the likely destination for its technology in Google’s hands.

    Google has remained tight-lipped about what it actually plans to do with BumpTop, but as with some of the company’s other recent acquisitions, competition with Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices is likely the driving motivation behind the purchase, and Android is Google’s most significant weapon in that battle.

    Android is expected to make a big splash at Google I/O (the company’s developer conference) later this month, with Android-based TVs expected to be revealed. Given the new trend of 3D television, BumpTop could play an interesting role here.

    Financial details about the acquisition have not been revealed. Other recent acquisitions by Google include Agnilux, DocVerse, Plink, Episodic, and Aardvark.

    While not all of these are directly related to Apple competition, some of them clearly are. Apple has been on its own acquisition spree as well. Most recently, the company picked up Siri and Intrinsity.

    (Hat TIp to VentureBeat)