
Tag: bloopers reel

  • Star Wars “A New Hope” Bloopers Reel Goes Viral

    The George Lucas masterpiece Star Wars is one of the most epic science fiction sagas of our time. For the film series to be this excellent, a lot of hard work was put in by the film’s actors and actresses; however, we are all human and tend to make mistakes from time to time (especially during rehearsals). Did you not think that a film of this caliber would have bloopers of your favorite characters fumbling on their iconic phrases? With this in mind, a reel of Star Wars bloopers has gone public.

    Earlier this year at the San Diego Comic Con in California, attendees were shown the epic blooper footage. Now, this footage has been released on YouTube for all to see. According to Entertainment Weekly, the various scenes in the reel were discovered and selected by J.W. Rinzler, Lucasfilm’s book division Author and Editor. Rinzler discovered the blooper footage while compiling older footage for another project that he was working on.

    Rinzler also tweeted the announcement of the rare blooper footage on his Twitter account:

    Unfortunately, the first few minutes of the clip do not include sound; however, I’m sure the various Star Wars-obsessed viewers out there can envision the sounds in their heads of what actually would be happening (e.g. Luke’s landspeeder breaking down and the idle chatter among the two aliens in the Mos Eisley Cantina scene). I am sure that viewers will also be mouthing out the lines of their favorite Star Wars characters as they stumble over them.

    The Star Wars bloopers that have not been seen until now come from “A New Hope.” According to Time Magazine, an eBay user spent $699 on a LaserDisc that contains rare demo clips from “Return Of The Jedi,” the final installment of the Star Wars sci-fi saga. The user also set up a dedicated Facebook page for mini-clips of the ROTJ footage.

    [Image source: YouTube (2:12)]

  • Star Wars: New Bloopers Reel Surfaces [VIDEO]

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…a Star Wars blooper reel surfaced. Okay, so it wasn’t that long ago as the blooper footage first surfaced this past July and it just became widely available Sunday, but it’s hard not to use the Star Wars opening text when the opportunity presents itself.

    Watch the Star Wars blooper reel below. The first 49 seconds are silent, by the way, so don’t think anything is wrong with your speakers.

    It’s not often that you see someone smiling around Darth Vader, but Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) couldn’t help but crack up after Governor Tarkin (Peter Cushing) messed up a line. This is just one scene from a couple minutes worth of never-before-seen footage from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The blooper reel surfaced just days after it was announced that The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi writer Lawrence Kasdan is teaming up with JJ Abrams to work on Star Wars Episode VII.

    According to Slate, the blooper reel first surfaced back in July at Comic Con. It was discovered by author J.W. Rinzler while he was researching the archives.

    The video was uploaded to YouTube this past weekend by user Neil Bowyer. So far, the Star Wars blooper reel has amassed more than 1.5 million views and thousands of likes. It’s hard to say just how long this video will be available, since it’s possible it could get taken down due to a copyright infringement, so watch and share it while you can.

    Judging from the comments on YouTube and Twitter, it’s safe to say that Star Wars fans are really geeking out over the new footage–many people were especially amused with the stormtroopers.

    [Image via YouTube]