
Tag: Booyah

  • Booyah Utilizes Facebook Places for Standalone App

    Booyah, makers of the check-in app/game MyTown, have unveiled a new game today, and it is is the first standalone app to utilize the recently launched Facebook Places API.

    "In addition to being the first app built exclusively for Facebook Places, it is the only app that accesses Facebook Search," says Booyah.

    "In InCrowd, players create their own customizable avatar, socialize, meet new friends and track popularity when they check-in to their favorite real-life places using their iPhone or iPod touch," the company explains. "InCrowd players gain popularity when others respond using a series of in-game actions, such as hi fives, fist bumps, winks, or posting about a venue. Players can also utilize the always popular Dropkick to take popularity away from a chosen individual. The more a player socializes with others, the more in-game points are rewarded to them for use in upgrading and personalizing their virtual avatar."

    Booyah InCrowd App

    The company also points out that it has spent a lot of time working on privacy features. There is an invisible function in the game that lets users hide their locations and check-ins if they wish to do so.

    The InCrowd app is free and available in Apple’s App Store.

    Booyah recently launched product check-ins as a feature of its MyTown game, which gives businesses new product marketing opportunities.

  • Booyah Getting 350,000 Check-Ins a Week for Products in MyTown

    Back in July, Booyah launched Check-Ins for products in the popular MyTown check-in-based game. The company announced today that it has seen, on average, over 350,000 Product Check-ins a week.

    The feature has also attracted the attention of Pantene and H&M, which are offering exclusive items to players of the game.

    "For those of you unfamiliar with this feature, the Product Check-in allows players to directly interact with products in a fun and rewarding manner," Booyah explains. "Players simply scan the bar code of their favorite Pantene or H&M items using the built in iPhone camera (or input the numbers if using an iPod/iPad) to unlock branded items packed with points and virtual cash! Check it out by scanning H&M’s Denim Day merchandise and Pantene’s new line of hair products!"

    MyTown Products Getting Love From Brands

    "It’s a holy grail for marketers and brands to have their target audience actually hold their products in their hands," said Booyah CEO Keith Lee, upon the feature’s launch. "It’s as close as you will get before point of sale. Not to mention that a consumer’s product check-in history is invaluable data."

    Earlier this month, Booyah announced it was taking MyTown international, launching in Canada, the UK, and Australia.

  • Booyah Taps Google Maps API, Places to Take MyTown International

    Booyah announced today that it is taking MyTown international.

     The company has launched support for MyTown (for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad) across Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The company says this makes MyTown the first to support global check-ins utilizing the recently launched Places Web Service via the Google Maps API.

    MyTown from Booyah - Now with Product Check-in feature "Booyah is the premier mobile and social gaming company on top of the exploding location graph," said Booyah CEO Keith Lee. "Our launches in the UK, Australia and Canada are just the beginning of bringing real world gaming to players across the globe."

    Places returns the 20 most popular places near a given location. MyTown has over 2.8 million users, according to the company.

    Last week, Booyah launched check-ins for products in MyTown, which lets users use their iPhone camera to scan barcodes of products to unlock points and earn virtual goods, and "creating a game out of real life items." Lee called this "a holy grail for marketers."

  • Booyah Launches Check-Ins for Products in MyTown

    Booyah, one of the companies gaining buzz in the check-in service space, has announced a new product check-in feature for its MyTown game/service.

    MyTown from Booyah - Now with Product Check-in featureWith the feature, users can use their iPhone camera to scan barcodes of products to unlock points and earn virtual goods, as the company puts it, "creating a game out of real life items."

    "We first made the location check-in fun," says Booyah CEO Keith Lee. "Now we’re making products fun. It adds a whole new layer on top of the MyTown experience."

    "It’s a holy grail for marketers and brands to have their target audience actually hold their products in their hands," adds Lee. "It’s as close as you will get before point of sale. Not to mention that a consumer’s product check-in history is invaluable data."

    This could make the whole check-in trend all the more appealing to businesses looking to sell their products. MyTown already boasts over two and a half million active users.

    MyTown lets users "buy and own" their favorite real-life locations, and collect rent when other people check-in to their shops.