
Tag: Build 2022

  • Microsoft Build 2022 Scheduled to Begin May 24, Online-Only

    Microsoft Build 2022 Scheduled to Begin May 24, Online-Only

    Microsoft has announced dates for its Build 2022 conference, which is slated for May 24-26 as an online-only event.

    Microsoft Build is one of the company’s premier developer events, providing an opportunity for the company to showcase technologies developers can use in their products and services. As a result of the pandemic, Microsoft took the event online, and the 2022 edition of the conference will continue that trend.

    Microsoft is inviting developers to “come together with peers and experts May 24–26, 2022, for an engaging experience around the latest in innovation and tools that will help you stay informed.” The company is also teasing “market-specific content and connection opportunities for France, Germany, Japan, Latin America, and the UK.”

    Interested parties can register to attend virtually in late April, and the event will be free-of-charge.